The time for battle requires more than sharp minds and even sharper equipment. In the world of Unicorn Overlord, there is a need for players to rely on the various Valor Skills available to the many units, and make the battlefield work in your favor than against. For those hoping to master this art, the guide to the best Valor Skills available in Unicorn Overlord will come in handy.

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Complete the Carved of Cornia Stone quest in Unicorn Overlord with ease using this guide.

Best Valor Skills in Unicorn Overlord

There are different skills made for all sorts of situations, and they can be used to either hurt the opponent, provide buffs for your own units, or affect the battlefield to make things more advantageous to the cause of the Liberation Army. As units level up and get promoted in Unicorn Overlord, they will have access to more advanced versions of their Valor Skills, so make sure you are always taking note, especially when a new character joins up.

Valour Skill

Valor Point Costs



1 Valor Point

Negate stage damage suffered by allied units within range for 20 seconds.


1 Valor Point

Allied units recover 50% HP at the end of battle. Lasts for three battles.


1 Valor Point

Increase visibility by 100% and allied assist range by 50% for allied units within range for 20 seconds.


2 Valor Points

Revive all incapacitated combatants in an allied unit to 50% HP.

Royal Order

2 Valor Points

Increase EXP earned by an allied unit by 100% for one battle.


2 Valor Points

Restore 2 Stamina to allied units within range.

Valorous Order

3 Valor Points

Increase damage dealt by 20%, reduce damage taken by 20%, and grant First Strike to all allied units within range for one battle.

Quick Call

3 Valor Points

Instantly end the wait time of allied units within range.

Greater Gravity

1 Valor Point

Deploy a massive gravity well that lowers the Mobility of enemy units in the area by 90% for 20 seconds.

Heavy Swing

1 Valor Point

Damage all enemy units within range. Physickal Potency: 50. Instantly destroys barricades.

Merciful Rain

1 Valor Point

Conjure rain in a set direction, restoring 10% HP to allied units within for 14 seconds. Healing occurs once every second.

Arrow Rain

2 Valor Points

Damage all enemy units within range. Cannot break traps. Physickal Potency: 150. 1.5x damage if target leader is flying.

Wild Rush

3 Valor Points

Damage all enemy units within the designated range. Physickal Potency: 150, 1.5x damage if target leader is infantry.

Dragoon Dive

3 Valor Points

Damage all enemy units within the designated range. Physickal Potency: 150. 1.5x damage if target leader is cavalry.

These Valor Skills are useful in all situations and can make the difference between victory and defeat for all unit combinations. For healing and stamina restoration, Regeneration and Vitalize will make sure your armies are marching onward in the best condition, and if a bunch of your units need to take a rest, use Quick Call to get them back up instantly. Should anyone fall, Resurrection will do the trick.

Unicorn Overlord Merciful Rain

Facing hidden enemies and dangerous terrain filled with enemy catapults? Use Farsight to spot enemies that are trying to conceal themselves and give your allies a chance to assist. Fortress, on the other hand, negates all stage damage so you can venture forward without fear. If you are defending a position instead, use Greater Gravity to slow the enemy down to a crawl, allowing your ballistae and catapults to work their magic.

If combat is calling, the other Valor Skills will all work effectively too. Valorous Order is an immensely powerful Valor Skill, giving all units within range more protection and damage, while granting First Strike to get that first blow. Need to make up some ground and hurt multiple foes simultaneously? Use Wild Rush and Dragoon Dive to cover great distances and deal high damage at the same time. Arrow Rain will work wonders when defending a position, while Heavy Swing will get rid of those pesky barricades without a fuss. And as your army marches on, use Merciful Rain to conjure up a healing storm that follows in their path.

Unicorn Overlord Valorous Order

By using all of these skills correctly, it will make even the most challenging of battles in Unicorn Overlord much more manageable. Unfortunately, they won't work in the Coliseum for those hoping to recruit the powerful Amalia.

Unicorn Overlord
Unicorn Overlord

March 8, 2024
Sega , Atlus