
  • In My Hero Academia, characters like Ragdoll, Lemillion, Eri, and Tenko experience unfortunate events, such as losing their quirks, facing abuse, and being used as guinea pigs.
  • Despite their bad luck, these characters continue to show resilience and strength, refusing to let their circumstances define them.
  • The series highlights the unfairness and unpredictability of luck, demonstrating that even in a world of superhuman abilities, bad things can still happen to good people.

As much as most individuals might choose not to believe in luck, calling it coincidence, luck is still a force that happens, and some individuals might be lucky while others might be unlucky. In a world where most humans have an added advantage by having quirks—a superhuman ability—some people still manage to attract bad luck in the My Hero Academia series.

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There are some characters in the My Hero Academia world that bad things happen to a lot, and these characters can either be heroes or villains. These characters might go through the same situation another character goes through, but they receive a more unfair result or treatment.

In this case, "unluckiest" also means "unfortunate" and "tragic," so not just bad luck.

7 Tomoko Shiretoko

Losing Her Quirk

Tomoko Shiretoko

Most heroes with a quirk never want to lose their ability because it is beneficial to them and other people around them. Unfortunately, Ragdoll becomes one of the unlucky heroes to lose her Search quirk to the greatest villain in the My Hero Academia world, All For One. As a hero, Ragdoll losing her quirk is detrimental to her career because she cannot continue to be a hero without her quirk.

As much as bad things should only happen to bad people, good people still have their share of bad encounters, and Ragdoll is one of them. She is always in high spirits, and this loss breaks her down as she moves from being a hero with the Pussycats to being a secretary. But Ragdoll still tries to be her usual self and help the other heroes when she can.

6 Mirio Togata

Losing His Quirk And Mentor

My Hero Academia If Mirio Got One For All Lemillion

A series of unfortunate events happen to Lemillion in My Hero Academia. This pro-hero has a unique quirk that allows him to pass through any object. This Permeation quirk makes All Might consider him the next recipient of his powerful quirk, One For All. Unluckily for Lemillion, Izuku Midoriya shows up, and his encounter with All Might makes All Might reconsider using Lemillion as his successor, and he picks Midoriya instead. Even as All Might picks Midoriya, Lemillion does not let that stop him from being a hero, and he does not harbor any negative feelings towards Midoriya.

RELATED: My Hero Academia: What if Mirio Received One For All?

In addition to losing the chance to be the greatest hero of all time, Lemillion also loses his quirk during a battle with Overhaul, and he watches his mentor, Sir Nighteye, die. All these events are enough to break an individual down, but Lemillion still moves around with a smile on his face, making fans feel bad for him even more. As expected, when a hero loses their quirk, Lemillon stops being a hero, but as the anime progresses, some things subtly change in his favor.

5 Eri

Used As A Guinea Pig Because Of Her Quirk

Eri my hero academia anime

In this world, there is little one can do to change or determine the type of quirk they will have. Eri just happens to be a young child with a very powerful quirk, Rewind. Her quirk reverses an individual’s body to a previous state; without control, it can reverse the person until they die. Unfortunately for Eri, Overhaul manages to get a hold of her and her quirk, and he puts her under mental, emotional, and physical trauma for his selfish and evil needs.

While other children were playing and doing silly things, Eri was a guinea pig to Overhaul as he kept poking her to create a quirk-erasing drug which he, unfortunately, succeeded in making. Knowing that it is her quirk behind such an evil drug, Eri feels at fault, even more so when she finds out that Lemillion loses his quirk because of this drug. In addition, Eri is also responsible for the death of her father because she is unable to control her quirk, and she rewinds him till he does not exist.

4 Tenko Shimura

Family Situation

Shigaraki's Decay From My Hero Academia

Growing up, Tenko wanted to be a hero, just like most boys and girls his age, but his father was against this idea and would constantly abuse Tenko for mentioning it. Tenko’s quirk manifested a bit late, and it was quite a show wrecker. Tenko’s Decay quirk shows up and immediately wreaks havoc and destruction. He is unable to control his quirk, and he ends up killing his whole family.

RELATED: Darkest Abilities In My Hero Academia, Ranked

Alone and terrified, his luck worsens as he meets All For One, who decides to take him in, and the young Tenko, who wants to become a hero, becomes the disciple of the greatest villain in the My Hero Academia world. Good and bad cannot mix without one of them changing sides, and this is exactly what happens as Tenko becomes Shigaraki, an evil villain who wants to get rid of all the heroes.

3 Jin Bubaigawara

A Quirk That Messed With His Mental Health

Twice (Jin Bubaigawara) in My Hero Academia

Twice’s quirk, unfortunately, becomes the end of him. Twice’s double quirk, just as the name implies, allows him to create a double of objects or living things. The fascinating thing about his quirk is that the duplicate of whatever he duplicates has independence and can also create a duplicate since it possesses Twice’s quirk.

Twice’s luck becomes sour when he duplicates himself, so much so that he is unsure of his real self. He struggles with so much mental stress, and when he finally manages to get over his mental stress, he dies. Twice was unlucky till his very last breath.

2 Toya Todoroki

An Obsessive Father


Toya is the first son of Endeavor, the number one hero in Japan. Before Endeavor becomes the number one hero, he obsesses over overtaking All Might and birthing a child that can defeat him. This obsession makes him ignore his fatherly duties, and Toya had to beg and do all sorts of things just for his father’s love.

As a young child, Toya is not good enough for Endeavor, and the latter is quick to push him aside when he realizes that Toya cannot achieve his dreams of defeating All Might. All Toya wanted was his father’s love and attention, but he could not get it, and this pushed him to create a massive fire with his Blueflame quirk that supposedly took his life. Toya grows up away from his family and becomes the evil villain fans know as Dabi.

1 Hitoshi Shinso

A Brainwashing Quirk

My Hero Academia Side Characters Hitoshi Shinso

Like most individuals in the My Hero Academia world, Hitoshi has a quirk which makes him a victim of discrimination. This is quite unfair for something he has little to no control over, as it is a god-given ability. His Brainwashing quirk forces people to do as he wishes, and people attribute this feature to villains.

Because of his quirk, he is unable to be the pro-hero he always dreams of becoming, and he does not have friends because they fear his quirk. He tries not to let what people say and how they act affect him, but it still does, to an extent. Regardless, he does what he can to achieve his dream of becoming a hero. It is unfair that he faces this because of a quirk he did not ask for.

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