After the lukewarm rehash to their ARPG Secret of Mana, Square Enix has pleased fans with the enjoyable and rich Trials of Mana remake. Just like the original, the game emphasizes colorful settings, exciting real-time combat, and a detailed class system. Though the game is fairly easy to get into, there are some subtleties and complexities that tend to be overlooked or underused by many.

With the aforementioned class system and the chaos that often befalls battles, it's crucial to go in with the right knowledge and a plan of attack.

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With that said, let's explore 10 tips and tricks to help improve your Trials of Mana game.

10 Stock Up On A Variety Of Items

Trials of Mana is an RPG that emphasizes action-laced combat and long campaigns. As such, it's important to be prepared when venturing out to reach the next major beat in the campaign and/or boss fight.

Statues are scattered throughout various environments, which allow you to save and fully recover. Yet, outside of villages and towns, the means to gather items/gear are few and far in-between. Be sure to stock up on key items such as Candy, Chocolate, Faerie Walnuts, Cups of Wishes, and Medical Herbs for curing ailments.

Healing items should especially be emphasized for those who don't have Charlotte or healing spells at their disposal.

9 Choose Balanced Classes That Compliment Eachother

Trials of Mana Heroes

When it comes to a class-based RPG like ToM, picking the right trio of characters is important. This is especially the case given that those picked can't be swapped out later - though new classescan be added to existing ones and stat points tweaked.

Though there's no "right or wrong" choice, there are class combos that are more beneficial as a whole.

Ideally, it's a good idea to have at least one offensively-minded character like Duran - who will be on the front lines. Those preferring a melee-based, "tanky" character might want to pick Kevin. To complement one of these, a character emphasizing mana is beneficial. Angela is great when it comes to offense, while Charlotte is more of a healer. The third slot can feature either Riesz or Hawkeye, as their stats are more balanced and can take on a number of roles.

8 Set Item Shortcuts For Quick Access In Dire Situations

Getting back to items - it's a good idea to take advantage of the built-in system of item shortcuts. Access through the normal item wheel is fine, as it'll stop the action regardless. Yet, it may often be the case that players will be in a dire situation in combat, and will require quick access to healing items.

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Take the items that will seemingly be needed most in battle - Chocolates, Candies, Cups of Wishes, etc, and map them out to the shortcut menu. This can be done by going to the item wheel and targeting the item of choice. Then, simply hold the "R" trigger and map that item to one of the face buttons by tapping that face button.

7 A Powerful, But Balanced Attack In Battle

Simple button-mashing might seem fine for Trials of Mana's action-based battle system, and it can be in the early goings. Yet, as things get tougher and more complex, it'll be more important to implement more strategic and resourceful combat. The strategic element in this game is subtle, but it does exist, and can make all the difference.

Utilizing moves like the dodge roll, jump attacks on flying enemies, and area attacks against multiple foes can lead to more effective, fruitful victories. Use a charged attack on beefier enemies, as they may have shields. Alternate between various moves, charged strikes, and items to ensure a balanced attack that doesn't deplete resources.

Controllable characters can also be swapped on the fly by tapping ZL and ZR/L2 and R2.

6 Plant Item Seeds

It's important to use all resources available to obtain useful items and gear, as they play a major role in ToM. One underutilized feature to aid on this end is the unique Item Seeds, whose value literally stems from Magic Pots.

These can be found in various inns. Upon using a seed there, it will instantly grow into a potentially valuable item. Use these on a regular basis, as each seed planted raises a hidden EXP value, and will also level up the Magic Pot (maxing out at level 5). This will result in more potent items or gear. Be on the lookout for Silver, Gold, and Rainbow Seeds, in particular.

5 Seek Out Branching Paths

Though it's an expansive game, ToM adheres to a pretty linear structure. Side quests are virtually non-existent, and there aren't many "open-world" areas to explore. Still, there are a number of branching paths and "detours," as it were. It's definitely a good idea to go down these paths and do some exploring, even if they set you back several minutes.

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Not only will there be more baddies to allow for grinding, but collectible items, gear, and treasure chests will often be placed in these areas in abundance.

4 Shoot For Quick Victories In Battle

Another aspect to strive for in battle is quick and effective victories. Using the strategies mentioned before will allow you to achieve this, as enemies will be dropped at a quicker rate.

Why is speed so important? Well, ToM's battle system implements a fun and rewarding bonus system. The main goals here should be to finish off a battle within 10, 20, or 30 seconds, which will grant EXP boosts.

But even more significant is the bonus given when not taking any damage in a fight. Though it's not easy to pull off, it should be attempted - as doing so will give a whopping 10% EXP bonus! Spamming class strikes and/or magic can help achieve this.

3 Use Magic According To The Day Of The Week

Magic in ToM is usually an effective weapon, to be sure. Yet, players can actually match the elemental magic according to what day of the week it is to give it more power. This doesn't really become a factor until later in the game, when a variety of spells are learned.

When given the opportunity though, emphasize magic according to the day. Each day only takes minutes, so this will be changed quickly.

During Luna Day, Moon magic is stronger. Salamando Day makes Fire magic stronger. Undine Day means Water magic will be stronger. Dryad Day enhances Wood magic, Sylphid Day strengthens Wind, and Gnome Day boosts Earth. Finally - Mana Day means that all elemental magic is balanced.

2 Use Training Points To Enhance The Strengths Of Your Class

One key feature that's yet to be mentioned here are the useful Training Points. Each level up will grant an additional point, which can be allocated to different stats and unlock new moves/enhancements.

While these can technically be put anywhere, it's a good idea to play to the strengths of each class. For instance, Charlotte and Angela should get INT and SPRT boosts, while Duran should get STR and STA.

1 Set More Aggressive Strategies For AI Companions

Subtle, but effective AI behaviors can be tinkered with in ToM, offering more tactical, customization elements to those who seek it. Make it a point to visit the "strategy" tab in the menu and adjust accordingly. These simple bar sliders and menu selections can greatly increase the offensive prowess and effectiveness of your team in battle.

Once again, this is partly subjective. Generally speaking though, it's a good idea to place the team "on the attack" unless there are special circumstances that demand more protection. It's also usually wise to have them target the same enemy - and to use moves, Class Strikes, and healing items pretty liberally.

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