As the player navigates their way around each of the many maps in Trepang2, gunning their way through hordes of countless enemies, they're also going to need a trusty throwable weapon alongside them for those larger groups who can be much trickier to take down with just a gun.

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While Trepang Studios clearly designed their newest title with a very fast-paced style in mind, similar to games like Ghostrunner and Doom Eternal, the throwable weapons do add an element of strategy to gunfights which can help to break up the pacing a little bit. Still, there are a few throwable items that are undoubtedly more valuable than others which players should definitely look into unlocking so that they can break up bigger groups much easier.

Keep in mind that these tools should not be relied on entirely since they can still take a few seconds to throw out, which in the world of Trepang2, is a few seconds too many. Therefore, using guns and then slowing enemy waves down with these throwable weapons is the best way to ensure maximum survivability.

7 Breaching Charges

Player Attaching A Breaching Charge To A Locked Door
  • How to unlock: Complete The Pandora Institute on Normal

The breaching charge is technically classed as a "throwable" in the game, and while it doesn't act the same way as all the other weapons in this category, this isn't to say that it's completely useless. After acquiring the breaching charges after completing The Pandora Institute mission, players will then be able to blow open certain locked doors, some of which block the player's progress through the campaign, while others simply contain special weapons and more grenades.

Overall, the breaching charges aren't going to prove very useful in the heat of battle, but they are worth keeping around if the player doesn't currently have any other throwable item on them at the time.

6 Proximity Mines

Player Throwing A Proximity Mine To Protect A Corner
  • How to unlock: Complete the Oil Rig side mission on Normal

The proximity mines are most useful on very narrow maps like Office Lanes where players can quickly throw them on the ground to cover their flank so that enemies can't creep up on them unexpectedly. They have an extremely fast throwing animation and considering players can get 5 of them for $1000 in the Combat Simulation maps, they're never a bad option to pick up.

With that being said though, their blast radius is fairly small, and they can be set off quite easily by enemies who aren't right next to them, so they should ideally be reserved for smaller maps where the enemies can group up in specific key areas.

5 Flashbangs

Flashbang Stunning Multiple Enemies In Trepang2
  • How to unlock: Complete Site 14 on any difficulty

Flashbangs are another throwable that work especially well on the smaller combat simulator maps since they won't affect enemies unless they are extremely close, but if the player does manage to catch several of them off-guard at once, it makes clearing a path so much easier.

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They are the cheapest throwables the player can buy at only $400, so rather than hanging onto them for the entire match, they can be much better utilized when the situation is looking dire, and the player is looking for a lifeline to help them escape a threatening situation. It is even possible to kill enemies with the impact of a flashbang, and while it's difficult, it's a good way to finish an enemy off without having to wait for a reload.

4 Tomahawks

Player Throwing A Tomahawk At A Wall In Trepang 2
  • How to unlock: Complete the Plane Crash mission on Normal

Anyone who has ever played any of the modern Call of Duty games will know how deadly a tomahawk or throwing knife can be, usually always resulting in instant death once they make contact with an enemy, but in the high-speed frantic gunfights of Trepang2, this can be a little harder to pull off.

Still, this is most certainly a devastating weapon that can easily dispatch foes without even needing to fire a bullet, but it takes a lot of practice to get accustomed to, especially regarding its distance and drop-off range. The tomahawk in this game also feels noticeably heavier than many other FPS shooters, so it will take a little longer to throw, but once it's flying threw the air, it always results in blood splatting against the walls.

3 Frag Grenades

Frag Grenade Exploding With Multiple Enemies Caught In The Impact
  • How to unlock: Complete the Gunnarson Complex side mission on Normal

Many of the throwables in Trepang2 have their strengths and drawbacks, but when it comes to the frag grenades, they are the most well-rounded and reliable weapon in the entire game. The 3-second countdown before detonation makes it very easy to determine when the enemies are going to run over the explosion, and considering they can be tossed so quickly, it's never a bad idea to throw them out in quick succession for those more defensive foes.

If the player is skilled enough with their precision and aim, they can even shoot the grenade while it's traveling through the air to create a premature explosion, something that can be pulled off incredibly easily while traveling in slow motion.

2 Rat Bombs

Rat Bomb Running Around On The Floor In Trepang2
  • How to unlock: Complete the Kellington Colliery side mission on Very Hard

In an attempt to feel as realistic and immersive as possible, Trepang2 contains mostly weapons and gadgets that would be used by special forces groups in real life, but there are still a select few strange and weird items that can be found across the game, with perhaps the most peculiar being the rat bombs.

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As the name suggests, this throwable is literally a grenade strapped to a rat, so as soon as it is thrown onto the field, the small rodent will begin scurrying around while the explosive beeps down to its detonation after a few seconds. Rat bombs cost a little more than the other throwables, being priced at $1500, but this is because of how unpredictable they are as they do much of the work for the player, to the point where they won't even need to aim the grenade. Just place the bomb down, and watch the little guy do the rest.

1 Firebombs

Fire Bomb Burning Enemies As The Player Walks Past
  • How to unlock: Complete Jorvik Castle on Normal

Firebombs are the only throwable in the game that will leave behind an area of effect that will damage enemies as they walk through it, and this is just one of the reasons why it is so useful. Not only can it be great for locking down choke points on tighter maps like Café and Supply Depot, but it can make quick work of large groups in a matter of seconds.

Additionally, accuracy isn't really an issue for the firebomb since it doesn't matter if it hits an enemy directly, or just lands near their feet, the radius will still be large enough to cover the entire area in flames in no time at all, making it essential for anyone racing through the campaign, or trying to complete the Combat Simulations on the Extreme difficulty. Also, they only cost $1000 in the Combat Simulation maps, so there's never a reason not to grab a few of them at a time.

Trepang2 is currently available on PC.

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