Table of contents

This unique isekai adventure follows Takafumi and his Uncle, Yosuke, after he returns From Another World while providing reruns of his Granbahamal experience here and there. Although being trapped in a comatose state (and an unwelcoming magical land) for seventeen years is far from ideal, at least Ojisan manages to hold onto his supernatural abilities once he returns home to the safety of Japan.

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Ojisan doesn't exactly win many popularity contests in Granbahamal, however, he is arguably the most efficient spellcaster to wander the realm, even if he doesn't want the credit. Once back in reality, this SEGA-obsessed Uncle From Another World uses his powers for the greater good by creating YouTube content, bypassing delivery fees, and playing matchmaker, with gaming as the only major goal in his mind.

8 Shape Shifting

Uncle From Another World: Getting to know Ojisan's Bevvy of Babes Gender-Bending Ojisan Elf Isekai Ojisan Netflix

While every episode of Uncle From Another World has fans in stitches, Ojisan's most memorable moment has to be in episode 3 when he decides that Takafumi's home needs a more feminine touch. The unpredictable Uncle suddenly turns into the spitting image of Elf (now donning an oversized hoodie and little else) so that he can bond with Fujimiya while attempting to play match-matcher in the process.

Interestingly enough, this form of magic is apparently forbidden in Granbahamal, which is why Yosuke didn't update his orc-ish appearance to avoid being constantly attacked. He also cannot maintain the transformation for too long, otherwise, Takafumi would be permanently stuck with a sexy aunt-Elf with an altered personality instead (not that his YouTube fans would mind!)

7 Raunchy Restraints

Uncle From Another World Isekai Ojisan Magic Restraints Mabel Tsundere Elf Ojisan's Best Abilities

These robust magical chains come quite in handy, particularly when Ojisan suddenly finds the need to secure one of the fair maidens that insist on following him around. As to be expected, things often get wildly out of hand when the Orc Face fails to understand the concept of boundaries and personal space and ends up acting like a complete pervert, but, in Ojisan's defense, he technically gets provoked first.

Related: Uncle From Another World: Getting to know Ojisan's Bevvy of Babes

Due to his inability to read the room (or understand his role in the narrative), Ojisan rejects Mabel's prized Divine Frost Blade in episode 5, which causes the princess to lash out in frustration, and he is forced to try and subdue her without causing harm. The hoodie-stealing Elf is also subjected to this form of punishment when Ojisan conjures these chains again in episode 7, with equally side-tickling provocative results.

6 Forcefield Creation

Uncle From Another World Isekai Ojisan Magical Barrier Ojisan's Best Abilities

Although Ojisan seems to excel at offensive magic, his defensive skills are not lacking as a consequence, as his nifty shields and barriers have found a welcoming home in his arsenal. The ill-fated Uncle uses these esoteric barricades for self-preservation during his travels and even protects the entire City of Luvaldrum from Cyclopses, a Titan, a Cloud Dragon, and about one hundred additional Beasts (whose rage-induced rampages are all Ojisan's doing, by the way!)

Like the rest of Ojisan's magic, the source of his power actually emanates from the Spirits, who have to be politely asked if they are willing to help, with some usually demanding something in exchange for their efforts. Small tasks require little compensation, however, the greater the request, the more Ojisan has to pay up. The Spirits of Formation are predominantly responsible for this defensive magic, however, it is the Spirits of Repair who save the day at the Sealed City Luvaldrum (by fixing what curiosity broke).

5 Memory Manipulation

Uncle From Another World Season 1 episode 1 Tagafumi and Isekai

The overpowered Ojisan has several ways to fiddle with someone's memory banks (including his own) and the Isekai aspect of Uncle From Another World would likely fall short without his Iculus Ellan technique. This particular spell allows Yosuke to replicate the target's memory onto a holographic screen of sorts, giving viewers a "first-hand" experience of their past adventures, and all the flashbacks from Granbahamal are achieved in this manner.

