In an exclusive debut video, Hollywood Reporter has secured a first-look at a currently in production Umbrella Academy card game. Announced by series co-creators Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá, the card game is being produced in cooperation with Dark Horse Comics and Studio71 Games.

The game itself allows players to take on the role of one of the 7 siblings from the original series with each character having unique powers and abilities, similar to the show and comic the game is adapted from. Players will be encouraged to go toe-to-toe with villains from the series, but can also fight each other at certain points throughout the game, adding an interesting twist to gameplay.

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In its original incarnation, The Umbrella Academy was a comic book series written by Gerard Way and illustrated by Gabriel Bá. The premise of the show is that 43 miracle births occur at the same moment in time around the world, and the children born all wield inexplicable powers. Seven of these children are adopted by an extraterrestrial in disguise, and raised as siblings in the hopes they will one day protect the world from an unspecified future threat. Initially only a six-comic series, the comic now has three series of releases, with a fourth on the way.

A television adaptation also titled The Umbrella Academy was released on Netflix in February 2019, with a second season coming out July 31st of this year. Gerard Way is perhaps better known for his role as the lead singer of My Chemical Romance, whose reunion tour is on indeterminate hiatus due to Coronavirus. Fans of the band will likely notice Way's distinct style in the series, which incorporates both his trademark grim romanticism and several direct references to the work of My Chemical Romance.

The card game itself is still in progress, being worked on by Studio 71 Games, who also produced The Binding of Isaac: Four Souls, a card game Kickstarted by fans of the indie rogue-like game. The Umbrella Academy card game can also be backed on Kickstarter right now. Though the project already reached its funding goal within the first hour of posting, contributing at least $25 to the project guarantees a copy of the game once it is produced, with special editions available at the $45 and $75 marks.

The Umbrella Academy Card Game is available through Kickstarter, with a currently unknown release date.

MORE: Umbrella Academy Story Recap

Source: Hollywood Reporter