Dragon Ball is one of the most popular shonen manga of all time, having a resounding impact on an entire generation and becoming legendary in its own right. The adventures of Goku and his friends as they get into intense battles over and over again make for a great time, and fans love the intense battles that occur in the series.

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However, while the writing of Dragon Ball is undoubtedly interesting, players can't really call it consistent by any stretch of the imagination. There are issues that have cropped up because of the writing time and time again, with Toriyama preferring to write on the fly instead of thinking out the narrative. This leads to many aspects of the series being poorly explained or contradictory.

6 How Did Trunks Power Up To Fight Merged Zamasu?

Super Saiyan Rage Trunks

There's no denying that Future Trunks is a powerful character who has dealt with his fair share of adversity over and over again. However, there's a limit to how much someone can power up, especially if they don't have the means to channel divine ki. So, the idea of this character being powerful enough to fight against Zamasu and Goku Black was already a stretch.

However, what made things even worse was a completely random transformation that allowed Trunks to reach a new level of power and fight against his adversaries on equal ground. This power-up was massive and could randomly increase its intensity when the situation called for it, with this Super Saiyan Rage form somehow generating enough power to fight against Merged Zamasu as well!

5 Why Is Raditz Never Shown In Bardock's Flashbacks?


Raditz is Goku's brother who comes out of nowhere and reveals the fact that everyone's favorite shonen protagonist was actually an alien who was sent to Earth for the sole purpose of taking it over. However, after hitting his head as a child, Goku forgot about his past and was raised by a kind man, becoming the savior of Earth in the process.

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For someone who has such an important role to play in Goku's lineage, it's odd to see that pretty much no one cares about him... even his own parents! Bardock, Goku's father, has seen quite a bit of screen time in the series, which makes it rather odd that he's never even mentioned Raditz before.

4 How Did Cell Randomly Achieve His Perfect Form After Regenerating?

Perfect Cell in Dragon Ball Z

Cell is easily one of the most compelling Dragon Ball villains of all time, serving as the antagonist standing in the way of Gohan and his true potential. He's an amazing villain who is quickly shown just how outclassed he is when Gohan ascends to his Super Saiyan 2 form, letting the half-Saiyan tap into a completely different level of power that forced Cell back into his Semi-Perfect form with a single punch.

This forced Cell to launch his self-destruct maneuver in a bid to take the entire Earth along with him, prompting Goku to make the ultimate sacrifice for his friends. However, following this chain of events, Cell comes back in his Perfect Form with a heightened level of power, allowing him to fight against Gohan on equal ground and force the Saiyan to his very limits. It's a rather odd chain of events that isn't really explained properly... although most fans didn't complain since the fight that ensued was the stuff of legends.

3 What Happened To Launch In Dragon Ball?

Launch with evil personality Dragon Ball

Launch was a popular character early on in Dragon Ball. Her split personality made her a pretty interesting character who could switch at the drop of a hat from a meek, shy personality into a person who loved causing chaos wherever she went.

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However, with the advent of Dragon Ball Z, this character barely appeared in the series. It's a shame since long-time fans would've loved to see just the briefest glimpse of this character just for their own satisfaction.

2 How Was Krillin Able To Keep Up With Goku In His Super Saiyan Blue Form?

Krillin in Dragon Ball

While trying to recruit people for the Tournament of Power, Goku decides to test Krillin's strength and see if this fighter is up for the challenge. Surprisingly enough, Krillin was more than able to match Goku's strength in his Super Saiyan form, which was pretty impressive in its own right.

However, it's when Goku used his Super Saiyan Blue form that things were slightly harder to believe. While he was struggling to an extent, Krillin was able to fight against Goku and match him blow for blow, which should simply not be possible given their gap in strength!

1 Why Are Saiyan Tails So Inconsistent?

Vegeta using the Great Ape Form

The tail that a Saiyan grows allows them to turn into a Great Ape whenever they see the full moon. This tail was cut off from Goku after this horrifying revelation was revealed, and Gohan's tail was also promptly done away with... multiple times!

Meanwhile, Goku and Vegeta have never grown their tail back like Gohan, while both Trunks and Goten never even grew their tail out! It's a rather odd inconsistency that is always unexplained, somewhat frustratingly so.

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