Amazon is announcing Twitch Prime, which provides free 'game loot' every month, discounts on pre-orders through Amazon, ad-free Twitch viewing and more.

Ever since Amazon purchased Twitch, the online streaming company, in August 2014 for $970 million dollars, everyone has been wondering just how Amazon might leverage the company. Fans of Twitch had their own ideas, including how the Twitch Turbo premium subscription might provide Amazon bonuses. How about the best of both worlds? Today Amazon announced the launch of the Twitch Prime service, a special subscription filled with bonuses for fans of both Twitch and Amazon.

Just what will a Twitch Prime subscription offer? At its core, Twitch Prime will be replacing Twitch Turbo including all that Twitch's current subscription service offers. Things like ad-free Twitch viewing, customized chat colors, customized emoticons, and a special chat badge marking the user as a Twitch Prime subscriber are obvious – but there's more. Twitch Prime will include a free channel subscription, plus goodies including free games and DLC. That's not all though, because this is Amazon we're talking about.

Some may wonder whether Twitch Prime has anything to do with the currently available Amazon Prime subscription service. The answer is absolutely. In fact, current Amazon Prime subscribers will gain access to Twitch Prime for free, and Twitch Prime subscribers will have access to all of the bonuses of Amazon Prime. That includes things like 20% off preorders and newly launched games, free 2-day shipping and a library of movies, TV shows and music freely streamable.

Twitch Prime will cost $10.99 a month or $99 for an annual subscription. If you'd like to try before you buy then don't worry, there's 30-day free subscription offer available.


Regarding those special goodies that Twitch Prime will provide its subscribers, Amazon and Twitch have already revealed the first month's bonuses. Hearthstone players should both be pleased and outraged, as Twitch Prime will include a new hero: Tyrande Whisperwind – a Priest. Smite players will get a special "Boss Ymir" Twitch-themed skin. And everyone will get the free Amazon game Streamline on the day it launches.

All together, Amazon is offering a pretty outstanding deal for Twitch fans and Amazon fans. Considering Twitch channel subscriptions already run for $4.99 and Twitch Turbo costs $8.99, $10.99 a month for all of the above is a great deal, plus the Amazon Prime bonuses as well. Current Amazon Prime subscribers don't even have to pay an extra cent, receiving all of Twitch Prime for free just by continuing their current subscriptions. Amazon loves their Prime subscribers.

Twitch Prime is available starting today for either $10.99 a month or $99 for an annual subscription. Amazon Prime subscribers will get Twitch Prime for free. Twitch recommends that current Turbo subscribers switch to the new service, but will not force the switch. Those happy with their Turbo badge and bonuses can continue their subscriptions, but from here on Twitch Turbo will be closed to new subscribers.

Source: Twitch