Uncharted 5 and Red Dead Redemption 3 are two currently unconfirmed titles that would surely whip the wider gaming industry into a frenzy if they were to ever be officially announced. With both titles coming from different but equally respected franchises, it is clear to see why there is so much fan-led appeal and desire for any respective sequels for both IPs.

While there is of course no information available regarding what Uncharted 5 or Red Dead Redemption 3 would look like, there are still various inherent similarities that both games would share in their hypothetical development cycles. After all, the current states of both of these franchises are fascinatingly similar, and this would surely bleed into how Naughty Dog and Rockstar would go about creating such anticipated but unsure sequels.

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The Current States of Uncharted and Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption 2 Arthur on a Horse in Cinematic Camera Mode

The Uncharted franchise launched in 2007, spearheading a longstanding and beloved IP for Naughty Dog that would go on to receive four mainline installments in total over the following years. With Uncharted 4 releasing to huge amounts of anticipation in 2016, many felt that the franchise had reached its logical conclusion, as the story of the game wrapped up the narrative of long-time protagonist Nathan Drake.

The Red Dead Redemption franchise as a whole has lived a similar frame of existence, which itself launched in 2010. Unlike Uncharted, Red Dead would only go on to receive one other follow-up installment, with Red Dead Redemption 2 releasing in 2018 to massive critical acclaim. Despite being quite different in terms of the amount of titles that come under both franchises, Red Dead Redemption and Uncharted possess similar levels of cultural influence and followings, laying the groundwork for how Red Dead Redemption 3 and Uncharted 5 are in the same boat.

The Main Similarities Between Uncharted 5 and Red Dead Redemption 3

Nathan drake falling from height in Uncharted: The Legacy Of Thieves.

While nothing has been confirmed regarding Uncharted 5 or Red Dead Redemption 3, many rumors of potential development for these titles have sprouted over the years. These rumors only grow in size as more time passes from the releases of Uncharted 4 and Red Dead 2, with it being likely that these two IPs will eventually receive fresh installments at some point in the future.

The main shared issue that Uncharted 5 and Red Dead Redemption 3 would face pertains to the break in identity that both franchises would have to deal with. Uncharted 4 tied up the story of Nathan Drake, and there is an argument to be made that Red Dead Redemption 2 exhausted the story of the Van Der Linde gang, meaning any installments from this point forward would have to tell their own wholly unique tales.

With this being said, it is also likely that Uncharted 5 and Red Dead Redemption 3 would pull from pre-existing characters in their narratives, giving previous supporting figures a new lease of life in the spotlight. Fans have long been vocal in their desire to see Jack Marston receive his own Red Dead title, for example, or to see Chloe Frazer take the helm of the Uncharted series, and this would be a massive element of these new titles that Naughty Dog and Rockstar would have to get right. While the Uncharted and Red Dead franchises differ in their pacing and offered content, it remains that the next installments to these beloved IPs are in deeply similar situations due to their followings and potential narrative choice.

Uncharted 5 is rumored to be in development.

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