Originally released in 2013, Grand Theft Auto 5 went on to become one of the biggest video games of all time, as it is typically listed as the second best-selling video game of all time, behind only Minecraft. Other sources list it as the single highest-grossing piece of entertainment media ever thanks to downloadable content and sales through microtransactions in its online mode, Grand Theft Auto Online. This is aided by the fact that, on top of being an overall fun game to play, there are a lot of different ways to play it.

One popular mode for Grand Theft Auto Online is known as Grand Theft Auto Role Play or GTA RP. Specifically, the mode is a multiplayer mod for the PC version of the game that allows players to act out their own story in any manner that they want. The actual rules of the mod and how people are allowed to play tend to vary from server to server. One of the most popular Grand Theft Auto 5 RP servers is known as NoPixel.

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Since NoPixel went live, several streamers have dedicated large portions of their time to the RP server. Some streamers, however, like xQc have found themselves at odds with the people who run the Grand Theft Auto 5 server and have been banned as a result. One such streamer, who goes by the name Ming, was banned from the server back in 2019. However, it now appears that this ban will finally be lifted.

Recently the owner of the NoPixel server, koil, hosted a charity stream. He suggested that he would unban Ming if he received $100,000 in donations. One fan of Ming from Saudi Arabia who goes under the name incivik went above and beyond for the streamer. During the Grand Theft Auto 5 charity drive, incivik donated $40,000 to the charity drive in order to get the streamer unbanned from the server.

Despite its popularity, the NoPixel server is frequently at the center of controversies regarding its bans. The aforementioned xQc has frequently found himself banned from the Grand Theft Auto 5 server and isn't quiet about his feelings on it. Other streamers like Summit1G have criticized the Grand Theft Auto 5 server for its bans, calling them unfair. Regardless of what the future holds for streamers like these two, at the very least, it looks like Ming will soon be rejoining his fellow players in the NoPixel server.

Grand Theft Auto Online is available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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