It's been a couple of years since Ubisoft removed night maps from Rainbow Six Siege, and the company has been steadfast when it comes to denying the chance that they might be back. However, it appears that something has changed regarding the company's view on the map variants, and it seems that while players won't be getting night variants of their favorite Rainbow Six Maps back, the developer could be making a major concession.

Ubisoft first took out the night maps from Rainbow Six Siege in 2018, and it cited gameplay concerns for the variants' exit. Before they ended up pulling them from the game completely, just about every Siege map had a night variant. Players often commented about how a night version gave the landscape a totally different vibe. While they were first pulled gradually from different modes, they were eventually all removed with the launch of Operation Ember Rise in 2019. However, what some players thought to be a permanent change to the game might be getting some sort of reversal in Ubisoft's approach.

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Earlier this week, Ubisoft made an announcement through its official Rainbow Six Siege Twitter account that night maps could be making a return to the game at some point. The post, captioned, "an answer to night maps," included a long explanation about the company's thinking.

Ubisoft went on to say that when it does make a new night map, it's going to have to be done in a way that is well lit. The post added that the right amount of lighting is actually important whether talking about night or day maps because the company wants to make sure that whatever map they make is going to be fair for all Rainbow Six Siege players. While that message laid out the main topic of the post, Ubisoft did bring some other big news as well.

The tweet ended by saying that one thing Ubisoft has ruled out entirely is adding a night variant to any of the maps that are in the current version of Rainbow Six Siege. However, the company did give a bit of hope to those who had been asking for the return of those variants by saying it wasn't "closing the door to future maps."

The post did also include a question from a Redditor that caused the Rainbow Six Siege developers to take to social media to bring up the topic in the first place. Beyond that, the company has not offered any more details on when night maps could make a return.

Rainbow Six Siege is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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