In the world of first-person shooting, Doom and Half-Life are landmark entries that have helped further development ideas. While the former has inspired numerous retro style FPS games, the latter took the genre to new heights and helped seal its developer Valve as one of the more prominent companies in the industry. Although both franchises are considered FPS installments, they are pretty different in how they look, their stories, and the way they feel, but one person has been wondering whether it would be possible to combine the two.

A modder who goes by the moniker Source Doom Group is currently working on a project simply called "Half-Life 2: Doom Edition," which, as the name implies, aims to bring these two first-person titans together. Specifically, they are recreating more of a Doom-like "experience" within the confines of Half-Life 2. Images show that the mod combines aspects of both, with some of the textures and cube-style level design from Doom mixed with the more up-to-date visuals of the Valve sequel, including the HUD. One of the screenshots even shows that the mod will feature the latter's Combine soldiers.

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At the time of writing, there is no release date, but there is a demo called "EA 1" that has just been made public for anyone interested in seeing how it looks so far. Needless to say, the creator says that it's a work-in-progress, but the mod does look pretty interesting so far, especially for anyone who's interested in either game. It's not quite clear whether the project will be a full remake of Doom within Half-Life 2 or whether it's a separate project that just combines assets from both. A similar add-on is currently in the works by another user that combines Doom with the original Quake.

Image from an upcoming Half-Life 2 which brings a Doom-like experience to it.

Of course, with the mere mention of Half-Life, some reading may feel a pang of loss. With the cancellation of Ravenholm by Arkane Studios, which would have been a Half-Life-esque sequel set in the titular abandoned mining town, hopes of a third entry in the dormant Valve series have all but disappeared, with there being less and less chance of a Half-Life 3 ever coming out.

Conversely, id Software is currently working on an unannounced project, which could well be a new Doom game. If it's not, some are hoping that it might even be a new Quake installment, which is another series that hasn't seen much action lately, save for the remaster of the original last year. In any case, these classics that came out in the early days of the FPS genre are still being played to this day and will always hold a special place in gaming history.

Half-Life 2 was released in 2004 and is available on Mobile, PC, PS3, Xbox, and Xbox 360.

MORE: Half-Life 2's Legacy of Iconic Sound Design

Source: ModDB