At some point, players will have unlocked every weapon and maxed out their levels in V Rising. At this endgame stage, the only thing likely left to do is to go out and vanquish the various bosses. Unless players have perfected their build, however, they might be in for a world of pain.

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Of course, player preference should always take priority. Some players will have a build that just plain works best for them and they should stick with it. But for those who have the flexibility and want to take on the toughest tasks in V Rising without breaking a sweat, this is the moveset to use.

Primary Attack: Spear

V Rising Primary Attack With The Spear
  • Perform a combo of melee attacks, dealing 40% / 40% / 50% physical damage.

The spear gets the nod for the best primary attack for one reason alone; it's the only weapon that does not have a cast time for its primary attack. Opponents are going to just sit around and get attacks, regardless of whether it's an opposing vampire or the Alpha Wolf after he gets tracked down. The spear hits moderately hard, strikes instantly, and, in the rare instances where the opponent is standing still, has a respectable combo.

Technique One: Whirlwind (Sword)

V Rising Technique One With The Sword
  • Spin around and slice nearby enemies, dealing 35% physical damage every 0.25 seconds for 1.1 seconds.

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Hunting down high-level targets to find greater blood essence? Consider bringing a sword along for the ride. Like the spear for the primary attack, the sword has the only first technique ability that has no cast time. Even if it did have a small cast time, this technique would still top the charts with its rapid damage. Plus, the character can move while casting the ability, preventing enemies from backing up to avoid the onslaught.

Technique Two: Camouflage (Slashers)

V Rising Technique Two With The Slashers
  • Enter a state of camouflage, increasing movement speed by 25% for three seconds. Your next primary attack deals 80% physical damage and incapacitates the enemy for three seconds. Using any skill breaks camouflage.

Once again, the move that winds up being the best has no cast time and is the only second technique that lacks a cast time. But that is far from the only reason Camouflage shines. The extra movement speed and near-invisibility help players escape dangerous situations or allow them to close the gap with an opponent. Then, there's the 80% damage and the three-second knockout at the end. Salvage a weapon to make the slashers for this technique alone, it's more than worth it.

Travel Ability: Veil Of Chaos

V Rising Veil Of Chaos After Casting Twice
  • Dash towards the input direction and elude nearby enemies for 2.2 seconds. Your next melee attack deals 25% bonus damage. Can be recasted to dash once more, spawning a second illusion. Your illusions explode, dealing 50% magic damage to nearby enemies.

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With a cast time of 0.3 seconds, no travel ability in the game is even tied with Veil of Chaos. That's more important for the travel move than any other since it's usually used when danger is imminent. Additionally, the move can be cast twice, covering any amount of ground. With it, players can escape from or chase down any other vampire in the game. The only exception is if they, too, have Veil of Chaos.

Basic Ability: Sanguine Coil

V Rising Casting Sanguine Coil Inside The Castle
  • Launch a projectile that deals 75% magic damage and leeches 40% health on enemy hit. Heals ally for 100% and self for 40% of your spell power on ally hit.

The Sanguine Coil would be the best basic spell in the game even if co-op wasn't around. The lifesteal is great and it has three total charges, each with its own cooldown. In any proper rotation, this spell will therefore always have an orb ready to go. The damage is marginal, but it's the lifesteal that gives it such great value.

With co-op enabled, this spell becomes completely overpowered as two allied vampires can heal each other and themselves much faster than a team of enemies can overcome. Whether focused on physical damage or ranged spells, this one is a must-have on the ability bar.

Basic Ability: Power Surge

V Rising Gaining The Power Surge Buff After Casting A Shield
  • Remove all negative effects and apply a shield on target ally or self that shields the target for 150% of your spell power. Increases movement speed by 25% while the shield lasts.

Removing all negative effects on an instant cast is absurd. Almost all builds have a stun, slow, or weakening effect that sets the character up to be easily hit with an ability. Being able to erase this entire will likely lead to dodging a spell with a long cooldown, like an ultimate ability. That alone is valuable, the extra movement speel is just icing on the cake.

Ultimate Ability: Arctic Leap

V Rising First Frost Nova After The Arctic Leap
  • Leap into the air and strike down at target location, dealing 225% magic damage. A nova of frost erupts from the impact location, freezing any enemy hit for up to 6 seconds. Enemy vampires are frozen for 3 seconds.

If any ability gets nerfed, it will likely be the Artic Leap, finding its way onto virtually every build with good reason. It starts with a leap, so it's got a massive movement benefit. Then, it slams the ground, dealing damage. And then, it unleashes waves of damage, hitting any soul that managed to dodge the initial blast. And finally, it stuns the enemy for three to six seconds. It's anything any player could want in a single button click.

V Rising is available in Early Access on PC.

MORE: Complete Guide to V Rising: Tips, Tricks, and More