Getting the best jewelry in V Rising is what separates the middle and endgame experiences. For much of the game, these beautiful rings and necklaces act as complements to the rest of the gear, working alongside them but not standing out. Eventually, players would sooner fight naked than be without their favorite medallion.

RELATED: V Rising: How to Charge Batteries

There is one particular piece that represents a moment. After building it, the most demanding bosses in the game become vulnerable, while before they were untouchable. Of course, differing player builds may prefer different items, but there is still something of a consensus in V Rising as to which pieces are strongest.

Updated on June 11, 2023 by Hodey Johns: The Gloomrot update did more than just add a few new pieces of gear. The old pieces already in existence have also received changes to their statistics, both minor and major. As a result, this entire list had to be redone to factor in new pieces that deserved to be here and change or drop the pieces that were no longer good enough. The entries on this list are all in the same top tier. If players are using one of these items, they could hypothetically say they are using the best piece depending on their builds. Any non-endgame artifacts have been removed to make way for the only pieces of jewelry that gamers should be planning on getting toward the end of their journey.


7 Amulet Of The Blademaster

V Rising Nightstone of The Beast Statistics And Materials
  • 28 Spell Power
  • 15% Physical Critical Strike Chance
  • 7% Weapon Attack Speed
  • 15% Reduced Blood Drain Rate

Although the might be at the bottom of the list, it's still one of the best amulets available and may be suitable for a very particular build. The 7% attack speed may not seem like much but slower weapons that find they have to duck out of a full combo early to avoid getting hit might now be able to complete their sequence.

For Maces and Reapers, this means less time healing up and more time battling. The extra critical strike chance is also nothing to sneeze at.

6 Amulet Of The Arch-Warlock

V Rising Shard Of The Frozen Crypt Statistics And Materials
  • 28 Spell Power
  • 15% Spell Critical Strike Chance
  • 20% Spell Critical Strike Damage
  • 15% Reduced Blood Drain Rate

The piece used to have a cooldown reduction which made it more powerful though it's still not half bad. A spellcaster that is confident about avoiding attacks might actually find this to be the preferable option in PvE as the critical hits will start to instantly kill enemies that would have lived before using the Amulet of the Arch-Warlock.

RELATED: V Rising: Secrets Of Gloomrot – How To Get A Vampire Horse

With one of the best weapons in the game to help out with movement and dodging blows, this could be useful for a primary caster up until they get the piece of jewelry acquired after beating the game.

5 Amulet Of The Unyielding Charger

One of the new bosses in V Rising: Secrets of Gloomrot.
  • 28 Spell Power
  • 5% Movement Speed
  • +30 Max Health
  • 15% Reduced Blood Drain Rate

While 5% movement speed may not sound like a big deal, this is often the difference between life or death in PvP. Players that might have slowly escaped now are run down. Enemies that previously would have tracked the vampire down suddenly can't catch up.

Use one of the best armor sets in the game to get a great PvP build going or use it in PvE for highly mobile loadouts. The extra health can also be the difference between life and death. If players fight themselves just barely losing, the Amulet of the Unyielding Charger will turn those results right around.

4 Amulet Of The Wicked Prophet

V Rising Jewel Of The Wicked Prophet Statistics And Materials
  • 28 Spell Power
  • 4% Spell Life Leech
  • 4% Bonus Spell Power
  • 15% Reduced Blood Drain Rate

Spell life leech is incredible in a game that carefully tries to whittle down player health. Paired with a great spell loadout with heavy burst, players can enter boss fights, get banged up, and leave at full health as though nothing had happened.

This item should not be considered for use by casters only. Players who deal melee damage predominantly will often find themselves taking unavoidable hits in combat. Suddenly, Amulet of the Wicked Prophet allows the player to heal back whatever damage they received while trading blows.

3 Amulet Of The Crimson Commander

Cleric, rifleman, Militia Brawler, and the stalker rank among the 10 Best Servants of V Rising
  • 28 Spell Power
  • 4 Bonus Physical Power
  • 4% Weapon Skill Life Leech
  • 15% Reduced Blood Drain Rate

Spellcasters shouldn't have all the fun when it comes to sucking back health. With extra physical power, not only is the player's damage higher, but the amount of health gained back will be higher too. It's great to get both buffs on the same piece.

RELATED: V Rising: Secrets Of Gloomrot – How To Plant Seeds

If players forget to repair equipment and get in danger, some savvy maneuvering with the Slasher weapons can be just the ticket with the Amulet of the Crimson Commander. Go invisible, deal some damage, and fade away again to gain health until getting back home.

2 Amulet Of The Master Spellweaver

Inside a vampire's castle in V Rising.
  • 28 Spell Power
  • -8% Ability Cooldowns
  • 10% Physical Resistance
  • 15% Reduced Blood Drain Rate

While not every build will make the most of the Amulet of the Master Spellweaver, the ones that do will give themselves an edge in both PvE and PvP play. Getting abilities back 8% quicker means always getting cooldowns back before the opponents.

Some bosses are carefully designed around that 8-second ability timer on weapon abilities. When gamers can get two rounds in a window when other builds would only get one in, the value of this amulet becomes evident, making it a piece of some of the best PvE loadouts around.

1 Blood Key

V Rising Blood Key Statistics And Materials
  • 33.6 Spell Power

It's natural to wonder where the Blood Key is. Gamers can learn every recipe in the game and still not come across it. Unlike all the other pieces of jewelry, the Blood Key cannot be learned, it must be earned. The item can only be made after slaying Solarus the Immaculate, the final boss prior to the Gloomrot expansion.

Players can justifiably prefer the other items on this list since there are no bonus statistics on the Blood Key, just raw spell power. But this spell power is large enough that the other statistics aren't necessary. Why boost critical strike chance when an average hit from the Blood Key wearer feels like a critical strike already? Players on the business end of the Blood Key may consider deleting their characters after getting clobbered.

V Rising is available now for PC.

MORE: Complete Guide to V Rising: Tips, Tricks, and More