Ultros features a series of beasts and monsters for players to attack and defeat to get the best enemy spoils. These enemy spoils are crucial to obtaining the required nutritional value for combat upgrades and abilities in the Cortex. While Ultros’ enemies are not difficult to take down, some require players to put in more effort and employ various combo attacks.

One such enemy is the Enraged Beast. The Enraged Beast is a large Moth monster that players must tackle before progressing to the next level. Defeating the Enraged beast is no easy feat, as guard breaks don’t work on it, making it almost impossible to land damaging attacks. Here’s a guide on how players can defeat it and secure victory.

Ultros: How to Unlock Cortex Memories

Unlocking Cortex memories helps players retain their upgrades and abilities with each loop. Here’s how to do this.

How to Defeat the Enraged Beast in Ultros

To defeat the Enraged Moth Beast in Ultros, players must get on top of the monster and destroy the two bulb-like features on its head. These two bulbs produce a purple glow and are the source of the monster’s power. They’re also the source of its projectiles, which cause damage to the player. To get on top of the monster’s head. Simply press the jump button to launch your character into the air.

Ensure you land directly on top of the two bulb features, almost at the edge of the Enraged Beast’s head. While there, use your combo attacks to deliver devastating damage. This will cause the glowing bulbs to crack and break. Players must hit these bulbs several times until they break entirely to defeat the monster. During the fight, escape the monster by sliding left or right as they attack using colorful projectiles for a trippy effect.

Throughout the battle, platforms will occasionally fall from above, and players must escape these to avoid dying. We recommend using these platforms to jump on top of the monster’s head to destroy the bulbs. The platforms provide a higher elevation, ensuring you land easily on top of the monster.

Hitting the Enraged Beast on any other body part other than the top of the head won’t cause any damage to it. So, avoid wasting combo attacks on the rest of the body.

Defeating the Enraged Beast in Ultros may take a few tries, so be patient and eat enough food to increase your health. You can obtain food through gardening or killing other enemies in Ultros. When fighting the Enraged Moth Beast, use a mix of attacks to take it down quickly and efficiently.

new metroidvania game ultros

PC , PS4 , PS5
February 13, 2024
Kepler Interactive