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Any true fan of classic 90s anime will easily be able to point out Trigun's iconic protagonist, Vash the Stampede from a lineup any day. His signature red trench coat and spikey blond hair give him his incredibly unique look and perfectly captures the 90s take on the steampunk aesthetic.

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While the majority of classic anime enjoyers may be able to recognize Vash, some may not know anything beyond what's on the surface. For any new Trigun fans that are preparing for the new 2023 Trigun Stampede release, or for any longtime fans that want a quick refresh, here are some fun facts about the infamous Vash the Stampede.

7 He's In His Mid-Twenties (Physically)

Vash The Stampede

While Vash is technically well over a hundred years old (130 years to be exact), that's merely in human years. Vash is a special inter-dimensional being called a (humanoid) Plant and doesn't function or age the way normal human beings do.

Despite being much older than the average life expectancy for humans, it's clear that Vash looks much younger than that. It seems that Vash stopped his physical aging process during his mid-twenties and maintained his dashing good looks since then.

6 He Made A Cameo In Wild Arms

Vash The Stampede Wild Arms Cameo

Wild Arms 2 (known as Wild Arms: 2nd Ignition in Japan) came out in North America back in 2000 and had a very strong Western steampunk motif. Seeing as the world of Trigun was so similar, players began to think that perhaps Wild Arms and Trigun existed within the same universe the moment they realized Vash made a small cameo in the second game.

In Marina's room on the second floor of the bakery, a framed picture of Vash is seen hanging in the room. While fans began to speculate about how amazing a true crossover would be, it was ultimately decided that Vash's little cameo appearance was merely a fun easter egg for fans to find rather than actual world-building lore.

5 He Has Different Nicknames In The Anime Vs. The Manga

Trigun Vash Manga Vs. Anime Comparison

There are always going to be nuances that change during a series' transition from manga to anime. Some are more noticeable than others with some changes affecting the actual lore or smaller aesthetic changes like outfit or hair colors. A little detail that not many fans may have noticed is Vash's varying nicknames.

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Nicholas D. Wolfwood, is known for his (playful) name-calling when it comes to his good friend, Vash. In the manga, Wolfwood refers to Vash as "tongari" which roughly translates into "spikey head". Meanwhile, in the anime, the writing was changed up a bit, with Wolfwood calling him "needle noggin'" instead. Anime or manga, it seems as if Wolfwood can't get over poking some fun at Vash's hairdo.

4 He Has An Endless Supply Of His Signature Glasses

Vash from Trigun

There are a few tropes that many cartoons (and anime) are guilty of; one of the most notable ones is involving the main cast of characters always wearing the exact same outfit every episode. Aside from Vash's iconic long red trench coat and spiky updo, he has his signature round orange sunglasses.

However, Vash finds himself in trouble with the law on the daily and is always in the middle of a dangerous battle that somehow ends with his signature glasses breaking. However, it seems as if Vash is always prepared as his glasses always magically reappear by the next episode!

3 His Hair Fades To Black In The Manga


One notable change that happens throughout the manga series that doesn't ever happen throughout the anime is the slow change of Vash's hair. Everyone knows Vash for the spiky blonde hairdo he has in the anime, but in the manga, his hair goes through some changes.

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In the Trigun manga, Vash's hair color seems to have a connection with his powers as a Plant. As the manga progresses, his hair begins to lose its bright blonde luster and fades to black as he slowly exhausts his powers; truly conveying how much Vash is exerting himself every fight he engages in.

2 His Favorite Food Are Donuts

Trigun Vash Eating Donuts

Vash may not be a normal human being, but he definitely enjoys simple human pleasures like food. The one thing Vash has been seen eating throughout the entire series are donuts! Vash loves donuts and often prioritizes them in every situation no matter how dire or inappropriate.

Vash's love for donuts is so prevalent in the Trigun fandom that it ended up being a well-known meme. Everyone knows to hide their donuts whenever the famous (and hungry) Vash the Stampede is around.

1 He Has No Official Birthday

Trigun Vash Birthday

Vash has no official canon birthday; which is understandable considering his complicated origins. However, this didn't stop fans from picking out an important date to celebrate their favorite outlaw's special day. Trigun fans didn't have a ton to go off of to figure out an accurate date, so they had no choice but to settle on July 21st, the day of July, the Third City, and (former) major settlements on the planet Gunsmoke, was destroyed.

Sorry, Vash! It may not be the best date to choose but it definitely marks a day his life was changed forever.

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