When it comes to role-playing games, fans of the genre have quite the variety to pick from. Japanese RPGs have their own flavor, whereas western RPGs are different beasts entirely. While JRPGs used to be the dominant form of the genre, western RPGs have since become massively popular and hugely successful, with some of the industry's biggest franchises and studios falling under the western RPGs umbrella.

The biggest western RPG studios are hard at work on projects that range from typical WRPGs to completely different kinds of experiences. Everything from sci-fi to fantasy RPGs are being developed right now, with fans able to get their hands on these games in the years ahead.

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Here is everything the major western RPG studios are working on right now (that we know about it).


starfield space

Microsoft's acquisition of ZeniMax Media means that Bethesda will likely soon be part of Xbox Game Studios. This means that upcoming Bethesda games could very well end up being console-exclusive to Xbox platforms, but it also means that the company may find itself with much bigger budgets to work with. In turn, this could theoretically mean Bethesda's games become even bigger and more expansive than ever before, which is a tantalizing prospect, to say the least.

Discounting the various studios that work under Bethesda, Bethesda Game Studios itself has a few irons in the fire. It is still supporting Fallout 76 with regular content updates, making a genuine effort to improve the online multiplayer game, retaining its current fans and perhaps bringing back lapsed players. Whether or not Bethesda will ever be able to completely restore Fallout 76's reputation remains to be seen, but crazier things have happened.

Longtime Bethesda fans may be more interested in upcoming single-player games that the company is working on, of which we know of two. First up is Starfield, an ambitious open world sci-fi RPG set in space, which serves as the company's first completely new IP in decades. Not much has been seen of Starfield just yet, but the expectation is that the game will launch at some point in 2022. Some potentially leaked screenshots suggest Starfield will be a third-person game, though it's possible players will be able to swap between first- and third-person like in other major Bethesda titles.

Some time after Starfield launches, Bethesda will finally release The Elder Scrolls 6. Quite possibly one of the world's most hotly-anticipated games, The Elder Scrolls 6 will be coming over a decade after the previous game in the long-running western RPG series, Skyrim. Skyrim's longevity and massive success means that there will be significant expectations for The Elder Scrolls 6, and it will be interesting to see if Bethesda is able to deliver a game that lives up to the hype.


Image from Mass Effect 5 teaser trailer

Similarly to Bethesda, BioWare currently has a few different irons in the fire. While some recent management shakeups have potentially thrown the future of some BioWare projects in doubt, right now the company is said to be working on an Anthem 2.0 revamp, with the hope of revitalizing the game and giving it a second lease on life. BioWare's Anthem is not unlike Bethesda's Fallout 76 in that they were both online multiplayer focused games from studios generally known for their single player titles, and both were panned by critics and fans alike upon their release.

BioWare may have an even more uphill battle to climb when it comes to restoring consumer faith in Anthem, though. Fallout 76 has the Fallout brand name at least, whereas Anthem is a brand new IP. Whether or not BioWare can give Anthem the big comeback some other online multiplayer games have enjoyed in years past remains to be seen. Maybe BioWare will abandon Anthem in favor of focusing on its other projects that are more likely surefire hits.

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This includes games like Dragon Age 4, which has now had a few different teasers released for it. The long-awaited fourth installment in BioWare's fantasy RPG series, not much is known about Dragon Age 4 in an official capacity, but it is expected to be the next title that the company releases. Dragon Age fans may still have some years to wait before getting their hands on the new game, but after misfires like Anthem and Mass Effect Andromeda, it's safe to say many fans would prefer BioWare take its time with this new game instead of rushing out an inferior product.

Speaking of Mass Effect, the other game that BioWare is actively working on is a new Mass Effect game. Evidently featuring Liara T'Soni and set some years after the events of the original Mass Effect trilogy, even less is known about the new Mass Effect than the new Dragon Age game. With Dragon Age 4 expected to be BioWare's next game, the wait for the new Mass Effect will likely be even longer, but hopefully it lives up to fan expectations.

Blizzard Entertainment

overwatch 2 sojourn

Blizzard is unique in the western RPG space in the sense that it supports its games for extended periods of time, sometimes even decades after they release. Blizzard fans can expect the company to continue dropping unexpected updates for even its oldest titles on top of support for its active live-service games like Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch, and the consistently popular MMORPG World of Warcraft.

