While The Lost Legacy is the top priority at the moment for fans of the Uncharted series, there's a possibility that we could see another installment of the franchise hit the PlayStation 4. According to Naughty Dog's chief of communication Arne Meyer, Uncharted: Golden Abyss could make its way to the system.

"It’s definitely not out of the question," said Meyer when asked about the possibility of an Uncharted: Golden Abyss port. "I mean anything is possible. I know there hasn’t been talk about that recently, but there’s no reason why it can’t happen either."

Golden Abyss was originally released in 2011, as one of the launch titles for the Japanese debut of the PlayStation Vita. While the second portable Uncharted adventure, Fight for Fortune, shifted genres to deliver card-battling action, its predecessor was more of a traditional entry along the lines of the console installments.

"I mean it’s not entirely up to us, obviously," Meyer said of the potential port, tempering fan expectations. "I think I was asked this at Eurogamer Expo and Shuhei Yoshida was sitting in the front row and I pitched it off on him and I was like, 'You have to go talk to Shu about this,' which is what the case is."


Die-hard fans would jump at the chance to have access to as much of the Uncharted series as possible on the PlayStation 4. Recently, Naughty Dog teased that The Lost Legacy wouldn't be the end of the franchise, so a re-release of Golden Abyss could be a way of keeping fans satiated while the studio mulls what's next.

Despite the conclusive nature of Uncharted 4, it's clear that fans aren't ready to let this franchise go. That said, it's less easy to predict whether or not Naughty Dog is interested in revisiting the same characters and gameplay.

With The Last of Us: Part 2 still in development, and the temptation of creating something wholly new, it wouldn't be surprising to see the series handed off to another developer — perhaps even SIE Bend Studio, which was responsible for Golden Abyss, and is now hard at work on Days Gone.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss is available now for PlayStation Vita.

Source: Finder