
  • Shadowbolt: Kick off with this leech-inflicting spell for Blood Magic builds in V Rising. Pair with physical attacks for healing.
  • Chaos Volley: Reliable Chaos Bolts ignite enemies, ideal for boss battles. Lack of AOE damage is minor drawback.
  • Wraith Spear: Swift dodge and piercing attack combo now available as one of the first unlockable Illusion spells. Enhances offense and defense.

V Rising has an extensive list of spells that offers different flavors of magical mayhem. Each one has different effects that revolve around certain themes, giving players the opportunity to mix and match playstyles or double-down on a specific one.

When starting as a beginner in V Rising, the number of spells you have access to is limited, and you'll need to hunt down bosses in order to get the points you need to unlock them. If you're unsure which spells to get first, here are some of the best ones you can use early on in the game.

What to Expect From V Rising's 1.0 Update

Stunlock Studios' open-world survival game V Rising is finally getting its full-release update, and early-access players will see a lot of changes.

7 Shadowbolt

The Ol' Reliable

Shadowbolt in V Rising
  • Launch a projectile that deals 180% magic damage and inflicts Leech.

Shadowbolt is the first offensive spell players unlock, and it'll be a mainstay in many Blood Magic builds that capitalize on Leech. Tag an enemy with Shadowbolt, and all Physical attacks on them will heal you for a small amount.

While you don't really get a choice when it comes to unlocking Shadowbolt, there's still the option to respec spell points in V Rising. Consider pulling a point out of this spell so you can try other abilities in the Blood tree.

6 Chaos Volley

Strong Impact with Decent Burn Damage

Chaos Volley in V Rising
  • Launch 2 Chaos Bolts in a sequence that deals 110% magic damage and inflicts Ignite.

This is a tried-and-tested spell that's been great ever since the early days of V Rising. It deals good damage upfront, and it burns targets for even more damage dealt over a few seconds. You can't go wrong with Chaos Volley, especially when you're trying to chew through a boss' health bar.

The notable lack of AOE damage is Chaos Volley's only weakness. However, this is somewhat mitigated by the fact that Ignited enemies explode when killed. The damage isn't much, but it's better than nothing.

V Rising Players Unhappy About Missing Quality of Life Feature

A frequently requested quality of life feature is still missing from V Rising 1.0, causing some players to feel upset and unheard by devs.

5 Wraith Spear

Elusive, Deadly, Stylish

Wraith Spear skill in V Rising
  • Dash backward and launch a piercing projectile that deals 180% magic damage and inflicts Weaken. Each subsequent hit deals 75% magic damage of the previous hit and grants Phantasm.

This was previously a late-game skill that could only be unlocked by the time you find yourself needing Ghost Yarn in the Cursed Forest. Now, it's one of the first unlockable Illusion spells, and it offers a nice balance between offense and defense.

Wraith Spear acts as a dodge ability that's immediately followed up by a ranged counter-attack. It works best when paired with a dedicated offensive spell like Chaos Volley, but if you want to maximize survivability, use Wraith Spear together with any of the defensive spells in each of the magic schools.

4 Blood Rage/Power Surge

For Fighting and Gathering Alike

Blood Rage spell in V Rising
  • Blood Rage: Heal nearby allies for 40% of your spell power. Increase your attack speed by 25% and movement speed by 15% for 4 seconds. Inflicts Leech on nearby enemies.
  • Power Surge: Boost an ally or yourself. Move and attack 25% faster for 4 seconds, and physical attacks inflict Ignite for 4 seconds.

Blood Rage and Power Surge are two very similar skills. The former is great for HP sustain, while the other excels at dealing damage via Ignite's burn effect and the subsequent explosions it causes. Their value increases even more as you get better weapons in V Rising.

Outside of combat, these abilities are great for helping you gather Wood, Stone, and other resources that drop from breakable objects. Equip both spells, then alternate between them as you smash away. The 25% attack speed buff will make a serious difference when it comes to farming materials.

V Rising Is Finally Coming to PS5

Swedish developer Stunlock Studios' popular vampire survival RPG and castle builder V Rising is finally coming to the PlayStation 5.

3 Ball Lightning

High Voltage Area Denial

Ball Lightning V Rising
  • Launch a Ball Lightning that lingers in place, periodically shocking nearby enemies and inflicting Static. Explodes after the duration, dealing 50% magic damage.

Ball Lightning is a great area denial spell that synergizes extremely well with effects that root enemies in place. The longer an enemy stands within the ball's radius, the more damage they'll take, up to 450% magic damage. It's one of the first spells added in V Rising'sSecrets of Gloomrot update.

However, it will be a while before players can get their first Storm spell point, so it's a little hard to call this an early game ability. Still, among the choices you get from the Storm Magic school, this is your best bet if you want a reliable offensive option.

2 Frost Bat

Chilled to the Bone

Frost Bat spell in V Rising
  • Launch a projectile that deals 100% magic damage. It explodes on impact and applies Chill on nearby enemies. Hitting a Chilled enemy freezes it. Has two charges.

Frost Bat offers both good ranged AOE damage and solid utility in the form of Chill and Freeze effects. Hit enemies once with this ability to slow them, then hit them again to lock them in place for 4 seconds, leaving them vulnerable to further attacks.

This spell may not hit as some of the others listed above, but the Chill and Freeze effects alone make up for that. Four seconds is a lot of time in this game, and that's often enough to finish a fight. Freeze duration is halved against other players, however, so don't expect this spell to be overpowered in PvP.

1 Corrupted Skull

Welcome to the Bone Zone

Corrupted Skull in V Rising
  • Launch a projectile that deals 80% magic damage, spawns a skeleton, and inflicts Condemn on-hit. Deals 40% more damage to targets below 30% health. Has two charges.

While not the most damaging ability, Corrupted Skull's value comes from the skeletons it spawns. These undead minions will happily take the enemies' attention from you, giving you more opportunities to safely deal damage or recuperate some lost health.

This is one of the best early game skills in V Rising simply because of its ability to summon minions, which helps a lot especially for solo V Rising players. If you're going for a full-on minion master build, then Corrupted Skull is going to be your bread-and-butter. Pair it with ranged weapons like dual pistols for best effect.

V Rising Tag Page Cover Art
V Rising

Stunlock Studios
MMORPG , Survival