Two Point Campus was released on August 9, 2022, and has been well-received by fans and critics, exemplified by its 84 Metascore and Very Positive All Reviews mark on Steam. Like its predecessor, Two Point Hospital, Sega's Two Point Campus is a management game that doesn't take itself too seriously, despite tasking players with running an entire institution.

One of the many important things that players need to keep an eye on in Two Point Campus is staff happiness. Keeping staff happy is vitally important as it not only creates a nicer campus environment but also improves students' grades as happy and motivated janitors, assistants, and, of course, teachers will help students reach their academic potential.

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Send Exhausted Staff On Breaks

Teacher sleeping

Teaching students, managing food stands, cleaning floors, and the many other tasks that the various staff members perform in Two Point Campus can be tiring. As such, the game assigns each staff member an energy bar that indicates their stamina and fatigue. A staff member's energy levels have a significant impact on their level of happiness and overworking staff can see their optimism plummet.

Thankfully, the management game has a handy tab for keeping an eye on staff energy levels, so be sure to check it regularly and send exhausted staff on breaks.

Be Generous With Staff Rooms

The staff room in Two Point Campus

When staff members are taking their aforementioned breaks, it's important that they have somewhere nice to hang out, blow off some steam, and have something to eat. To ensure that staff are happy with their room, be sure to be generous with space and take the time to nicely decorate it and fill it with plenty of beneficial items.

Another top tip is to put a bathroom close to the staff room, as many staff members will need to go after having lunch, and they won't want to walk too far.

Pay Them Fairly

Staff wages

Unsurprisingly, a staff member's pay has a significant impact on their happiness at work in Two Point Campus. As such, players should keep an eye on how long their staff members have been employed and be sure to offer pay rises to long-serving staff. Otherwise, staff will soon start to lose motivation, which is a particular issue with teachers, as it can impact the overall grades and pass rates of students.

Provide Training

The training room in Two Point Campus

Training staff and helping them to reach their potential is a great way to keep them motivated, fulfilled, and ultimately happy in Two Point Campus. A short while into the game, players will be able to build the training room. The room can be pricey to build, and training courses aren't cheap either, but it's worth it as training will give a noticeable boost to staff morale while also improving their abilities.

Have Good Campus Attractiveness And Prestige

Two Point Campus A Series Of Love Benches

For many players, decorating the campus and packing it out with the latest items is one of Two Point Campus' most enjoyable and rewarding aspects. It's not just players who enjoy a nice-looking campus, though, as staff and students also appreciate walking around a campus that has high Attractiveness and Prestige levels.

So, although it can get expensive, it's worth taking the time to nicely decorate each area, internal and external, and fill them with plenty of high-quality items, as the drastic increase in staff happiness levels will make it worth the money.

Two Point Campus is out now on PC, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Two Point Campus: Fixes The Game Needs