Naughty Dog is one of the most popular video game developers around right now, with the Uncharted series being credited by many as the catalyst that shot them up the ladder of success. The games are a blast to play through, with players fulfilling their wildest Indiana Jones fantasies as they explored various corners of the world to find hidden treasure while combating various greedy antagonists along the way.

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With Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves finally available for players to try out, there's no better time to pick up this collection of amazing games and experience why so many people adore this series. The combination of parkour and gunplay makes for a great time, and the following tips will help players immerse themselves in this magical experience.

7 Running And Gunning Makes For A Better And More Enjoyable Strategy In Combat


Given that the Uncharted series uses cover shooting mechanics, most people would assume that most gunfights would amount to sticking behind cover before popping out for a few hits. However, Uncharted's shootouts get really boring and somewhat tiresome with this strategy.

Given how mobile Nathan and the other playable characters are, fans are actually encouraged to run around the arena and shoot whatever comes in their way. This allows players to interact with the melee mechanics as well, which makes the act of shooting enemies somewhat less tiresome.

6 Try Using Stealth To Incapacitate Enemies Whenever Possible

Nathan being stealthy in Uncharted

Stealth mechanics are present across all the Uncharted games and help break the monotony of the gameplay for players who might be bored of shooting all the mobs they encounter in their journey. This is especially recommended for the fourth game and Lost Legacy, where the stealth mechanics are significantly enhanced.

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The fact that stealth is completely optional means that players have more options during battle. It's not the biggest game-changer around and the stealth mechanics are pretty bare-bones, but they get the job done in a game like Uncharted.

5 Exploration Reaps A Whole Host Of Rewards

sam and drake

With each game in the series, Naughty Dog has placed a greater emphasis on exploration and finding secrets. The fourth game and Uncharted: Lost Legacy go all out when it comes to rewarding exploration, with the latter featuring a massive open level that has a lot of optional nooks and crannies to explore.

Finding these secrets in the game can prove to be quite satisfying, with each trinket that players obtain having a unique look and story of their own. Again, these collectibles are completely optional...but are quite engaging to find regardless, especially in Lost Legacy.

4 Mashing The Jump Button While Climbing Makes This Act Slightly Faster

uncharted 3 movie comparisons video

Parkouring around the game world is one of the biggest draws of any Uncharted game. The landscapes that players can explore in this manner are pretty varied and make for a great time to explore, with everything from mountain faces to city rooftops becoming a playground for players as they roam around the game world and figure out everything that can be accomplished in this series.

Of course, after a point, pushing the analog stick to scale walls can become rather tiresome. However, players can make this act slightly more engaging by mashing the Jump button whenever they have to scale larger walls since it gives Nathan and the other playable characters a slight boost that makes for a faster climbing experience. Just try not to trigger these jumps at the edge of any climbable surface, since that mostly leads to the character overshooting their jump and landing at the bottom of a cliff...or something worse.

3 Take Risks In The Game Since The Punishment Is Almost Non-Existent

uncharted the lost legacy ps4 train convoy set piece

A big part of what makes the Uncharted series such a great title is how quickly players are thrust into the action. There's little to no downtime present in the series, and the slow moments that do exist are integrated to improve the pacing of the game — something that is done marvelously.

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This is reflected during a player's death, where they are instantly teleported back to a safe spot within moments of losing their life. This can be right before an intense firefight or a grueling climbing session, allowing players to jump right into the action and retry the segment once again.

2 Use A Wide Variety Of Weapons Instead Of Sticking To One Firearm

Uncharted 3

Uncharted won't blow everyone's minds with its diverse selection of weapons, but it's not exactly disappointing in this regard either. Shotguns, grenade launchers, RPGs, machine guns, rifles, and one-shot pistols are just a few of the many types of guns that players have access to in the game.

So, sticking to one favorite gun in the game can take away from the overall enjoyment of the combat. Sure, there might be guns that are serviceable in both close combat and long-range scenarios, but simply using this one weapon for the entirety of the game is bound to make things pretty stale after a point.

1 The Journal Has Hints To Solve The Game's Puzzles

uncharted lost legacy horse puzzle chloe

Given that raiding ancient tombs is a big part of the Uncharted series, it only makes sense that players will have to deal with several puzzles while exploring these tombs. For the most part, the majority of these puzzles are pretty easy and can be solved within a few moves.

However, other puzzles might throw players in for a loop. Thankfully, this is where the journal comes in handy since it describes the nature of the puzzle and also hints towards a possible solution. Early Uncharted games had a bad habit of outright stating the solution to a puzzle instead of giving the player some direction — a problem that has been rectified in later entries to let players use their brains during these segments instead.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves is currently available on PS5. A PC version is set to release in 2022.

MORE: Uncharted: The Lost Legacy Shadow Puzzle (Shadow Theater Trophy)