A new Uncharted game has been rumored for a while, and its long-standing legacy of excellence is cause for optimism about a strong comeback. It may not be Nathan Drake at the forefront, or Naughty Dog at the helm, but reviving one of Sony's most beloved and successful IP doesn't seem like a bad idea for all involved. Should it make a return, things will have to change, however, as the gaming industry continues to move forward.

Conversely, The Last of Us is on the minds of casual audiences today despite no new game in almost three years. Uncharted made waves on the big screen in 2022, but The Last of Us' TV debut was so well received that it quickly drowned out Tom Holland's portrayal of the lovable rogue. In a potential Uncharted 5, it would make sense for it to take more cues from Joel and Ellie's story to ride the wave of popularity that series has enjoyed.

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Uncharted 4 Owes The Last of Us a Lot

Uncharted 4

Uncharted 4 was a fantastic game when it released in 2016 and holds up beautifully today, as is evident in the Legacy of Thieves collection. It was an improvement on plenty of past mechanics, and gave Nate a quest that hit closer to home than any prior adventure. It captured all the heart of the first three titles, but with a darker tone, more emphasis on stealth, and some light, but well-crafted environmental storytelling, it was clear that The Last of Us's influence on the game was strong.

It helped to not only keep the near decade-old formula fresh, but it also gave those who entered the Naughty Dog catalog in 2013 with Joel and Ellie something familiar that they could enjoy right off the bat.The two franchises have done a lot for each other over the years, and there's evidence to suggest that Uncharted has been swayed by The Last of Us' more methodical gameplay and mature themes, so it's not a huge leap to believe that it could happen again. The time is right for Uncharted 5, even if it's not with Naughty Dog, and as The Last of Us is on the minds of many, the connection between the two could be taken advantage of once again.

A Future Uncharted Game Has to Capitalize on The Last of Us' Popularity

Joel and Ellie hiking in The Last of Us Finale.

Uncharted 5 could look to bring back existing characters, revisit old locations, or even veer off into something more light-hearted, but the newfound popularity of The Last of Us could be put to good use if a fifth game comes to fruition. Uncharted 4 subverted expectations with no supernatural twists, and as enemies in The Last of Us like Clickers, Bloaters, Runners, and The Rat King act in a less-than-human way, it could provoke the return of more fantasy elements in the next outing.

Being from the same developer as The Last of Us comes with expectations, especially after the HBO Last of Us show did well to recreate and retell the story to a wider audience. Should people come to Uncharted 5 thinking it'll be similar in tone, only to get a more whimsical experience, players could be disappointed by the experience despite likely being held to the same high standard as TLoU. The franchises are fundamentally different despite some obvious similarities. For example, Nate's wit, charm, and pluckiness are essential to his character and Uncharted at large, but the fourth game did well to keep this intact while leaning into a more mature presentation style that The Last of Us also used.

Uncharted 5 is rumored to be in development.

MORE: The Next Step for The Last of Us Should Also Be the Next Step for Uncharted