V Rising's full release came with a forced progress reset, which means that players are exploring the world of Vardoran all over again. Luckily, this time there are many new things to unlock, such as new plants, bosses, and gear. Among the new plants in the game is Plague Brier, a spiky yellow flower players will need to make potions of rage and potions of silver resistance. However, players won't find it in any of the usual flower spots.

This, combined with the game's lack of hand holding, has led many to turn to online guides like this one. Where can you get Plague Brier? What else is it used for? Can Plague Brier be grown? Keep reading to find out.

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The bat form grants players more navigational freedom in V Rising, and provides a top-down view of the region.

Where To Find Plague Brier

Plague Brier is a plant that naturally spawns in the Gloomrot South (added in the Secrets of Gloomrot Update) and Silverlight Hills regions. The area around Rustlock Village and the Gloomrot South Teleporter have several confirmed spawn locations. However, it is expected that Plague Brier will behave similarly to other plants in the game, spawning randomly all throughout the relevant regions.

Once in the right area, it should be fairly straightforward to locate Plague Brier Spawns, as they have characteristic bright yellow flowers. In Gloomrot South especially, this bright color stands out.

Where To Find Plague Brier Seeds

In addition to finding the plant in the wild, you can cultivate it with seeds at your base. You can buy seeds from the City Herb and Potions Vendor for 80 Goldsun Coins, or get them on random drop from enemies in Gloomrot South. It is also possible that they drop from Treants like other seeds will, although this is unconfirmed.

How to Get Wool Thread in V Rising

If you want to improve your equipment in V Rising, you should learn how to get Wool Thread. Here's all you need to know.

How To Use Plague Brier

the sprite for Plague Brier surrounded by four things you can craft with it

Plague Brier, once obtained, is a very useful alchemical reagent and crafting material. Players can use it to:

  • Craft Pollen at the Grinder
  • Craft Irradiant Gruel
  • Craft Potions of Rage
  • Craft Potions of Silver Resistance
  • Summon Banshees at the Tomb
  • Summon Mosquitos at the Vermin Nest

The use of Plague Brier in potions of Silver Resistance is its most important application. Players should use these potions to mine Silver Ore Veins in the Silverlight Hills, as carrying silver harms the player despite being necessary for progression. Silver Ore is used to make Dark Silver Ingots, which allow players to craft Darksteel Tier Weapons, and later Sanguine Weapons.