
  • Blood quality dictates buffs and playstyle in V Rising - be selective about whose blood you drink for optimal benefits and stats.
  • Mutant blood type offers PvE resistance and chances to convert victims - great for clearing hordes of enemies in Mortius.
  • Scholar blood turns players into spellcasting machines, with increased power and cooldown reduction - a must for magic-focused builds.

V Rising has a lot of content to explore, and the world of Vardoran awaits all hungry Vampires in their race to the top of the food chain. The good news about being a vampire in a survival game is that food and water are streamlined into just blood. Besides the powerful V Bloods, players also need to maintain a constant supply of this precious liquid to receive buffs for their various vampire powers and be able to heal themselves after battle. Luckily for players in V Rising, there are a lot of possible builds, and for each of those, there are several Blood Types to choose from.

V Rising: How To Upgrade Castle Heart

Upgrading the Castle Heart in V Rising allows for a more relaxed gameplay while also benefitting from castle and character buffs!

Players should know that blood quality dictates the buffs and playstyle of a vampire in V Rising and they will have to be selective about whose blood they drink. Players interested in finding out all they can about the V Rising Blood Types should consider their benefits, statistics boosts, and possible weapon/magic combos.

Updated May 23, 2024 by Lucas Simons: Ever since the release of the 1.0 Version, many things have changed in V Rising, among those: The addition of Mortium (a whole new zone), new Bosses, a collaboration with Castlevania (Simon Belmont as a Boss and cool Alucard cosmetics).

Of course, a lot of gameplay changes also occurred, including the new Blood Type (Draculin) that has been introduced as the third non-human source of this bloody red resource. With so many tweaks made to the stat boosts of the Blood Type, the rankings on the strongest Types also have changed. Players will find a lot of new meta builds and great combos here.

To see the Blood Type of any enemy, place them under the cursor.

9 Frail

The Worst Of Them All, Use It As Last Resort

V Rising How To Unlock Rat Form Collage Vermin Nest And Putrid Rat
  • PvE Utility: None
  • PvP Utility: None
  • Best Weapon combo: None
  • Best Magic Type combo: None
  • How to obtain: Consuming rats, hearts, depleting Blood Pool

The Frail Blood Type isn't anything special. It lacks any benefit other than just serving as a reserve for players who are about to die and need blood immediately where no other sources are available. Rats and hearts can be collected in the game and stored in the inventory like potions. They're practically blood packs and they offer no perks or benefits apart from refilling the Blood Pool.

V Rising: How To Get And Use Irradiant Gruel

Irradiant Gruel is an item that may or may not be helpful in V Rising. Here's what you need to know about how to make and use these consumables.

Frail blood can be a lifesaver, of course, but players will have to be careful not to consume it during a salvageable situation as it will override any Blood Type currently in the system. It just so happens that any other Blood Type is better than Frail. Besides, eating rats is very unbecoming for a vampire, especially when prime slabs are running around.

8 Worker

Great For Farming Resources, But Nothing More

  • PvE Utility: Great
  • PvP Utility: None
  • Best Weapon combo: Axes, Maces, Swords, Scythes (All resource collection tools)
  • Best Magic Type combo: None
  • How to obtain: From laborers, peasants, or farmers


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 10-30% increased Resource Yield
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 15-25% increased Damage against Resource Objects
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 10-20% increased Mount Gallop Speed
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 3% chance to instantly destroy a resource node and trigger a burst of speed
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

The Worker Blood Type in V Rising is more appropriate for players who plan a relatively peaceful but busy life. Those who want to forage or just collect resources instead will benefit well from this Blood Type. This Blood Type greatly increases the resource yield of the Vampire player, while also providing other commodities such as a considerable mount speed increase, which is great for exploration.

Every perk level from the Worker blood contributes towards more resource yield or efficient resource gathering. Players can still fight and seek trouble even with this Blood Type in their system but they won't be as effective as those who specialize in combat. It's great for support roles in multiplayer.

7 Creature

Health Regen Is a Plus, But Limited Uses

V Rising Ferocious Bear Preparing To Charge
  • PvE Utility: Moderate
  • PvP Utility: Low
  • Best Weapon combo: Maces, Greatswords, Whips
  • Best Magic Type combo: Blood Magic, Unholy Magic
  • How to obtain: From animals, beasts, and werewolves


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 3-15% Movement Speed
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 10-25 increased Sun Resistance rating
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 10-20% Damage Reduction
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 150% increased Health regeneration
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

The Creature Blood Type is a well-rounded defensive specialization in V Rising. Players can merely obtain it by drinking blood from animals, meaning it's easy enough to reach the higher perk levels for this Blood Type. Unlike other Blood Types, Creature cannot be obtained consistently since there's no way to imprison a 100% Creature. So, getting an endless supply of this blood is not possible, thus, making it a poor choice for a consistent build.

