There is evil to be defeated in Unicorn Overlord, and it will require a strong force of good to do so. As such, it is vital for players to be efficient in battle and know just how best to make the most of their army when going up against an equally varied opposing force. While getting powerful is one way, it is also smart to be tactical about things, and that's where knowing how to farm Honors in Unicorn Overlord will come in handy.

Why Unicorn Overlord Was in Development for 10 Years

Upcoming strategy and tactical RPG hybrid Unicorn Overlord has been quietly in the works at Vanillaware since 2014 and releases this March.

What are Honors in Unicorn Overlord?

An in-game currency found in the tactical RPG, Honors can be used in a variety of ways to help players become better at handling the challenges of Unicorn Overlord. For starters, it is the only way to help expand a squad size in the game, going from an initial two units to a maximum of five, which expands the flexibility of a squad when going up against the enemy.

Further down the line, Honors can be used to promote units to even more advanced classes, unlocking their true potential and increasing the tactical depth at your disposal as well. It is a vital resource to have at any given time, and the more you have, the easier your future adventures will be.

How to Farm Honors Fast in Unicorn Overlord

Auxiliary Stages

Depending on how players perform in a particular stage, the game will reward Honors, so it makes sense to engage in as many battles as possible. However, both optional and main story battles are limited in supply. This is why it is recommended for players to play auxiliary stages as much as possible to build up a nice supply of Honors.

Such stages are repeatable and a great source of XP as well, so make sure you keep track of where they are, with the Sigil Trials being the most obvious ones. As long as you keep winning, you are going to be raking in both XP and Honors.

Overworld Combat

Overworld Combat

If you prefer not to spend too much time in stages, then the best and most recommended way of building up Honors is to take down enemy patrols on the overworld instead.

When meeting an enemy on the overworld, the key is to choose a squad that can reduce the enemy's health to zero, which removes them from the world temporarily and award varying amounts of Honors. The ability to skip battles makes this method quick and easy, especially with a strong squad, so get to work.

Rapport Conversations

Rapport Conversations

Throughout the course of the game, characters who fight and interact together will also build rapport, and at each of the three relationship milestones, a conversation can be had that rewards two Honors. Considering the number of characters that can be recruited into the army, this will stack up to a ton of Honors, so make sure to jump to those conversations whenever you can to benefit.

Town Deliveries

Each time a town is liberated, it opens up the possibilities for players to deliver specific resources to restore it. Completing these requests will award Honors, XP, and items, and they can be repeated, making it a reliable source of Honors as well. With materials being readily available around the overworld and harvesting made automated with the help of stationed guards, it is always good to go back to towns once in a while and cash in for more Honors.

Unicorn Overlord
Unicorn Overlord

March 8, 2024
Sega , Atlus