Game of Thrones, based on George R.R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire book series, is known for its incredible cast of three-dimensional characters, with real beating hearts, and complex moral compasses.

Naturally, there are many fan-favorite Game of Thrones characters who are immortalized in pop culture, but over the course of eight seasons, the TV show also featured dozens of great side and minor characters who are unfortunately forgotten about. The most underrated Game of Thrones characters either provided constant humor or had a surprisingly meaningful impact on the plot.

6 Underwhelming Deaths In Game Of Thrones

The quality of Game of Thrones took a dive in later seasons, exemplified by these underwhelming character deaths.

7 Syrio Forel

Game of Thrones Syrio Forel

One underrated Thrones character that many fans may have forgotten about is Syrio Forel who only appears in the first season and briefly at that. The Braavosi was hired by Eddard Stark to teach his daughter Arya the ways of the water dance, and even long after his supposed death, Arya still remembered all his lessons and the wise words of advice he passed onto her.

Syrio Forel's death is only presumed as it happened off-camera and despite barely even having a wooden stick, his martial prowess was so great that there is a chance he survived against Meryn Trant. There are even theories that Syrio Forel was a Faceless Man, such as Jaqen H'ghar.

6 Osha

Game of Thrones Osha

While the books are arguably far superior to the show, especially after the latter's poor ending, there are some things the show did better. One such example is with regards to how it handled the wildling, Osha, who got more screen time, in part thanks to Natalia Tena's portrayal which even received praise from George R.R. Martin himself.

Game Of Thrones: 21 Most Iconic Quotes

Game of Thrones featured dozens of memorable quotes that stayed with fans well beyond the series finale.

Despite owing House Stark no loyalty, she protected the youngest boys with her life, and although she ultimately failed Osha did try to kill one of the most ruthless Game of Thrones characters Ramsey Snow, dying in the process.

5 Dolorous Edd

Game of Thrones Dolorous Edd Tollet

Eddison Tollet, more commonly known as Dolorous Edd by his fellow brothers of the Night's Watch, is a constant throughout the series and a steadfast friend of Jon Snow. Despite his apparent pessimism, Edd is actually a fairly positive person judging by his actions, and his sarcastic gallows humor is exactly what is needed on the dreary Wall.

Although Edd does eventually meet his end in the struggle against the White Walkers, he survived for an extraordinarily long time and even rose to the position of acting Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

4 Greatjon Umber

Game of Thrones Greatjon Umber

The Greatjon or Lord Jon Umber is certainly not a vassal who was underrated by his liege Robb Stark, but as he only appeared in the first season, many fans have likely forgotten about him. However, it was he who delivered the original King in the North speech, naming Robb his king in a moment that sends chills down the spine even years later.

The Greatjon's other major scene was equally brilliant, in which he challenged the young Stark, only to come out of the encounter as Robb's staunchest ally after seeing his grit and magnanimity. Though his time on screen was short, actor Clive Mantle made the most of every second.

3 Podrick Payne

Game of Thrones Podrick Payne

Due to the comedic relief surrounding Podrick Payne in the third season, the fact that he saved Tyrion Lannister from certain death was somewhat overshadowed. He also went from a quiet and bumbling squire with no confidence to a proud and brave member of King Bran's Kingsguard.

Game Of Thrones: The Known Traits Of The Great Houses Of Westeros

The Lannisters, as Robert I disparagingly says are yellow-haired, but what about the known traits of various nobles in Game of Thrones?

Podrick learned many great lessons from his mentors Tyrion and Brienne of Tarth, and Brienne in particular passed on her own values of honor to the impressionable young squire.

2 Gilly

Game of Thrones Gilly

While much credit is rightfully given to Samwell Tarly for his incredible character arc which involved overcoming some serious demons, less recognition is given to his lover Gilly. As one of Craster's daughter-wives, Gilly suffered tremendously before she even met Sam, and was unsurprisingly terrified of everything just like him.

Living north of the Wall in poverty, she was also uneducated, however, Gilly was able to overcome her past and proved herself smart in her own ways, as well as eventually in traditional ways. Despite her humble beginnings, Gilly was able to stand up to Sam's family in defense of him, and by the last season, she was even able to inspire bravery in others during the Battle of Winterfell.

1 Davos Seaworth

davos in game of thrones

Davos Seaworth is far from the most exciting or glamorous character in Game of Thrones, but that does not diminish the fact that he is an excellently written and acted mainstay of the series, and arguably the best advisor any ruler could have. Coming from humble beginnings and having learned from his past as a smuggler, Davos isn't like the other great lords and ladies of Westeros and sees certain things differently.

With a fantastic moral compass, Davos not only offers sage counsel about what would be the best thing to do but also about what is the right thing to do. He is easily one of the most underrated characters from Game of Thrones.

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