It doesn't boast too many benefits for PvP combat either, except maybe the Movement Speed, which, also caps at 15 % and can be easily replaced with late-game equipment. The Increased Health Regeneration is only triggered outside combat, so that doesn't help too much except to save Blood Mending charges and Healing Items.

V Rising: Where to Find Nibbles the Putrid Rat

For those struggling to locate Nibbles the Putrid Rat in V Rising, this guide will explain what players must do in order to summon it.

The bonus Sun Resistance can be useful in certain setups, players can even use it to walk in daylight without much damage which leads to more in-game productivity and progress. Sadly the overall damage reduction is limited to 20 %, and there are Passive skills that can be unlocked in the late game and replace this Blood Type's greatest Perk, which renders its utility to near zero in the later stages of V Rising.

6 Mutant

Good For Clearing Hordes Of Enemies

Mutant Blood Type V Rising
  • PvE Utility: Great
  • PvP Utility: Good
  • Best Weapon combo: Bows, Pistols, Crossbows, Spears, Greatswords
  • Best Magic Type combo: Unholy, Storm
  • How to obtain: From Gloomroot mutants


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 25% - 50% reduced blood pool drain rate.
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 15 - 20 increased all resistance ratings.
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 10% - 20% increased movement speed while shapeshifted.
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 40% chance to convert the victim into a mutant when killing them with a Bite.
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%.

Mutant Blood, added during the Gloomroot expansion, serves a PvE-focused build like no other, granting increased resistance to all hostile elements in the game: Fire, Sun, Silver, Elemental, Garlic, Holy, Fire, and Magic. That by itself is the main reason why the Mutant Blood Type is viable for PvE since it allows players to conduct many of the activities related to entering a garlic-protected zone or carrying silver, for example, without having to worry about the debuffs associated with them. It also grants considerable Sun protection resistance, which stacks nicely with other resistance sources like Cloaks and Potions.

Ultimately, the Mutant Blood Type offers no true combat utility, except the 40% chance to convert a Bite victim into a mutant, which can be considerably useful to clear massive waves of Rift enemies in Mortius. This pairs nicely with AoE weapons or magic like Storm and Unholy, which can also clear waves of enemies. Sadly, it doesn't carry too much use on PvP battles, and will only hinder players' builds if they try to use it against other players. This Blood Type cannot be regularly obtained, since mutant enemies cannot be engaged and drained for their blood. Of course, players can always use Irradiant Gruel in one of their Prisoners to turn it into a Mutant and then drain it, but it's a one-time-only solution.

5 Rogue

Great For Combat Versus NPCs And Players

v rising rogue blood
  • PvE Utility: Moderate
  • PvP Utility: Great
  • Best Weapon combo: Slashers, Swords, Whips
  • Best Magic Type combo: Illusion, Storm
  • How to obtain: From human-ranged combatants or bandits


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 10-20% chance to Critical Strike on Weapon Attacks
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 8-15% Movement Speed
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 15-30% reduced cooldown on Travel Skill. 100% chance to critical strike on next physical attack after using a travel skill.
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 50% chance on critical strike to expose victim’s armor, increasing damage taken from all sources by 15% for 4 seconds.
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

The Rogue Blood Type in V Rising isn't unlike the Warrior Blood Type except it puts more emphasis on damage and hit-and-run tactics. It also pairs well with fast weapons like Swords, Whips, and Slashers, combining these with Illusion magic to get the ultimate Rogue experience.

Rogue blood provides players with increased Critical Strike occurrences as well as faster movement. This Blood Type is especially useful to fight against early/mid-game bosses, but progressively less useful as players approach the endgame.

On the other hand, having it paired with Storm Magic and Whips can be considerably good for some PvP builds, sadly, there is a lot of end-game equipment designed to counter this build, so it's not viable in the current meta. But ever since the Illusion Magic type received a considerable buff, and focuses on confusing and rebuffing opponents, it can also provide great pairing with Rogue Blood Type, turning it into a tremendously disruptive force in Raids or group PvP battles.

4 Warrior

Bulky Frontline Warrior Blood, Great Combo With Melee Weapons

  • PvE Utility: Good
  • PvP Utility: Great
  • Best Weapon combo: All melee weapons + Whips
  • Best Magic Type combo: Frost, Chaos, Storm, Blood
  • How to obtain: From human frontline combatants


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 10-15% increased Physical Power
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 10-20% reduced cooldown on Weapon Skills
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 6-12% reduced damage taken and 25% increased damage when striking enemies at full health
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 10% chance to parry an attack reducing damage taken by 50%. Parrying an attack increases your own damage by 20%
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

Warrior blood is one of the most handy Blood Types to run in one's veins as it provides some hefty combat benefits. The Warrior Blood Type is all about increasing physical damage as much as possible while also mitigating damage taken. Arguably one of the best melee-focused Blood Types, which pairs well with all melee weapons. But since it doesn't provide too many Magic Type synergies, it's hard to know how to bring the whole potential of this magic type.

