
  • Traveller's Tales' LEGO games may be in jeopardy due to behind-the-scenes issues, including crunch culture and frustration with the new in-house engine.
  • Warner Bros. may shift gaming franchises into live-service titles, potentially changing the future of Traveller's Tales' LEGO games.
  • LEGO is distancing itself from Traveller's Tales, opening the door for other studios to create LEGO games and increasing the pressure on the studio to impress players and improve its workplace culture.

Over the years, Traveller's Tales has built a pretty impressive co-op franchise with the LEGO IP. Since the launch of LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game in 2005, the studio has brought the formula to some of the biggest IPs. Superhero fans have been able to explore the Marvel and DC worlds, adventure fans got treated to Indiana Jones, the Wizarding World got its time to shine, and even Pixar headlined its own LEGO adventure. There have been so many fantastic experiences within this franchise, but the series' future may not be so bright.

While LEGO games will likely be around forever, Traveller's Tales' current model may not be. The recent LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga may have taken the franchise to new heights, but various behind-the-scenes issues and changes could see the brand alter course a bit. Even though it is way too early to say TT Games' LEGO titles are dead, if the studio is not careful, then they very well could be.

RELATED: WB Games' Possible Future Could Have Huge Ramifications for Traveller's Tales LEGO Games

Traveller's Tales' LEGO Games Are in a Tough Spot

Various Behind-the-Scenes Changes May Put LEGO Games in Jeopardy

Traveller's Tales' LEGO games have been the face of the LEGO video game market for years now. It seemed like there was no stopping these collect-a-thons as they grew bigger and bolder with each entry. However, the release of LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga may have started to show some cracks. Before the game hit store shelves, a report was released detailing the extensive crunch culture within the studio. Along with that, the employees were allegedly at odds with management, and constantly expressed frustration with the new in-house engine as it was extremely difficult to use. While the game was still a massive hit, these reports have made some players question the studio's direction.

Additionally, Warner Bros. CEO David Zaslav said that he wants to shift its biggest gaming franchises into live-service titles. The first one will be Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League, and if that succeeds, then there will likely be dozens more to follow. That change does not necessarily mean that WB Games will stop publishing single-player or co-op experiences, but those may change drastically as well. And since Traveller's Tales LEGO games have already dabbled in the DLC side of things, future games may go all in on live-service elements. It is too early to say if that actually happens, but it is a possibility.

LEGO Has Begun Moving Away From the Studio

On top of all of that, LEGO is also seemingly distancing itself from Traveller's Tales a bit. Last year, the company chose not to extend its exclusivity agreement with TT games, which was allegedly due to the crunch culture. While that does not mean that the studio has to stop making LEGO games, it does mean that it is no longer the only one doing so. It also means that LEGO may be a bit stricter on the games that it agrees to, which could impact the future immensely.

2K has launched LEGO 2K Drive and is preparing to release LEGO 2K Goooal! Both games have taken an entirely new approach with the brand, and there will likely be more titles like it to follow. Even though these games may not blow players away, it is nice to see a bit more diversity in the LEGO world. TT Games made some great titles with exclusive licenses, but now that more studios get to play around in the world, it should lead to even more exciting adventures for players.

That also means that TT Games has to really impress players with its next chapter because it is no longer the only one out there. If it falters, then there is more of a chance that players will just go play something else instead. And if it does not change its workplace culture, then LEGO may move even further away from the studio. While it may be working on a mysterious LEGO game, if it is not careful, it could be its last.