The combat system of V Rising, while thrilling and fun, is somewhat complex and not easy to master. The controls are straightforward and smooth, but players must keep numerous factors in mind during fights. They must consider their capabilities and weaknesses alongside those of the enemy so they may approach combat in the most optimal way possible. Doing any less will only result in a player's quick and utterly gruesome demise, especially if they challenge a formidable boss or face an opposing player in PvP mode.

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Considering the complexity of the combat system in V Rising, players are bound to make their fair share of mistakes. Juggling all sorts of details while fending against relentless enemies is stressful, after all, and only becomes easier with practice. Players likely will not recognize the errors they are making or their severity because of this. While players will correct many of these blunders in time, some are particularly troublesome and best to steer clear of from the start. Here are several problematic combat mistakes to avoid in V Rising.

5 Fighting During The Day

V Rising Sunlight

V Rising does everything it can to immerse players in the strange and dark life of a vampire. It grants them the opportunity to participate in practices commonly associated with these blood-sucking creatures. Players can build a grand yet gloomy castle, feed upon humanity like cattle, and bend mortal kind to their will, amongst other things. However, the game ensures that players bear everything that comes with being a vampire, including their susceptibility to the sun, among other debilitating weaknesses.

In V Rising, players should not fear the night as it is when they thrive, but the day is something to stress. Should they expose themselves to sunlight for too long, they will deteriorate and soon meet a grueling yet unceremonious end. Despite this fact, many players continue engaging in combat during the day. Doing so is an egregious error that will likely result in their swift death. Unless circumstances force them into battle without hope of escape, players should avoid combat during the daytime, even against other vampires. If players have an opportunity to flee, they should take it rather than fight in unfavorable conditions.

4 Rushing In Without Information

V Rising Battle

The combat system in V Rising relies on players accounting for various details. They must consider factors regarding themselves and the enemies they face to formulate a practical strategy. While doing so takes time and practice, players can begin gathering information as early as before a fight ensues. Keeping a safe distance away and observing foes can grant players insight into their opponents. They can account for numerous vital details such as their enemy's strength, numbers, and capabilities.

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Understanding the foes of V Rising goes a long way and provides players with a significant advantage. Despite this, many players will rush into battle without taking time to gather information on their enemies, leaving them ignorant and disadvantaged. This mistake can result in players facing opponents with overwhelming power or a substantial amount of allies backing them. To avoid meeting considerable resistance in battles, players should observe their enemies and determine if they are worth fighting or prove too great a challenge.

3 Not Using Healing Items

V Rising Blood Mend

When fighting against the enemies of V Rising, players will often find themselves sustaining a considerable amount of damage. While vampires are hearty and formidable creatures, enough wear and tear will bring them to their irreversible end. To avoid meeting such a fate, players should be acutely aware of their health, ensuring that it never falls to critical levels that risk death. They can achieve this by fleeing and healing whenever their health drops dangerously low. The game offers them various means of healing, granting them numerous options.

The first and most well-known means of healing is the vampiric ability Blood Mend, a power that restores health at the expense of a player's Blood Pool. This regenerative ability proves immensely beneficial, but only when used outside combat. Depending on Blood Mend during a battle is risky as it requires players to remain motionless, and it drains from their Blood Pool. Players often rely solely on this ability for healing in fights despite the danger it presents. Rather than doing this, players should instead utilize healing items that are easily accessible in V Rising. Players can use these regenerative tonics while moving with a simple click.

2 Using Only One Weapon

V Rising Sword

V Rising provides players with a wide variety of gear to use as they see fit. The vast selection of weapons and armor play to different builds and playstyles, granting much versatility to players. This idea is especially true concerning armaments, as weapons have a more substantial and impressive assortment than armors. Players can choose weapons of varying shapes and sizes, such as swords, axes, maces, spears, etc. the options are near limitless. Moreover, a player's choice is more nuanced as each armament functions differently, possessing distinct strengths and weaknesses for them to utilize.

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The different weapons of V Rising each have their unique purposes in combat. For instance, a spear is a devastating armament for dealing with a single opponent, while a mace is perfect against large groups of enemies. Every weapon serves a particular function better than others, yet players often restrict themselves to using a single armament in combat ⁠— typically a sword. While doing so is not necessarily a severe blunder, it dramatically limits and hinders players. They should learn each weapon's role in combat and switch between armaments fitting for the situation.

1 Ignoring Your Gear's Durability

V Rising Vampire Without Weapon

Despite all the vampire antics and theming, V Rising is, at its core, an open-world survival game, base-building and all. It features many elements designed to test a player's resourcefulness, sharpness, and survival capabilities overall. This kind of gameplay will constantly challenge players and punish them for any mistakes they should make. While the survival aspects of V Rising are apparent, players often get lost in the fantasy that is playing a ruthless and bloodthirsty vampire.

One of the most punishing survival elements of V Rising is undoubtedly gear durability. The weapons and armor players use will deteriorate over time and eventually break. They can repair their gear to prevent this, but many often forget to before it is too late. Gear breaking outside of combat is a mere inconvenience, but this happening during battle creates a debilitating issue for players. A sudden loss of weapons or armor will leave them at a significant disadvantage, one that can result in their deaths. Therefore, players should ensure that their gear's durability is good before engaging in any fights.

V Rising is available in Early Access on PC.

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