V Rising merges several genres, branding itself as a vampire-themed survival action role-playing game. After spending two years in early access, it was officially released in May 2024. Players assume the role of a newly awakened vampire, navigating the game world through a hack-and-slash adventure that blends general combat with specialized vampire abilities into a unique combat system.

V Rising: Every Shapeshifting Power, Ranked

V Rising allows players to shapeshift into a variety of unique creatures, but some transformations offer more benefits than others.

Weapons in V Rising are categorized into levels, adhering to a consistent upgrade pattern across different types. Initially, players wield a bone axe, which can be upgraded as they acquire new materials like copper, iron, and dark silver. Each material corresponds to a new tier of weapons that players can craft, enhancing their combat capabilities as they progress through the game.

8 Lumberjack's Axes

Unique Farming Weapons

Lumberjack's Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 7
  • Power: 7.1
  • Damage: +50% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 970

The Lumberjack's Axes are a unique set in V Rising that is not included in the crafting system. However, they are well worth tracking down for the 50% bonus to damage against wood, making them the best of all axes for farming wood in the game.

V Rising: Every Magic Type, Ranked

This list ranks each of the 6 magic types in V Rising, determining the best overall for conquering Vardoran.

Lumberjack's Axes can be purchased from the Shady Goods Dealer at the cost of 18 copper coins. They also drop as loot in the bandit logging camp, and in Farbane Woods, but with a pretty low drop rate.

7 Copper Axes

Simple Player Crafted Weapons

Copper Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 9
  • Power: 8.5
  • Damage: +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 1085

Crafting requirements:

  • Copper Ingot: 16
  • Plank: 12

Copper Axes can be crafted by the player in V Rising. These weapons are primarily useful as the basis of further upgrades, as there is little point in using them if the player already has the Lumberjack's Axes. The additional amount of power doesn’t make up for the loss of 25% damage to wood.

The player will need to be able to access copper ingots to be able to craft Copper Axes. However, it is unlikely that they will be able to do this as soon as they get the recipe for these axes, and they may have to progress a little further into the game before crafting them.

6 Merciless Copper Axes

Upgraded Copper Axes

Merciless Copper Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 12
  • Power: 10.9
  • Damage: +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 1292

Crafting requirements:

Merciless Copper Axes are the first rare axe weapons that a V Rising player will have access to. They are well worth crafting, especially if the player has already crafted the Copper Axes which are one of the blueprint components.

The player will need to buy the recipe for Merciless Copper Axes from the Shady Book Dealer at a cost of 40 copper coins, as there is no other way to get this blueprint. Crafting requirements are quite low, although the crude rubies might take some farming to get.

5 Iron Axes

Simple To Craft Mid-Game Axes

Iron Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 13
  • Power: 13.8
  • Damage: +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 1554

Crafting requirements:

  • Iron Ingot: 16
  • Plank: 12

Iron Axes are an excellent mid-game weapon for V Rising players. They offer quite a bit more power and are also used as a component for the next axe upgrade. Material-wise, they are quite cheap to craft.

V Rising: Best Spells To Unlock First

There's a plethora of spells in V Rising, and unlocking the best ones early can set you up for success later down the road.

Iron ingots are needed for the Iron Axes blueprint, and it is very likely the player may not be able to procure these as soon as they unlock the blueprint for these weapons. If so, they may need to play a little further into the game until iron becomes more prevalent.

4 Merciless Iron Axes

Adds The X-Strike Ability

Merciless Iron Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 18:
  • Power: 17.3
  • Damage: +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 1873

Crafting requirements:

The Merciless Iron Axes are a solid upgrade over the standard Iron Axes. However, the crafting requirements could be problematic, as this weapon requires greater blood essence as part of the blueprint recipe. These aces unlock the X-Strike combat ability, so they are well worth the effort of crafting.

V Rising players need to obtain the blueprint for Merciless Iron Axes before they can be crafted. The only way to get this blueprint is to buy it from the Rural Book Merchant for 64 silver coins.

3 Dark Silver Axes

The First Epic Axes

Dark Silver Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 21
  • Power: 24.3
  • Damage: +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 2545

Crafting requirements:

Dark Silver Axes are the first of the final material tier of axe weapons in V Rising. These are epic axes and are a great upgrade for players who are moving into the final stages of the game.

Acquiring enough Dark Silver Ingots at level 21 is likely going to be a real problem. In this case, the player will need to continue into the game, until Dark Silver becomes more common, and then craft the Dark Silver Axes.

2 Sanguine Axes

The Best Epic Axes

Sanguine Axes In V Rising


  • Level: 24
  • Power: 29.3
  • Damage: +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • Durability: 3037

Crafting requirements:

  • Dark Silver Axes: 1
  • Flawless Ruby: 1
  • Primal Blood Essence: 1
  • Gold Ingot: 12

Requiring 12 gold ingots and a primal blood essence, the Sanguine Axes are not the easiest weapon to craft in V Rising. However, the extra damage they do is probably worth the effort of putting in some time farming the resources to craft them.

V Rising: 7 Best Jewelry Pieces, Ranked

Jewelry is more important than just looking fancy. In V Rising, the piece scores are almost as valuable as the rest of the equipment combined.

The player needs to acquire the recipe for crafting Sanguine Axes. There is only one place to get it. For a cost of 260 Goldsun coins, it can be purchased from a merchant that can be found at the Treasure Hunter Trade Post.

1 The Red Twins

End-Game Legendary Axes

The Red Twins In V Rising


  • Level: 30
  • Power: 33.7
  • +25% Physical Damage to Wood
  • +5% Weapon Skill Life Leech
  • +50 Max Health
  • +3 Bonus Physical Power
  • Durability: 3800

Crafting requirements:

  • Sanguine Axes: 1
  • The Red Twins Shard: 1
  • Onyx Tear: 4

Using the Sanguine Axes as a basis, the player can upgrade them into the Red Twins, the best axes in the game. With a physical damage bonus, life leech bonus, and max health bonus, they are a significant upgrade over the Sanguine Axes.

However, the player will need to loot the corresponding legendary artifact weapon shard to unlock the blueprint for the Red Twins. And these only drop from tier 2 right incursions rarely. But as an end-game weapon, it is expected to take some effort to acquire.

V Rising Tag Page Cover Art
V Rising

May 17, 2022
Stunlock Studios
MMORPG , Survival