Ubisoft's Q2 earnings call led to several surprising announcements, including details about the upcoming live-service game Assassin's Creed Infinite. Yet even more surprising than that were sections of the call dedicated to Ubisoft's interest in blockchain-related technology. Specifically, Ubisoft is both a founding member of the Blockchain Game Alliance and helped fund blockchain-focused developer Animoca Brands. Ubisoft detailed several Animoca projects in its call, each tied to the blockchain in one way or another.

Ubisoft focused on an Animoca project named REVV Motorsport, which is an ecosystem of several other games and projects revolving around the "Play to Earn" REVV token. The REVV token has genuine value, a cryptocurrency that can be earned by playing other games. Games in this ecosystem include arcade simulation Revv Racing, as well as the upcoming game Formula E: High Voltage. Ubisoft also mentioned voxel metaverse The Sandbox, which has its own SAND token and NFT assets.

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But Ubisoft isn't solely interested in investing into other companies' blockchain efforts. It wants to make its own blockchain projects, as well. CEO Yves Guillemot says that he plans to pursue creating its own blockchain-implemented projects organically within the company. This idea is further pushed by CFO Frédérick Duguet, who believes that blockchain implementation in Ubisoft games will allow a "play-to-earn" experience enabling players to own in-game content and profit off of it.

assassin's creed characters

Duguet says that Ubisoft's partnerships with blockchain companies like Animoca are helping it prepare for the next step. He says that Ubisoft now has a good idea of how the blockchain can impact the gaming industry. Going forward, Ubisoft wants "to be one of the key players here." Whether that means NFTs and cryptocurrency in Assassin's Creed and Tom Clancy games, fans will just have to wait and see.

That both Ubisoft's CEO and CFO both made clear the company's future would involve the blockchain is certain to be controversial. NFTs, cryptocurrency, and the blockchain are widely associated with scams, environmental damage, and manipulative marketing. While Ubisoft said it was still learning, its heavy investment in Animoca shows the company is well past the point of deciding whether or not to support blockchain endeavors.

Ubisoft isn't the only publisher considering making games tied to the blockchain, of course. Electronic Arts began hiring for positions with experience in the blockchain and NFTs. PlayStation filed a patent for using Bitcoin to make bets in early 2021. Changes appear to be coming, but Ubisoft definitely seems the most aggressive of the industry's major publishers so far.

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Source: IGN