For a long time, fans of long-range builds in V Rising had to be content with only Crossbows and Pistols, but after Update 1.0, Longbow appeared in the game. The primary attack of this powerful weapon is capable of flying through an enemy and hitting two targets at once. But more importantly, a hit allows the user to accumulate stacks of Focus, which activate the unique Multishot and Guided Arrow skills.

The abilities of this weapon are effective both against a crowd and against a single target, and the good news is that Longbow in V Rising is relatively easy to obtain, as all you need to do is defeat one of the weak field bosses. But first, you should find this enemy and reach at least its level so as not to die.

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Where To Find Longbow in V Rising

Longbow in V Rising

The only way to get Longbow in V Rising is to defeat a level 30 field boss called Lidia the Chaos Archer. By killing this enemy, you will receive several valuable rewards, including the coveted bow, the Leather Bag recipe, Unsullied Heart, and other items. But even though this is one of the weaker bosses, you should not take this battle lightly because the difficulty begins in finding this enemy.

To find Lidia the Chaos Archer, you must go to Farbane Woods and search the roads of Vardoran. But this will take a lot of time, since this boss does not stand still. Lidia often wanders throughout much of the forest, particularly the roads south of Forgotten Cemetery. After waiting for some time in this place, you might get lucky and see the boss walking slowly down the road. However, you can also track her by blood emanating by using the Blood Altar.

V Rising: How To Respec

Due to the revamped progression system in V Rising, players will want to know how to reset their spell schools if they want to experiment with builds.

When you meet Lydia Chaos Archer, you should immediately accept that the difficulty of the fight is different for melee and ranged players. However, regardless of your build, a wise decision would be to clear the area of ​​any other enemies so that they do not distract you from the battle. After that, here's what you need to know to defeat Lidia:

  • Beware of Chaos Orbs. Using this skill, Lidia shoots fire projectiles around her in a wide radius. The projectiles set the ground on fire, and a direct hit will cause massive damage, but fortunately, they are relatively slow. Try to keep your distance during this attack and lure the boss out of the burning area to deal damage without the danger of being set on fire.
  • The second dangerous ability of the boss is Chaos Arrows. As in the previous case, you should keep your distance and constantly move. A barrage of arrows flies faster than Chaos Orbs but follows a narrower cone-shaped trajectory, so it's not difficult to dodge.
  • If you use ranged attacks, attack the boss at any stage of the battle. If you use a melee build, wait until Lidia casts invisibility. She retreats or tries to get around you by using this skill, but she can still be seen by a slight trace of space curvature. It is almost invisible, but this is the safest moment to attack her close.

V Rising: Lidia the Chaos Archer Boss Fight

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V Rising

May 17, 2022
Stunlock Studios
Stunlock Studios
MMORPG , Survival