Travellers Rest is an adorable management game where players are put in charge of a tavern and tasked with serving its patrons by providing them with delicious drinks and fresh food. There are a ton of recipes to explore and make in Travellers Rest, and players will unlock more as they expand their skill tree. Players will have to choose which recipes they want to learn, and there's a lot to choose from, so it can feel like a pretty big deal!

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Customers will have different preferences on different days, depending on the current trends and what's popular. These trend fluctuations will affect how much customers pay for a dish so players looking to maximize their income should pay attention to this and try to use the trending ingredients in as many dishes as possible.

12 Sausages

travellers rest sausage

While this recipe seems like a staple of the tavern-going experience and is a great chance to use some trending meat or veggie ingredients, it's also one of the more complex recipes in the player's Cooking Tech Tree.

Costing 4 physical points, 1 mental point, and 2 nature points, this recipe may be one that players want to leave on the back burner until they've got a few more recipes under their belt. On top of its complexity, this recipe also takes a decent amount of time to make, taking 90 in-game minutes, which is the highest out of all the recipes.

11 Soup

travellers rest soup

Another staple of the tavern experience, soup seems like a pretty basic recipe that players may want in the tool-belt sooner rather than later. While it's a great way of including some trending meat and veggies in a dish and amplifying it with a few extra ingredients, there are a few other recipes that players may wish to prioritize.

Learning this recipe costs 3 physical points and 2 nature points which isn't much compared to other recipes in the Cooking Tech Tree, but it is a simpler recipe. The simple nature of soup also means that it's limited in how many flavor modifiers it can have.

10 Shiskebab

travellers rest shiskebab

This pretty basic recipe gives players the chance to sneak in some trending meat, veggies, or fruit into this delectable dish that customers are sure to love. This recipe can also be modified with all flavor types, except for seedy, so players can really make this dish their own and get some more trending ingredients in there!

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This recipe does cost 4 physical points, 3 mental points, and 4 nature points to learn, so it won't be something players should be looking to learn until a little later in the game.

9 Stew

travellers rest stew

This versatile dish has the basic additions of meat and veggies, but is able to be modified quite significantly! The only flavor modification that can't be added to this dish is seedy, ensuring that players can really make this recipe unique and include a bunch of trending ingredients!

In the Cooking Tech Tree, this recipe costs 3 physical points, 2 mental points, and 3 nature points to learn, so while this must-have recipe won't be super easy to learn in the early game, players may want to get this recipe as soon as they can.

8 Tea

travellers rest tea

This pretty basic recipe gives players the chance to modify their teas with some interesting and unique infusions, depending on their mood or what flavors are currently trending!

Costing only 2 mental points and 3 nature points, this may be a recipe that players choose to get early on, though it does take a long time to brew, so players may want to start brewing some at the start of the day! This is also a relatively simple recipe with players only needing tea leaves and water to make it.

7 Pies

travellers rest sweet and savory pies

There are a couple of different types of pie that players can choose to make in Travellers Rest: sweet or savory. Players can decide which pies they want to make based on the current trending flavors as the different pies will offer different experiences to their customers.

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Sweet pies are made with fruit and can be modified with a variety of flavors that are different from savory pies, which are made with meat or veggies. Pies are a great way to get a load of ingredients in one dish. As such, learning this recipe costs 5 physical points, 3 mental points, and 4 nature points so this will likely be a recipe players obtain later in the game.

6 Jams

travellers rest jam

Players unlock the ability to make jams with fruit and sugar after unlocking the option on the Cooking Tech Tree with 3 physical points, 2 mental points, and 3 nature points.

These jams can be modified in a bunch of different ways according to trending flavors, and players can even use a variety of different fruits to make their jam, depending on what will make them more money. Jams are super quick to make in-game, only taking 17 minutes to finish, meaning players can make a few of these throughout the day and have them ready to go!

5 Pickles

travellers rest pickles

Players can pickle a myriad of meats and veggies with vinegar, and even modify them based on what's trending and likely to make the most profit. Pickles are a few steps up the Cooking Tech Tree, as players are able to unlock this recipe with 4 physical points, 3 mental points, and 4 nature points.

It isn't exactly the best recipe for early in the game, but it will definitely be a beneficial one to learn as early as possible! They also only take 5 in-game minutes to make, which is the quickest of the recipes.

4 Cheese

travellers rest cheese

Cheese isn't available for players to make until they've reached Reputation 11, but it's a worthwhile endeavor once it's available!

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Costing players a whopping 5 physical points, 4 mental points, and 4 nature points to unlock the cheesy knowledge, this branch of the skill tree will allow players to not only make cheese that they can sell but will also give them the ability to use cheese in their recipes! Cheese can be used to modify dishes and make them more on-trend with the current flavor demands.

3 Porridge

travellers rest porridge

This classic recipe is the ol' reliable dish of Travellers Rest. Starting with this dish, players can make this simple recipe with some grain and water, though they can modify the dish with whatever they want - ensuring that this recipe truly acts like the old reliable friend it truly is!

Players needn't worry about spending any skill points on this recipe and can just focus on how to make this simple dish as profitable as possible.

2 Bread

travellers rest bread

There are three different breads available for players to make in-game: Barley, Rye, and Wheat. To learn how to make bread, players must spend 2 physical points, 1 mental point, and 2 nature points in the Cooking Tech Tree for these recipes.

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All breads are made through very much the same process, with only the flour type changing between the different breads. All bread can also be modified with the same flavor variations, meaning players can really have fun with their bread varieties and switch them up based on flavor trends.

1 Roasting

travellers rest roasts

First goes to the roasting recipes which allow players to make roasted fish, roasted chicken, roasted pork, roasted beef, and roasted barley. The simpleness of these dishes, and how quickly players are able to learn them, truly solidifies these recipes as absolute staples of the Travellers Rest experience.

All of these recipes only need one ingredient and all of them, except roasted barley, can be modified with any flavor except seedy. On the Cooking Tech Tree, these recipes only cost 2 physical points, 1 mental point, and 2 nature points to learn, making it very easy to acquire in the early game.

Travellers Rest is available on PC.

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