Uncharted: The Legacy of Thieves Collection is a monumental release for Naughty Dog, marking the first time that this esteemed franchise is making its landmark appearance on the PC. Players can't wait to crank up the graphics to the max and enjoy the beauty of Uncharted in all its glory, especially when it comes to the last two releases in this amazing franchise. In the meantime, though, fans can enjoy the PS5 version while awaiting the PC port's release sometime in 2022.

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Of course, even a great series like Uncharted has its fair share of flaws. Given how important the narrative is and the way it's told is critical to enjoying the series, it's a shame that there are many unanswered questions and plot holes present in the series that can take away from the entire experience. The most egregious offenders in this regard are mentioned below.

10 How Are Nate And His Friends Always Poor Even After All Their Treasure Hunting?

Uncharted 4 A Thief End

Almost every game starts with Nate and Co. in dire financial straits, forcing them to search for a mysterious treasure that will turn them into millionaires. This is rather odd, especially since Drake supposedly gathers up a bunch of treasure by the end of almost every adventure!

So, it's rather hard to believe that Nate and his friends are really that poor at making financial decisions. Of course, the real explanation is that an adventure on such a grand scale would be impossible without high stakes, and the lack of financial freedom is definitely a huge problem.

9 How Can Nathan Kill So Many People And Have A Clear Conscience About It?

Uncharted 3 drake's deception

Nathan Drake is a person that never fails to take the higher moral ground, especially against his enemies in each game. However, the last person to talk about moral fiber should be Nate himself. After all, this man has killed an entire town's worth of people in each game, which is no laughing matter. Can he really assume to be a good person after committing such major atrocities? It's a problem that afflicts many video game protagonists, especially those of the action-adventure genre.

8 Where Was Sam Drake During The Flashback In Uncharted 3?

Sam and Nate Drake in Uncharted 4: A Thief's End

Uncharted 4 is the biggest game in the series, adding to Nate's backstory as well with the inclusion of a long-lost brother. However, Sam Drake's appearance also leads to a major plot hole in the third game.

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After all, Drake's Deception features a flashback of its own with a young Drake as well. How was Sam not even mentioned in this moment, let alone make an appearance along with his baby brother?

7 Why Do Bullets And Injuries Never Affect The Player Aside From Certain Story Moments?

Uncharted 2 Among Thieves Nathan Drake

Nathan Drake has got to be the hardiest man of all time. He can take bullets like no one else can, allowing him to overcome fatal injuries in just a few seconds.

However, there are times in the story where Nathan is either hurt or shot during a story moment, leading to a major injury that takes a while to go away. Why does Nathan's endurance disappear during these moments? His plot armor is exceedingly thick!

6 How Did Nathan Not Die While Stranded In The Rub 'Al Khali Desert?

Uncharted 3 Nathan Drake at Desert City

Being stranded in a desert is no laughing matter, especially without any supplies. Most people would only be able to bear the searing heat of the desert for a few hours before passing out and dying due to a lack of food and water.

However, Nathan manages to spend quite a bit of time in the desert before finally being rescued. This proves once and for all that Nathan Drake's constitution is on a different level altogether from that of mere mortals.

5 How Can Nathan Pull Off Mind-Boggling Parkour Sequences?

uncharted 3 movie comparisons video

Perhaps the most obvious thing to bring up regarding Nathan Drake is his death-defying acts of parkour, some of which should've actually killed him. However, it seems that Drake has unlimited endurance and a steel skeleton, given that he never stops climbing the hardiest obstacles around. Fans are aware that Drake knows how to climb, but many of his stunts are out of this world.

If nothing else, his fingers should be completely shattered after the massive jumps he makes. His hands should be nowhere near strong enough to stop his fall, let alone support his weight for such an extended period of time. Don't count on any in-game explanations for how this is possible anytime soon......

4 Was The Sap From The Tree Of Life Really All That Effective?

The Tree of Life in Uncharted 2

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is considered by many to be the greatest game in the series, but even this title isn't free from its questionable decision-making. This is especially true when people start questioning the effectiveness of the very thing that was driving the entire adventure — the Tree of Life in Shambhala.

Lazarevic eventually gets his hands on the tree's sap and uses it to become immortal...but clearly it didn't work, since all it took for the player was a few explosions from the tree's sap to defeat this boss and leave him at the mercy of Shambhala's guardians. It was a lazy way to end the game and completely destroyed the allure of the Tree of Life that players had been seeking out all this time.

3 How Can An Underground City Like Shambhala Have A Sun-Like Light Source?

Shambhala in Uncharted 2

When players gaze upon Shambhala for the first time, it's a truly breathtaking sight. The underground city looks absolutely beautiful, with the landscape being bathed in light as well. In a series where dazzling vistas and locales are in abundance, this one certainly takes the cake.

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However, the fact that Shambhala is underground means that there should not be a single overhead light source at all. The fact that such a bright one illuminates the entire city is pretty suspect.

2 Why Don't The National Governments Interfere In Nathan's City-Destabilizing Actions?

uncharted set piece

Nathan Drake's exploits cause their fair share of death and destruction all over the world. The fact that no police or national armies stop him in his journey is rather hard to believe. After all, the treasure hunter destroys entire cities with his actions too, at times. The fact that he's never apprehended by local law enforcement or even chased by them is really hard to believe.

1 How Did The Gang Never Go Back To Libertalia To Recover The Sunken Treasure?

Uncharted 4: Libertalia

The end of Uncharted 4 sees Drake and his friends forsake the sunken treasure of Libertalia to focus on their own personal lives. However, this makes no sense, given the fact that pretty much everyone knows where the treasure is now!

In fact, Drake owns a marine salvage company, which should make the act of procuring this treasure all the more feasible. The fact that this possibility isn't even touched upon in the games is pretty questionable.

Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection is currently available on PS5. A PC version is set to release in 2022.

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