Dan Clancy, the newly appointed CEO of Twitch, has promised to introduce changes to the platform's pre-roll ads feature to improve the experience for streamers and viewers alike. Twitch has faced some challenges in recent times as it battles to remain as the top site in the fast-growing world of online streaming.

Twitch has helped in the rise of several streaming celebrities, including Ninja, HasanAbi, and Amouranth, to name a few, and new streamers are popping up every day. However, Twitch is currently facing several challenges as streamers continue to switch to rivals Kick and YouTube as a result of Twitch's recent policy changes including its ad updates.

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In a recent appearance on SpawnOnMe's Twitch stream, Clancy discussed his goals and hinted at any impending Twitch ad updates that are presently being developed. He talked about the annoyance of pre-roll ads, mainly when viewers use Discovery mode, and Twitch's ambitions to reduce the controversial practice. Clancy mentioned his own experience with pre-roll advertisements on Twitch, saying that he watches more stations than he has subscribed to, and he sees a lot more advertisements recently. “I thought let’s have this live, so I can see the chat, and I saw an ad,” Clancy said.

Clancy agreed that these pre-roll ads are damaging to the user experience, especially when users are looking for new content. To address these issues, Twitch has started testing changes that reduce or eliminate pre-roll advertisements when users are in Discovery mode. Clancy mentioned that Twitch will soon be implementing these changes to improve the user experience on the platform. Some people think that Twitch has made some missteps including auto-banning Twitch streamers for usernames, taking too long to address issues like hate raids, and regulating gaming.

Although the decision to ban gambling on Twitch was widely praised, many have criticized the platform’s recent profit-sharing policy update. However, Twitch's move to reduce pre-roll ads is likely to be met with enthusiasm by both viewers and streamers. Many users have complained about the number and frequency of ads on the platform, which can disrupt the viewing experience and discourage viewers from discovering new channels.

It's highly likely that pre-roll ads will be reduced or eliminated entirely from Twitch's service in the near future, given the existing plans in place. With the rise of competitors, many feel that Twitch needs to keep innovating to stay ahead of the curve. By reducing pre-roll ads, Twitch can continue to be the go-to platform for online streaming and remain relevant in the fast-growing industry.

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