About a week ago, the release dates for Night Dive Studios' Xbox One remasters of Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and its sequel Seeds of Evil were revealed by way of listing on the official Microsoft Store. Now, the time fans have been waiting for has finally arrived, with both of the updated versions of the classic Nintendo 64-era first-person shooter titles now available for purchase on Xbox One consoles.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil on Xbox One cost $20 apiece, and are set to offer fans the experience of enhanced visuals, as well as frame rates that are much smoother than those of the originals. As of now, the remastered titles are only available separately, but perhaps Night Dive Studios and Microsoft will decide to bundle them both together with some kind of discounted price in the future.


For those unaware of the games' premises, Turok: Dinosaur Hunter centers around the titular protagonist, who is a time-traveling warrior that is tasked with defeating The Campaigner – that is, an evil overlord who seeks to rule the universe with an ancient artifact known as The Chronoscepter. The events of Turok 2: Seeds of Evil follow closely thereafter Turok 1, with players up against a force much deadlier than The Campaigner known as The Primagen, whose aim is to merge Earth with the nether world.

All things considered, it will be interesting to see if the demand for Turok 1 and 2 on Xbox One will go on to generate big sales for the titles on the current generation system. There's no doubt that nostalgia will drive many to purchase the remasters, especially with the games both being priced at $20 a pop. Nevertheless, there may be many who decide to save their spending money for one of this year's never-before-released titles, as there are a slew of highly anticipated new games coming in 2018.

Turok: Dinosaur Hunter and Turok 2: Seeds of Evil are available now on Xbox One.