
  • Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion, the third main entry in the Turok series, is receiving a remaster on modern platforms, including PC.
  • The remaster includes cleaner resolution, enhanced character models, and no distance fog, but there is no mention of multiplayer mode returning.
  • Fans are excited about the remaster and hope it will bring more popularity to the franchise, potentially leading to remasters of other overlooked entries in the series.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion is officially receiving a remaster on modern hardware. It could've only been a matter of time before such an announcement came, seeing how the previous two main Turok games have already received contemporary remasters.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion is the third main entry in the Turok series, a group of first-person shooter games that mostly stuck to the Nintendo 64, all set in a prehistoric world. Much like its predecessors, this entry was well received and has been considered a sleeper hit among fans of the Nintendo 64's library. It centers on the latest incarnation of Turok, Joshua Fireseed, attempting to fight off the evil Oblivion, who barely survived eradication in the previous game. He is joined by his sister, Danielle, who acts as an alternate playable character with her own exclusive abilities.

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In a ninety-nine-second trailer on the official Nightdive Studios YouTube channel, it was announced that Turok 3 is set to receive a remaster on November 14 for all modern platforms, including PC, which the original game curiously skipped even though its predecessors didn't. The trailer includes OST and cutscene audio from the original game, albeit slightly cleaned up, and all of the footage shown is depicted with a cleaner resolution (courtesy of KEX Engine), more details on the character models without raising their polygon count, and a complete lack of the distance fog that the original trilogy was known for. There were no mentions of the multiplayer mode returning, something the Turok 2 Switch port initially lacked. The remaster is confirmed to be compatible with up to 4K resolution at 120 frames per second.

Fans in the comments appeared ecstatic about the news, expressing their hope that the remastered trilogy will sell well and lose its underrated cult classic status among the gaming community. Some even expressed a desire to purchase this remaster on each platform to drive up revenue even more. It would definitely be a good thing if the franchise received an influx of popularity, as it may convince Nightdive Studios to continue it, after plans to do so after the 2008 Turok reboot went up in smoke.

Remastering this late-90s trilogy is only a good thing for gamers, as it not only allows these games to reach a newer audience, but it also allows older fans to relive their childhoods, especially if they might have lost their original copies. Should these remasters do well, then perhaps there's a chance that the multiple other entries in this overlooked, semi-retired series could get the same treatment in the future.

Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered is coming on November 14 to PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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