However, some fans may be more concerned at the completely original, brand new projects that Blizzard is currently working on. Blizzard hasn't launched a new game since 2016's Overwatch, but it has three major projects in active development for fans to look forward to that will all likely release within the next few years. Diablo fans in particular have a lot to look forward to, as Blizzard has two Diablo games in the works.

The first is the Diablo mobile game Diablo Immortal, which is being developed by NetEase and published by Blizzard. Diablo Immortal was not well-received when it was first shown to fans, but part of that had to due with Blizzard remaining silent on any upcoming main series Diablo games. Now that Diablo 4 has also been announced, perhaps fans will be more forgiving when it comes to the Diablo Immortal game.

Both Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4 will be showcased at BlizzCon 2021, set to take place this coming February. BlizzCon 2021 viewers can expect to learn a lot more about both games, and maybe if they're lucky, even got some release date information. BlizzCon 2021 will also be where Blizzard shows off its other upcoming gaming projects, which will include expansions and new content for its existing games, as well as a look at brand new titles like Overwatch 2.

Rumors are that Overwatch 2's release date may be a matter of weeks after BlizzCon 2021 wraps, so fans should expect a particularly big presence from the hero-shooter at the show. There is still a lot left to be revealed about Overwatch 2, and considering the success of the first game, fan expectations are high. Jeff Kaplan and his team have a daunting task ahead of them, but the quality of Overwatch and its associated media speaks for itself.

CD Projekt Red

summit release issues prediction

CD Projekt Red finds itself in a rather unfortunate predicament. The company had a reputation as being pro-gamer and pro-consumer, though that reputation has been tarnished thanks to the disastrous launch of Cyberpunk 2077. Cyberpunk 2077's launch has seen some unprecedented developments, including Sony removing the game from sale on the PlayStation Store, and many major retailers offering full refunds for dissatisfied customers.

With Cyberpunk 2077's launch such a mess, right now CD Projekt Red's main focus will be bringing the game up to snuff. This will include releasing patches to fix the many lingering technical problems that Cyberpunk 2077 is grappling with, especially when it comes to those playing the game on base PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. While CD Projekt Red works to fix Cyberpunk 2077's bugs, the company will also likely be looking ahead to the game's future, which will include ports to PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X, and may give the company a second chance at a first impression for console owners.

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Besides Cyberpunk 2077 bug fixes and working on the next-gen ports, CD Projekt Red has substantial new content in development for the game as well. Cyberpunk 2077 will have single-player expansions, with more information on those coming in 2021. A Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer mode is also in the planning stages, though CD Projekt Red has said that it's being put off for now until it can fix the single-player experience.

Looking way ahead, CD Projekt Red is believed to be making The Witcher 4 as its next major game release. It will likely be years before fans get any substantial new information on that front, though.

Larian Studios

The Pet Lowers - Baldurs Gate 3 Party Setups

Larian Studios has made big waves in the western RPG world thanks to its Divinity games, but right now the studio is focused on Baldur's Gate 3. Baldur's Gate 3 has released in early access, with the full version expected to launch at some point next year. Larian Studios' latest games have earned widespread critical acclaim, and so it will be interesting to see if it is able to deliver a similar high-quality product when the full version of Baldur's Gate 3 launches.

Obsidian Entertainment


Obsidian Entertainment used to be mainly known for developing sequels in pre-existing franchises, like Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2 - The Sith Lords and Fallout: New Vegas. However, in recent years it has pursued its own original projects, and has found great critical success in the process. With Microsoft now backing the studio financially, it can potentially reach even greater heights, with its in-development projects all brimming with potential.

First off, Obsidian Entertainment is still working on content for The Outer Worlds. Its Fallout-inspired sci-fi RPG, The Outer Worlds was one of 2019's sleeper hits, with particular praise given to the game world and story. Obsidian has expanded on The Outer Worlds with post-launch content, with the next major expansion set to launch at some point in 2021. Rumor has it that Obsidian is also working on a full-fledged Outer Worlds sequel, though that has yet to be officially announced.

Upcoming Obsidian Entertainment projects that have been officially announced include Grounded, a co-op survival game that is quite the departure from its usual work, and Avowed, a game that is clearly inspired by The Elder Scrolls and is set in the Pillars of Eternity universe. Grounded is available to play in early access and has already earned some praise for its unique Honey, I Shrunk the Kids concept, whereas little is currently known about Avowed.

2021 should be a big year for Obsidian, and hopefully it will bring more news about Avowed, as well as proper release date information for Grounded and the next Outer Worlds expansion.

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