In contrast, Iculus Cuora focuses on eliminating an undesirable memory from the Hippocampus, negating trauma at the drop of a hat. Unfortunately, certain triggers could bring everything rushing right back (along with a nosebleed from the Spirit of Memory) and may need repeated applications when needed. Alternatively, Iculus Sladrac is more like a spiritually-fueled search bar that allows Ojisan to scan the memories of others to find the required information.

4 Optic Camouflage

Uncle From Another World Isekai Ojisan Invisibility Takafumi and Fujimiya Ojisan's Best Abilities

Although Ojisan doesn't show off this valuable ability much, Takafumi takes full advantage of it when he inherits his Uncle's powers for an hour in episode 7 and turns himself and Fujimiya completely invisible. He then cleverly combines this technique with a set of Illusion Projections to take their place, leaving any unsuspecting bystander (ie: Ojisan and Chiaki) to believe they had never left.

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A simple Optic Camouflage spell would have gotten Ojisan out of many unfortunate predicaments in Granbahamal, however, maybe he was not always aware of his powers of invisibility. Besides, he first needed the Spirit of Light on his side, which only happened once Yosuke was driven delusional after being abandoned in a prison cell for a week (an event anyone would have erased from their memory banks).

3 Frequent Flier

Uncle From Another World Ojisan and Takafumi Delivery hack

While Ojisan is usually seen walking around Granbahamal (or fleeing the scene in a panic), he is actually a capable aviator who appears to have about as much speed as a Super Saiyan hurtling through the air. Unlike many of his other spells, Ojisan isn't required to recite an incantation to activate his flying abilities (which comes as quite a shock when he suddenly hurls himself off the balcony).

After returning to the real world, Yosuke apparently sees no use in flying, until he discovers the less-than-lucrative trap of shipping costs that sneak their way into online auctions. To negate these backbreaking fees, the ingenuitive Uncle simply flies around the area collecting items like an over-experienced pack-mule, while ensuring to snag all the best deals and biggest savings. Ojisan can also activate Instant Teleport, however, due to technical reasons, he uses this ability less frequently.

2 Phoenix Fire Annihilation

Uncle From Another World Isekai Ojisan Phoenix Fire Annihilation Ojisan's Best Abilities

Ojisan's most visually stimulating ability is arguably his pyromancy skills, whereby he summons a flame-feathered Phoenix out of thin air, which then proceeds to burn whatever he desires to a crisp. Yosuke uses the full force of his Phoenix when he comes face to face with a disappointing version of Sonic the Hedgehog in episode 7, who eats people, not for the flavor, but simply to relish in their blood-curdling screams.

It is difficult to ignore how precise Ojisan's flame-fueled attack is, as it leaves a perfectly segmented section of land charred, while the rest remains untouched (something Daenerys and Drogon could never achieve.) Ojisan simply needs to mutter the incantation "Baraibhut Folg Bastohl" to draw upon these almighty powers (while performing the coolest 'Unflinching Walk' in the process).

1 Wild Talker

Uncle From Another World Isekai Ojisan Wild Talker Giant Hedgehog Sonic episode Ojisan's Best Abilities

Isekai heroes aren't usually just dumped into another world without any assistance, as they are generally gifted some form of supernatural ability to help them along the way. As ill-fortuned as Ojisan is, at least he still received his Isekai Bonus, eloquently dubbed the Wild Talker. At a moment when he is feeling particularly misunderstood, Yosuke desperately pleads for the communication barrier to melt away, and suddenly finds himself able to converse in Granbahamal's foreign tongue.

Ojisan discovers that he can also speak directly to the Spirits (which subsequently grants him all the other epic powers) and chat with animals too, although, only in the right circumstances. After much evaluation, Takafumi and his Uncle conclude that Wild Talker can only be activated if there is "direct communication while under immense pressure," which is as good a time as any!

Uncle From Another World is due to continue with his adventures from episode 8 onwards on 24 November 2022 (in Japan).

More: Ways Uncle From Another World Hilariously Parodies Isekai Anime