
  • Speculation suggests a potential reboot of the Uncharted franchise, featuring side characters as the main focus, possibly Cassie Drake.
  • A reboot would likely involve a time jump, allowing Cassie to be a young adult and experience her own treasure-hunting adventures.
  • Supporting characters like Sully or Sam could join Cassie in her solo adventure, keeping the essence and vibe of the franchise intact.

The Uncharted franchise is undoubtedly one of the most beloved. With the fourth installment, Uncharted 4: A Thief's End putting an end to Nathan Drake's story, many fans have questioned whether the franchise would be done for good. Without Nathan Drake, it is safe to say, in many fans' opinion, that it would not feel like Uncharted, as each game has stuck with the witty treasure hunter for years as the main character.

5 Ways Uncharted 4 Was The Best In The Franchise (& 5 Ways It Was An Underwhelming Finale)

Nathan Drake's saga seems to have ended with Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4, but was A Thief's End a satisfying conclusion?

Considering the rumors of a potential reboot and it being passed over to another studio from Naughty Dog, and a brief live-action sequence that showcases what fans presume to be Cassie Drake, PlayStation players could be set to go on yet another adventure. Only this time, it may be without Nathan Drake as the main character.

1 Leading A Reboot

Speculation Suggests The Rumored Entry May Be Rebooted For A Fresh Start

naughty dog sequel rumor character shift

Taking the aforementioned rumors of a reboot into consideration, this would more than likely mean side characters from the four games could be the main focus. Uncharted 4's standalone expansion, Lost Legacy, saw Nadine Ross and Chloe Frazer team up with one another, standing as the franchise's first major departure from Nathan Drake as the main character.

In the aspect of a reboot, it seems more likely to be Nate and Elena's daughter Cassie Drake becoming the main protagonist and following in the same footsteps as her father. While doing this and keeping Nathan out of the picture throughout the adventure may be difficult to accomplish, it would be the best way to proceed with the franchise without bringing him out of retirement.

2 Cassie As A Young Adult

A Reboot Would Most Likely Feature A Time Jump

Cassie reading up on her father's history

During the ending of Uncharted 4, it is clear that Cassie is around or close enough to the same age that Nate was when first introduced to the life of treasure hunting. This leaves room for either a significant or minor time jump, where Cassie is a young adult. Playing a young Cassie may introduce an aspect of the franchise fans have yet to experience, playing a much younger and naive character when it comes to adventures.

5 Reasons Why Nathan Drake Should Not Be In An Uncharted Reboot

With rumors surrounding an Uncharted reboot coming to the limelight, there are some things fans may not want to see.

When starting Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Nathan was well-versed and experienced at the age of 31. With Cassie, the stakes could be much higher, knowing that she may be heading into heaps of danger with a lack of experience, but it will also make for a tension-filled adventure for players.

3 Solo Adventure To Meeting New Characters

Cassie's Journey Could Be Similar To Her Father's With Mentors And Love Interests

Nate and Cassie

In the same vein as Nathan and Elena's destined meeting in the very first sequence of the franchise, the same could apply to Cassie in a potential reboot. A huge part of the franchise and each installment were the supporting characters such as Sully, Elena, Chloe, and more, giving Nathan a chance to shine with his amusing interactions with others.

Depending on the kind of reboot it would be, creators must ensure that the supporting characters are capable of offering great dialogue sequences with Cassie, almost to the same effect as Nate with the rest of the beloved cast.

4 Sully Or Sam As An Unintended Partner

A Game Focused On Cassie Drake Would Be Heavily Supported By Returning Characters

Sully & Nate

With Nathan Drake out of the picture seemingly for good, the next two candidates aside from Cassie Drake to stand as playable characters would be Sully or Sam. Since it appears as though the direction seems to be heading in favor of Cassie being the main character of a reboot, the essence and vibe of the franchise could remain intact with Sam or Sully by her side.

7 Beginner Tips For Uncharted: Legacy Of Thieves Collection

Now has never been a better time to revisit Naughty Dog's Uncharted series with the Legacy of Thieves Collection. Here are some tips for new players.

While this is slightly hard to see occurring as it would mean that it would likely drag Nate out of retirement in fear of his daughter's absence, there are still ways in which this could play out that would see Sam or Sully tag along with Cassie, if they're still capable in terms of age.

5 Small Treasure Hunts That Lead Into Dangerous Ones

Cassie's Eagerness To Learn More About Nate's Discoveries Could Lead Her To Danger

Cassie views a map

As the ending of Uncharted 4 showcases Cassie with a clear interest in Nathan's treasure-hunting life, it leaves fans with the realization that an older Cassie may want to set out on adventures of her own. It is almost guaranteed that Nate and Elena would not approve of this, but Cassie's innocent venture into learning more about history and discoveries could land her in danger.

In the same way that Nate fought off a plethora of foes in his pursuit of discovery and treasure, Cassie could stumble upon something that leads to a series of dangerous circumstances. It would also give room for Sully or Sam to assist Cassie if the writers decide to go in that direction.

Uncharted: 15 Funniest Nathan Drake Quotes

Naughty Dog's Uncharted may be known for its incredible action and storytelling, but Nathan Drake also has a few hilarious zingers.