Far Cry 5 is one of the best when it comes to Far Cry games and Far Cry 6 is looking to be quite the work in progress. From the first kill with a shovel to exploring the massive open world that Ubisoft created, many players remember their Far Cry 5 experience.

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They will also remember the bad parts, like the awkward ending that ensued after taking down the main antagonist and the microtransactions that plagued the game. For better or worse, Far Cry 6 is coming and it is best to keep Ubisoft aware of a few things that did and didn't work in the last main title.

10 Keep: Map Creator & Multiplayer

far cry 6 should have a map creator like far cry 5

If Ubisoft is looking to add another multiplayer to their upcoming game, they would be wise to update and improve the map creator they had in the last title. The multiplayer in Far Cry 5 was good, but what made it better was playing on user-created maps. These maps ranged from off the wall to recreations of fan-favorite maps from other franchises like Call of Duty. It was also a great break from the standard run-of-the-mill maps that shooter games typically have.

9 Leave Out: Dreary Endings

the endings of far cry 5 are dreary and far cry 6 shouldn't copy that.

Ubisoft has always made endings that a player can get within around ten minutes of the game, that is fine. The real problem was the dreary endings that made it into Far Cry 5 that seemed to be made just so they could create a sequel. For those who haven't witnessed the endings, the good one ends with a nuclear explosion and the bad one ends with the player character seemingly killing all their friends. It is far different from anything fans would have expected and it would be wise of Ubisoft to avoid the mistake again.

8 Keep: Companions

The companions in far cry 5 are great and there should be more in far cry 6

Even though it was possible to hire NPCs to join the player in their fight in previous Far Cry games, Far Cry 5 has the best system for it. Specialist companions and Fangs for Hire allow the player to have an animal companion by their side or a lovable NPC that will boost certain qualities. This new system makes players be a little more tactical about who they choose since not every NPC or animal companion will be the wisest choice for each mission. Players can only imagine what kind of crazy NPCs will be able to be chosen in Far Cry 6.

7 Leave Out: Microtransactions

hopefully ubisoft leaves microtransactions out of far cry 6

Microtransactions have become something to expect from Ubisoft. Every game they release has some form of extra currency that players can buy with real-world money. At this point, players are sick of seeing games with microtransactions and are longing for a simpler time when everything could be obtained in a game with the need of purchasing it.

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If Ubisoft can leave the microtransactions out of their next game the player base will be happy and they may get more sales out of it. Only time will tell.

6 Keep: Shovels

far cry 5 had some great melee weapons that should be in far cry 6

Okay, so it goes broader than just saying shovels. The point is that Far Cry 5 brought some pretty great melee weapons into the mix. Sure, there have been melee weapons before, but they have all been pretty standard. Previous games had weapons like machetes and kukris. Nothing that really stood out. The last main title game had weapons like the paddle, spiked bats, and yes, the shovel. With the shovel, players could launch it like a javelin and impale their foes, sometimes with a smiley face just to get the glee across. The next game better have even more absurd melee weapons.

5 Leave Out: Silence

far cry 5 had a silent protagonist and it would be nice to see a speaking on again in far cry 6

Did anyone else love Jason Brody from Far Cry 3? How about Ajay Ghale from Far Cry 4? That's because they had their own established identities. They spoke their feelings and they were relatable. Players just didn't get the same feeling when playing Far Cry 5 because of the voiceless protagonist they played as. Sure, they got to choose from dialogue trees, but it just wasn't the same. The return of a speaking protagonist will be a great addition to the upcoming game.

4 Keep: Character Creator

far cry 6 should have a character creator

The character creator was one of the great parts of the last main series game. Having a character creator in an open-world game is something that helps players get closer to their character. Yes, it would be nice to see the return of a speaking protagonist, and having a character creator could prevent that, but it doesn't have to. Many games have a character creator that still allows for the created character to speak. Having both of these would be great for the next game in the series. Listen up Ubisoft!

3 Leave Out: Standard Outposts

far cry 6 should change the outpost design and try something new

The Far Cry series hasn't changed much over the years. Well, it has, but it has kept some of the same main components that players have come to expect. Far Cry: New Dawn allowed players to build up bases and that was nice.

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Far Cry 5 didn't break away too much from the standard capturing of outposts to help clear the map. It would be nice to see something new in the next game. Ubisoft can still use their standard outposts and radio towers, but maybe put a spin on it so players don't feel like these features are a chore.

2 Keep: A Lack Of Radio Towers

far cry 6 should keep with the theme of having no radio towers

Far Cry 5 brought the end of radio towers which shows that Ubisoft does listen to fans now and then. Keep that up cause fans obviously don't like the normal tower climbs. Instead of using these towers to reveal areas across the map, players needed to actually explore to find everything that the world of Far Cry 5 had to offer. Ubisoft should keep this approach or maybe change radio towers into something new and exciting. Whatever makes it so players don't need to keep climbing their way to discovering areas of the map.

1 Leave Out: Hunting

far cry 6 should change up the way hunting works

There is nothing wrong with the hunting mechanic where players need to skin animals to craft their own bags so they can carry more items and ammo. The only issue is that it can get a little tiresome always needing to run off and find where each animal resides. This type of collecting is engaging, but it would be nice to experience something new. Maybe steal supplies from enemies to get the every-important upgrades or trade in collected supplies to vendors to achieve that fancy new bag. Something to break away from the standard grind.

NEXT: Far Cry 6: 5 Things We Want (& 5 We Don't)Â