V Rising comes with a basic character creator that lets everyone make the vampire of their dreams. It's not as extensive as some other RPGs, but it's there for players who may still want to mold their characters' looks to perfection.

After you wake up in the world of V Rising, your vampire's appearance will be locked until you make enough progress through the game's tutorial (which doubles as a main questline). If you're itching to change how you look in-game, here's what you need to do.

V Rising: How To Get The Whip

Whips are great for maintaining mid-ranged dominance in V Rising, and it's something every vampire should have in their arsenal.

How To Change Appearance in V Rising

The character customization screen in V Rising

In order to customize your character's body again, you'll need to craft a Mirror. You can unlock the crafting recipe for this just by following the completing the "First Book In The Library" quest step early on, which is something all beginner V Rising players will have to do. Mirrors are made using 8 Planks by default, and you can find them under Dominance in the Production tab of the Build menu.

To change your appearance, simply interact with the mirror. This opens up the same character creation screen you saw just before entering a world. Here, you can change your vampire's body, face, hairstyle, accessories, and the colors of all of them (where applicable). The only thing you can't change here is your character's name — to change your name, you'll need to make a new character.

As of writing, there's no known way to delete a character from a server, but such a feature could be added in a future update.

Clothing customization window in V Rising

If you want to change the color of your clothes, open the Equipment menu, then click on any of your clothing slots. This will open up a new sub-window showing all the colors you can equip on your clothes. You don't need a mirror to do this, and you can dye your clothes anytime you'd like for free.

There are a number of cosmetic items in the game, ranging from hats to full-blown outfits. This includes premium content, such as a collaboration between V Rising and Castlevania that added a new costume for players to don. Using such cosmetics is as easy as equipping them from your inventory, provided you craft them first. Be sure to equip them on the Cosmetic slot, which you can also find by clicking on the clothing slots.

Some cosmetics can be obtained as rewards from V Blood bosses. Others, such as hats, can be bought from vendors all around the map.

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V Rising

May 17, 2022
Stunlock Studios
MMORPG , Survival