The V Rising world has players taking the role of vampires who engage in intense battles with fearsome foes. But that's not all that the game is about; the major portion of the game relies on exploration, followed by a collection of useful resources. Most of these resources are crafting materials that contribute to making certain weapons and building castles in V Rising.

Whetstone is a vital blacksmithing material necessary for building bases and roof slabs in V Rising. Since players are vampires in V Rising, this protects them from sunlight and helps them survive. There are two ways to source Whetstone; stealing it from bandits or crafting it at the Castle Heart. This guide shares detailed instructions on how to get Whetstone in V Rising. Keep reading on.

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How to Get Whetstone in V Rising

farbane woods v rising

Obtaining a valuable item like Whetstone does require some grinding, but it is definitely worth it. Players need to farm at least four whetstones to make the grinder. The latter is a crucial component for making stone bricks and, thus, the castle.

Looting Bandit Camps

Bandit camps are regarded as the best locations for Whetstones in V Rising. Players can find many camps in Farbane Woods, but only a few contain Whetstone. Bandit camps are represented as big yellow circles on the map. The entry to the camps is guarded by the bandits, so players may have to fight them off.

Of all the bandit camps having Whetstone hidden inside, the Bandit Armory is the one with the highest amount of crafting items. It is worth noting that the level of guarding bandits in this camp is also high, so players must come prepared with decent gear to fight them off.

Crafting Whetstone

grayson the armourer boss v rising

The second method of getting Whetstone in V Rising is crafting it in the Furnace, but that comes with a prerequisite. Players must have defeated Grayson the Armourer, a level 27 boss, before starting the crafting procedure. Once players defeat the boss, they will be able to unlock the recipe. The required materials to craft one Whetstone are:

  • Copper Ingot x 1
  • Stone Dust x 12.

Stone dust comes as a byproduct while making stone bricks in a grinder. Players can also get their hands on the stone dust when they are on their way to the Bandit Armory. As far as Copper Ingot is concerned, it can be prepared by smelting 20 copper ores in the Furnace. Copper ores are fairly easy to acquire, and players can obtain them pretty early in the game. That's it; craft a stockpile of whetstones and use them later for multiple purposes.

V Rising is available on PC.