Though the archetype originated in anime, tsundere characters now permeate the entertainment sphere. These are cold, hostile figures who shut out those around them. That may not sound endearing, but these guys are really soft on the inside, and act tough to hide their true feelins. When that softness comes out, it often does so gradually and only with certain people. This naturally creates a compelling arc.

That's probably why so many PlayStation characters follow the archetype. The console's games are rife with tough cookies, and part of the joy of playing is learning more about them. Not all of these guys have hearts of gold, but they try. That's the most important thing.

7 Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy 8)

Rinoa and Squall in Final Fantasy 8

The Final Fantasy 8 hero epitomizes the sullen kid who doesn't talk to anyone in school. He usually stands in the corner and mutters monosyllabic responses to every question. One of the few figures to elicit a different reaction is his rival, Seifer, who knows just how to provoke Squall into a fight. Thankfully, others break his barriers in more wholesome ways.

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Squall's party members bring him out of his shell. Namely, Rinoa and Zell succeed where others fail. The former engages in a playful romance while the latter treats Squall like an incorrigible brother, much to the hero's chagrin. Both of these characters make light of the warrior's sulking and unwillingness to socialize. He eventually acknowledges their capability and sympathizes with them due to conflicting with their own demons. That common ground gets him to open up about his feelings instead of wallowing in self-pity. Though he may hate to admit it, Squall wouldn't go on a Final Fantasy adventure without these two.

6 Rivet (Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart)

Clank and Rivet in Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart

Growing up in a totalitarian dystopia would give anyone a rough exterior. Such is the case with Ratchet's cross-dimensional counterpart in this Ratchet & Clank sequel. Rivet resistance against Emperor Nefarious and his mechanical army. She even lost her arm in the conflict. As a result, she's slow to trust anyone, especially robots.

This is why she's initially dismissive of Clank in Rift Apart. However, once he shows his heroic nature and leads her to meet another lombax in Ratchet, the tide turns. Rivet begins to believe in optimism again, seeing the good in people rather than the bad. This leads to a friendship with Clank's dimensional doppelganger, Kit. Considering the little robot once worked for Nefarious, that's saying a lot.

5 Kratos (God Of War)

Kratos and Atreus in God of War: Ragnarok

As a Spartan, Kratos's training focused on his sword and spear instead of his social skills. Whenever he encounters someone in God of War, he brushes off any attempt at conversation. This partially stems from guilt over past slaughters. He turns into an absolute beast when challenged, so not engaging is the alternative to murderous rage. Though this makes him fun to play, players wouldn't want to be in the same room with him.

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Oddly enough, fatherly instincts cool this blazing temper. In the midst of his conquests, Kratos is tender toward his wife and child. They are the most important things in the world, and he shows that during their scenes together. God of War 3 echoes this as he develops a similarly protective attitude toward Pandora, who urges him to forgive himself and hope again.

It eventually paves the way for his father-son relationship in the 2018 reboot and its sequel. Kratos's demeanor around Atreus is colder than the snow around them. Over time, though, the kid proves his worth, causing Kratos to open up and build a warm bond of mutual trust. In the end, he sees Atreus as a valuable ally and source of redemption, changing him from the monster he once was.

4 Jak (The Jak & Daxter Series)

Jak and Daxter in Jak 2

Two years of torture in an oppressive future turns the fun-loving boy from Jak & Daxter into an angry, gun-toting mercenary in Jak 2. Emerging in Haven City, Jak is looking for a fight. He challenges anyone who gets on his bad side, and his assortment of weapons and monstrous Dark Eco transformation ensure he has the firepower to win. He still helps people, but he's visibly annoyed and only does so with the promise of reward. Despite that, the old hero slowly returns.

Over time, Jak regains his old enthusiasm and nobility. Some of that comes from his interactions with old friends as he falls into familiar dynamics. On top of that, he forms new bonds with the denizens of this bleak future. These cries for help in a hopeless world open Jak's eyes to a bigger picture than his personal vendettas.

3 Carmelita Fox (Sly Cooper)

Carmelita Fox in Sly 2: Band of Thieves

Inspector Fox is as stalwart as cops come. She devotes herself to the law, and she has no tolerance for criminals or other mischievous nonsense. This means she's a dogged pursuer of Sly Cooperand his thieving gang. Every escape, every taunt just makes her angrier and more determined to put these crooks behind bars. Law-breakers are all the same to her.

It's only once she sees the nuance that she relents. Sly sometimes works against dishonorable thieves and other dangerous individuals. In these scenarios, he and Carmelita set their differences aside for the greater good, even saving each other's lives at points. The uptight officer soon relaxes around the thief, and a romance blossoms. They see each other as people instead of just a cop and robber.

2 Bianca (Spyro 3: Year Of The Dragon)

Bianca and Hunter in the Spyro Reignited Trilogy

Bianca begins as a very bad bunny. She collaborates with the evil Sorceress to steal the dragon eggs and harvest their magic. This is because she wants to become a sorceress herself someday. She does her best to live up to that mantle, acting high and mighty and threatening Spyro every chance she gets. Unfortunately, the most rudimentary spells blow up in her face.

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There to lend a hand is Hunter. He doubts she's as bad as she says, instead finding her cute and endearing. That's why he helps her out in a scrape. Meanwhile, she can't help but laugh at his goofy antics. Such empathy causes her to separate from the Sorceress and her murderous ways. She then humbly does her best to atone for her misdeeds.

1 Kazuma Kiryu (Yakuza)

Haruka and Kiryu in Yakuza 3

Among Kiryu's defining features is his stoic exterior. An orphan raised by the yakuza, he knows firsthand the cutthroat nature of that world. Thus, he maintains a guarded demeanor. Even when helping people out, he does so reluctantly. Despite himself, he has a soft spot for lost causes and the downtrodden.

Nowhere is that more prevalent than with Haruka, the daughter of his deceased love whom he raises as his own. In shielding her from the cruelties of yakuza life, Kiryu aspires to be the person she can look up to. Her purity inspires him to be better. This forms the foundation for his providing a safe haven for orphaned children. Here, he's a father figure for several kids, patiently helping out with their problems and instilling wholesome family values. That's quite a far cry from the Dragon of Dojima.

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