The Super Mario Bros. Movie has a simple enough plot for anyone to follow. It mixes together some new ideas for the franchise, along with giving some callbacks to the 1993 version of the Mario movie. Mario and Luigi are struggling plumbers who get sucked into a pipe one day in Brooklyn.

Mario gets separated from Luigi and ends up in the Mushroom Kingdom, while Luigi ends up in the Dark Lands and is eventually captured by Bowser. It's safe to say there will be a sequel, so let's go through everything The Super Mario Bros. Movie leaves on the table that could get answered later.

There will be spoilers ahead.

7 Why Was There Only One Super Star?

Bowser in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The Super Stars in the Mario series make Mario and other characters invincible for a short amount of time. They are super-powered and awesome to get, but they are not rare power-ups in the Mario series. It’s odd that The Super Mario Bros. Movie decides to have one Super Star be the MacGuffin of the film.

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Why are they so rare in this alternate universe? Also, why was the Ice Kingdom holding onto it? Did they have an allegiance with the Mushroom Kingdom? There are a lot of questions concerning both the Super Star and the Ice Kingdom that don’t get addressed.

6 Why Did Mario And Luigi Get Separated?

Mario and Luigi in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Pipes come in all shapes and sizes in the series and in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. They warp characters from one place to another. However, new lore added to this movie shows that there are more loose portals that transport characters from one place to another.

That’s how Mario and Luigi get transported to this Mushroom Kingdom universe. If they both went down the same pipe, then why did they end up in two separate places? It’s weird that a pipe would have diverging paths like this.

5 Where Did Peach Come From?

Peach in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

The existence of humans in the Mushroom Kingdom has always been a weird point of contention whenever they show up. Mario and Luigi are the two biggest characters that are known to have come from a different land. Brooklyn is what they call home in The Super Mario Bros. Movie, just like in the 1993 live-action movie.

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But even though she is clearly a human, the games never address why Peach is the princess of a bunch of Toads. It’s one of those questions fans have been wondering for years. This movie addresses this issue by revealing Peach came to the Mushroom Kingdom via a pipe as a baby. Still, it doesn't answer all the questions. Where exactly did she come from, and how did she become the ruler?

4 The Yoshi Egg

A bunch of Yoshis in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Patient fans of the movie will be rewarded if they stick around to the end credits scene. The movie goes back to the sewers of Level 1-2 and shows a Yoshi egg hatching below. The egg must have somehow snuck through the pipe portal in the chaos of the end’s climax.

Now, the Yoshi species is in the movie in one brief scene. A bunch of them are running around in the background in the montage wherein Mario, Peach, and Toad are on their way to the Jungle Kingdom. It’ll be exciting to see where this egg leads to in the sequel.

3 The Warp Pipes

Mario in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

There is another big question about the Yoshi scene and an overall question in the movie. Who built these magical pipes? Is there some sort of plumbing god that created these highways to other dimensions like the Bifrost in the Thor movies?

Is there a plumber council in the universe of The Super Mario Bros. Movie that built those pipe gateways? Yoshi is the beginning which will assuredly be a big part of the sequel. Hopefully, the sequel will explore other worlds as well, maybe somewhere in the Mario RPG games.

2 The Coin Size

Toads talking in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

One of the weirder things about the Mario franchise is the coins. In the mainline Mario games, coins are used to get Extra Lives. If players collect a hundred of them, they get one Extra Life. In other games like Super Mario RPG, coins are used as a currency to buy items such as weapons.

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In The Super Mario Bros. Movie, it seems like coins are currency as well. When Mario enters the Mushroom Kingdom, he sees a bunch of Toads withdrawing money from Question Blocks. Why are they so big? That’s the big question here. It’s a fun physical gag to see these tiny Toads haul around tiny gold coins, but it is an impractical money system.

1 Those Cages Are Pretty Easy To Escape

Luigi in The Super Mario Bros. Movie

Luigi and a number of other characters are thrown into a lava prison when they are captured by the evil Bowser. Luigi ends up in one of these cages floating above the lava pit. He can’t fit through the bars, but there are other characters that should be able to.

The bars are not that close together, and a small creature like the blue Luma from Super Mario Galaxy should have been able to escape. Maybe it didn’t want to escape though, as the Luma is pretty nihilistic. Sweet death is what it truly desired and not a way out of jail.

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