Though some shows go on a hiatus during the month of December to avoid losing viewers to holiday gatherings, other shows might embrace the season, airing their own holiday episodes, complete with their own version of Santa Claus. Of course, in the age of streaming when shows don’t necessarily have to be watched on a set schedule, a viewer could watch an episode of their favorite series featuring Santa Claus in July instead of December.

When it comes to television, not every version of Santa Claus on the screen is going to be the jolly man who brings toys down chimneys. Some are a little creepier, and some aren’t even human at all. Some of the most unconventional Santa Claus uses have occurred in television instead of in movies.

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Santa (Regular Show)

Santa in a black jacket in Regular Show

While Regular Show’s Santa Claus is someone who has been in his role for centuries, and is still giving toys to people all over the world, he tends to be less jolly than the usual portrayals of Santa. He takes his job very seriously and might be a bit more jaded than the usual Santa.

Not only does this show's version of jolly Saint Nick seem a bit more grumpy for Santa, but he’s also sporting a bulletproof vest just in case he finds himself in harm’s way. Unlike the typical pot-bellied portrayal, he keeps himself in good shape, boasting that he’s got a six-pack. He also wears a black coat instead of the more ornate costuming that most legends would suggest.

Robot Santa (Futurama)

Bender and Robot Santa in a sleigh in Futurama

Futurama might be a comedy, but it definitely provides a dark take on the future of the holiday season. When Robot Santa made his first appearance in the show, as a matter of fact, the series had to air the episode in a later time slot than usual, so it wouldn’t be considered family-friendly programming.

The robotic version of Santa has incredibly high standards when it comes to labeling people as naughty or nice. In fact, they’re so high, he kills anyone on the naughty list. Robot Santa has also completely taken over Neptune, making it his own version of the North Pole, effectively enslaving those who live there into doing his bidding. The darkly funny take on the character was so popular with fans that he would appear several times in the series.

Bruce Campbell’s Santa (The Librarians)

Bruce Campbell as Santa in The Librarians

This particular version of Santa Claus has the usual charm that Bruce Campbell brings to any role he inhabits. He is also more of an amalgam of mythological beings than most versions of Santa Claus are.

This version of the character is the reincarnation of the Norse god Odin. He also has a weakness when it comes to holly and mistletoe, just like the Norse god Baldur does. He has a lot of superhuman abilities, like blanket empathy, reality-warping power, omniscience, and even omnipresence on Christmas day. But unlike some on this list, he's not a dark take on the beloved holiday figure. His entire goal though is to bring happiness in dark times for humanity, which is pretty admirable.

Jolnir (Avengers Assemble)

Jolnir in the snow in Avengers Assemble

It’s no surprise that a Marvel show would feature a super powered version of Santa Claus in one of their animated properties. After all, Santa has superpowers in the Marvel comics, and has been employed by the government organization SHIELD more than once. He’s even been rescued by SHIELD a time or two.

In Marvel's animated series Avengers Assembled, Jolnir (this world's version of Santa) is the child of a Light Elf and a Frost Giant, and he’s the only known one of his kind. His power is comparable to Odin as he can warp time and space to get the job done, and he’s even mentioned as being older than the Norse gods themselves. He’s one powerful ally for the Avengers if they need him.

Mr. Chimney (Rick And Morty)

A split image features Mr. Chimney in two panels in a Rick and Morty comic book

Those who are fans of Rick And Morty might not recognize the character of Mr. Chimney unless they’ve read the comics inspired by the show. The character hasn’t appeared in the series on television yet, but with Cartoon Network striking up a deal that includes new episodes through 2026, that doesn’t mean the character won’t make the jump from comics to the screen.

Mr. Chimney is one of the people whom the titular characters meet on their journey through the multiverse. He’s got eight limbs, is not allowed to be anywhere near a school, and resides in the Blumbus dimension. The character is used to highlight just how creepy it is that someone sneaks into the homes of others to leave gifts, by making Santa Claus a thing of nightmares.

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