V Rising: How to Teleport With Resources

If you're wondering how to teleport with resources in V Rising, you've come to the right place. Find an answer in this article.

Ideally, players want to go with Frost Magic, which grants access to the Chill and Frozen debuff, but fans can also pair it with Chaos, Storm, and Blood Type, which have a lot of buff-type abilities like Blood Rage, and Chaos Surge, that enhances weapon combat for a brief period. So, for players who like their weapons too much to prefer other methods of combat, then the Warrior blood will serve them well. It's a good mix of offensive and defensive capabilities and the reduced weapon skill cooldown ensures that players get more mileage out of their tools. This Blood Type is also great for clearing Rift events in Mortius.

3 Draculin

The Most Balanced Between PvP And PvP

Draculin Blood Type V Rising
  • PvE Utility: Good
  • PvP Utility: Great
  • Best Weapon combo: Crossbows, Whips, Swords, Pistols
  • Best Magic Type combo: Blood, Frost, Storm
  • How to obtain: From all Mortium enemies


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 10-20% movement speed during the night.
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 10-20% increased damage against enemies below 30% health.
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 40-80% increased healing from Blood Mend.
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): Grants 1 additional Bite charge, and heals for 5 % of your maximum health when triggering bite on an enemy.
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

The Draculin Blood Type is the latest addition in V Rising 1.0, and fairly a game-changer, offering a mixture of several Perks from other Blood Types, and consistent survivability options. Plus, it grants another Bite charge, meaning it offers an ample margin to execute PvE (or PvP) enemies when they're below 30% health.

This Blood Type also focuses on increasing movement speed, and Blood Mend healing, granting more PvE-oriented buffs that can help cut through endless waves of enemies. Finally, the increased damage against low-health opponents is good for both PvP and PvE, but excels at battles against players, more so with the new universal damage reduction perk being one of the main choices in late-game builds.

2 Brute

Health Regen, Attack Speed, Raw Power

  • PvE Utility: Good
  • PvP Utility: Excellent
  • Best Weapon combo: All melee weapons + Bows
  • Best Magic Type combo: Blood
  • How to obtain: Frontline PvE enemies (mainly bulky ones)


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 6-12% primary attack Life Leech
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 8-16% increased Primary Attack Speed and gain 1 Gear Level
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): Healing received increased by 15-30%. Heal self for 4% of your victim’s health when striking a killing blow.
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 6% chance per relative health recovered to boost movement speed by 20% and damage of primary attacks by 20%.
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

Brute Blood Type offers a mixture of healing, defense, and attack speed, perfectly balanced for melee combat. When the Tier 4 Perk triggers, it even grants a movement speed and weapon damage bonus, granting players even more lethality during combat. This Blood Type should be one of the first 100% Purity Blood to appear in the early stages of the game, so if players manage to enthrall and imprison a 100 % Brute, they're mostly settled for the game.

The beauty of using Brute blood is that players don't have to heal too often, meaning they don't have to put a dent into their blood-healing ability too much. Compared to other Blood Types, Brute Type combos well with all melee weapons, and some ranged weapons too, but only one Magic Type grants Brute the synergy it needs to become unstoppable, and that's Blood Magic.

1 Scholar

The Best Of The Bunch, Turns Players Into A Magic Machine Gun

V Rising Scholar Blood
  • PvE Utility: Excellent
  • PvP Utility: Excellent
  • Best Weapon combo: Crossbows, Longbows, Pistols, Swords, Scythes
  • Best Magic Type combo: Illusion + Unholy - Illusion + Chaos
  • How to obtain: From Monks, Priests/Priestesses, and Devotes


  • Tier 1 (below 30%): 10-20% increased Spell Power
  • Tier 2 (starts at 30%): 10-20% reduced cooldown on Spells
  • Tier 3 (starts at 60%): 5-10% spell Life Leech
  • Tier 4 (starts at 90%): 15% chance to reset spell cooldown on cast
  • Tier 5 (needs 100%): Boost all above effects by 20%

The Scholar Blood type is the ultimate spellcaster toolkit for Vampires, as it allows them to use their vampiric spells and abilities more efficiently. Spellcaster builds offer a tremendous increase in Spell Leech (spell heal), considerable cooldown reduction, increased spell power, and the possibility to reset spell cooldown.

The Tier 4 Perk combos well with Ilussion Magic and Unholy magic, and a combination of both is incredibly powerful both for PvP or PvE, allowing players to summon endless waves of minions to defeat their enemies while repositioning themselves and staying away from harm. In PvP battles, this is incredibly useful, especially during Raids, since it allows for a lot of spell spamming, and with the correct equipment, it is the most OP build in the current V Rising meta.

V Rising Tag Page Cover Art
V Rising

May 17, 2022
Stunlock Studios
MMORPG , Survival