Immortal is the highest rank that someone can obtain in Valorant, and doing so places them within the top 0.4% of Valorant players around the world. Popular Twitch streamer Pokimane recently achieved this legendary rank for herself after having played Valorant consistently since its beta launched back in April of last year. Unfortunately for her, she's a girl in the gaming industry, so plenty of people doubt that she achieved the rank under her own power.

While this isn't the first — and won't be last — time Pokimane's abilities as a gamer have been questioned due to her being a girl, one Twitch fan, in particular, got under her skin when they accused both hers and Courage JD's fanbases of perpetrating a double-standard. Taking to Twitter, the fan tried to instigate an argument with no one in particular by claiming that people were ragging on Courage for being "carried" to Predator in Apex Legends while praising Pokimane for the same thing in Valorant.

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Seeing the comment after opening Twitter up on stream understandably frustrated Pokimane. She addressed it — as well as other comments like it — to her viewers, essentially saying that she sees them all the time, even when she's minding her own business. She can't open up Twitter without seeing at least one. In her anger, she almost took the Tweeter's bait, nearly responding to it with a "Who the fu*k asked you?" but she luckily held herself back.


Considering how long she's been playing the game on stream, Pokimane's sure to have plenty of video evidence proving that she earned her place among the Immortals. There's certainly one out there of her assisting xQc, who ironically criticized Pokimane's recent rebellious behavior. If Pokimane knows she earned her Immortal rank, then she has nothing to prove to anybody. At the very least, anyone doubting her can try and prove their point with their own skills in the game.

Escaping internet trolls while having a job so closely tied to the internet is next to impossible, but ignoring their bait certainly isn't. Getting into online arguments with people who simply want to argue is a surefire way to lose brain cells for no good reason. So good on Pokimane for holding back, even if she did go on something of a rant about it despite not sending the Tweet. Hopefully, she manages to enjoy her rank while she has it.

Valorant is on PC — mobile version in development.

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Source: Dextro