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The Netflix Filipino-horror anime adaptation, Trese, introduces viewers to a plethora of mythological beasts as Alexandra fulfills her duties as the last protector of humanity. Following her father's death, Alexandra Trese takes over the reins as the Mandirigmang-Babaylan of Manila, inheriting his duties as a healer and guardian.

Talagbusao's twin sons, Crispin and Basilio, better known as the Kambal, have become her most trusted companions and bodyguards, regardless of their lineage. This trio work alongside Captain Guerrero and the police force to rid the streets of the Aswang influences working alongside the almighty God of War.

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The duwende share many similarities with the more commonly known Nuno or dwarves, usually appearing in the form of a miniaturized elderly man possessing impressive facial hair and a hat. The Filipino version tends to wear a salakot, typical of local farmer attire, and are ground-dwelling creatures who are also comfortable in forests and treetops.

The nature of the Duwende resembles that of a pixie - mischievous and playful, with loyalty to neither good nor evil. In the Philippines, superstitions dictate that one must say "Tabi-Tabi Po" when passing a mound of dirt to prevent misfortune from befalling them.

Ibu, the Goddess of Death


Ibu is considered to be death's custodian by the Manobo tribe who, much like in Greek Mythology, acts as a boatman to grant souls safe passage into the afterlife upon her taga-sundo. To keep up with the times, however, Ibu is seen using the trains as a mode of transport instead, along the Manila Metro Rail Transit System tracks.

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Typically, she is not to interfere with the affairs of men, only ferry the souls to the afterlife. However, when Datu Talagbusao and his minions threaten to disrupt the supernatural balance, Ibu steps up to assist Alexandra in her fight against the Aswang.



These fearsome monstrosities are the major antagonists of the show and are essentially a combination of several mythological creatures, namely: vampires, werewolves, ghouls, and witches, making them formidable opponents. The Tagalogs, Bikol, and Visayan tribes believe that there are distinct subspecies of Aswang, the most common of which are the Asuwang na lakaw.

Humans can transform into Aswang by consuming the creatures' flesh or blood, or alternatively, by swallowing a black chick whole. When Mayor Sancho Santamaria builds his Aswang army from prison, he lacks certain resources and therefore elects to carve chunks from his body to feed his supporters.



Still feared to this day, a flaming Santelmo is believed to be fueled by the spirit of a man who met his end near a large body of water, and now seeks revenge on all who have wronged him. The name Santelmo is supposedly derived from the Tagalog phrase “Apoy ni San Elmo” (St. Elmo’s Fire), although these entities have more in common with the Japanese shito-dama than their namesake.

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Trese is able to summon one of these fireballs to fight by her side - a relationship that was originally established by her father. The Great Binondo Fire raged in the 1950s thanks to a distraught Santelmo but was finally extinguished by the late Anton, inspiring eternal gratitude from the fire elements.



One of the oldest Filipino legends tells the story of the Tikbalang, a tall, fearsome horse-hybrid creature that resides in the Balete tree. Their bones are believed to possess magical qualities, and the Tikbalang's speed is unmatched.

Again, Anton Trese formed a bond with the Tikbalang when he helped them avenge those who were slaughtered during the Bukidnon Massacre. Along with their allegiance, the Tikbalang offered aid to Anton during the birth of his twin daughters, and Señor Armanaz continues to support the young shamen-warrior in fulfilling her destiny as the 6th child.

Datu Talagbusao

Datu TalagbusaoThe God of War Trese

Theories involving this God of War stem from the Bukidnon region, where Datu Talagbusao is said to be working for the greater, more ferocious force of Magbabaya. He can grow to gargantuan sizes and inspires bloodlust in whomever he comes in contact with. As the main villain of the Trese: Mass Murder Arc, this powerful deity shows his brutality when he murders his most loyal supporter in cold blood - his wife and mother of the Kambal, Ramona. Talagbusao attempts to make his presence in Terra Mundo more permanent by consuming the hearts of his children, Crispin and Basilio, as he can usually only possess a body for a short period, and only during times of conflict.

The Kambal destroys all stereotypes as the ideal candidates for the nature vs. nurture debate. Born from pure evil and raised with malicious intent, this devious duo were set up for darkness, but Alexandra and her father showed them the light. Crispin and Basilio played a vital role in locking their father away in another dimension through the Dragon’s Gate. However, fans are not convinced that Datu Talagbusao will be confined forever, and skeptics expect the God of War to make a return. With the way things ended, viewers assume that Ibu, Señor Armanaz, and Santelmo will continue to work with Alexandra against Mayor Sancho Santamaria and the Aswang, who now seem to have Nuno sa Manhole on their side.

Mythological creatures from Trese

One of the most refreshing aspects of this horror anime series is how accurately Budjette Tan Kajo Baldisimo portrays the fascinating Filipino folklore. Trese draws further parallels between the current situation in the Philippines, which sees excessive police brutality hidden behind the guise of a war against drugs. Mayor Sancho Santamaria surely symbolizes the corrupt political system that seems to facilitate violence over justice, fueled by greed and unencumbered from guilt or empathy. Some of the purest forms of evil, after all, walk the earth as humans and do not need the Aswang powers to corrupt their souls.

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