Dinosaurs are set loose in Capcom's new IP Exoprimal, and it is up to players in their high-tech Exosuits to rid the planet of the prehistoric invasion. Using a variety of different suit types, each with their own weapons and special abilities, players will work together in teams of five to complete objectives faster than an opposing team whilst overcoming the dinosaur threat.

Related: Exoprimal: A Complete Guide To The Nimbus Exosuit

Exoprimal features a number of famous dinosaurs that have been frequently brought back to life in popular movies and tv shows, some of which pose a legitimate threat to the survival of players and their teams. Of all the dinosaurs in the game, there are five larger varieties that are the toughest to defeat, so here are all players need to know about the most fearsome monsters in Exoprimal and how best to overcome them.


In-game footage of an Ankylosaur from Exoprimal

While the Ankylosaur may not have the greatest array of attacking weapons, it is one of the toughest dinosaurs to put down. This is because it has an incredibly thick armor plating all over its back and on top of its head. This means that the best strategy to fell one of these enormous beasts is to focus on the soft flesh on its leg and belly, which may require some attacks that can squeeze under its mass.

The most dangerous part of the Akylosaur is its tail, which includes an armored club on the end of it, so to ensure survival players should avoid standing behind it as it can easily fall victim to some serious blunt-force trauma. Aside from the tail, it won't offer much of an offensive threat and won't charge at Exopilots, so keeping in front of it or by its side from a distance is a safe bet. With enough offense under the Ankylosaur, the dinosaur will flip over and expose its weakest points, which is the perfect opportunity for the whole team to unleash its most powerful abilities.

Exosuit selection isn't as important against an Ankylosaur as it is against the other top-tier dinosaurs in Exoprimal, however, Barrage and Deadeye are the best equippedto handle one effectively. Deadeye's range of firearms make it an ideal candidate to target the dinosaur's weak points, but its Stun Grenade and Cluster Salvo Overdrive ability are particularly potent. For Barrage, who is the best option against an Ankylosaur, its array of explosive weapons will all be effective against the beast. Its Burning Heart Overdrive ability is devastating for all dinosaur threats, however, the Ankylosaur is particularly vulnerable to the Triple Threat attack.


In-game footage of an Stegosaurus from Exoprimal

The Stegosaurus is the most passive of the larger dinosaurs and won't hit players with a wide array of attacks, but it has one particular ability that can significantly limit an Exosuit's offensive abilities. The trip through spacetime has given its roar special qualities, which will restrict an Exosuit within its area of effect to only using its primary weapon for a period of time and will significantly slow down its movement.

Related: Exoprimal: A Complete Guide To The Krieger Exosuit

The Stegosaurus won't offer much by way of attacking sequences, however its roar can be a huge disadvantage to Exofighters as it does not only hinder how effectively they can attack the big dinosaur, but also any smaller dinos that are accompanying it. The Stegosaurus' back is covered with spiny plates, so attacks on its back will largely go unnoticed. However, an offensive strategy that targets its lower body and head will prove fruitful.

Given the Stegosaurus is not much of an attacking threat, using Exosuits with melee capabilities such as Zephyr and Murasame can really shine against this dinosaur. By bombarding its big body with an array of close-quarters combat combinations, the Stegosaurus' health will very quickly decline. They are particularly effective against this dinosaur as they will not have to rely on their special abilities to inflict high volumes of damage.


In-game footage of an Triceratops from Exoprimal

While it is generally known for being a relatively passive herbivore, the Triceratops in Exoprimal is a real problem for Exofighters in the war games. With a thick, heavily-plated head, solid build, and a trio of sharp horns, it has the broadest range of attacking options of the big four-legged dinos. The Triceratops will attack players to the side and in front of them, so the safest place to be is behind the beast.

The Triceratops' most potent weapon is its charge, so under no circumstances should players position themselves in front of the dinosaur unless they are confident that they can get out of its way when it starts running at them or risk being impaled and potentially slammed into a wall. The front is the least effective position for this dinosaur because of its attacking threat, as well as its near-impenetrable head. It is important to note that, while it is safer, players are not out of the woods standing next to a Triceratops, as one of its alternative attacks involves slamming into the ground next to it. The best position to be in to inflict damage on this dinosaur is above it or behind it.

Most Exosuits are suited for beating Triceratops, however, given its combination of armor and attacking prowess, the best work will be done by members of the Assault or Tank class With that said, no Exosuit has the stopping power of Roadblock. Roadblock is the only Exosuit capable of standing to a charging Triceratops, and using its shield will result in the dinosaur colliding with the Exosuit and halting its progress. All players should try this out, as it will reward them with the Spear Stopper trophy/achievement.


In-game footage of an Carnotaurus from Exoprimal

The most mobile of the larger dinosaurs in Exoprimal, the Carnotaurus won't be as big of a problem as the T. rex, but this smaller variety will still be a formidable challenge for players. Unlike its four-legged counterparts, it can more freely turn and move around the battlefield, making it more difficult to avoid their attacks. While they are faster, it is easier to anticipate their movements as they will roar before they launch any significant attacking sequences.

Related: Exoprimal: All Confirmed Neosaurs In The Game

The best strategy for defeating a Carnotaurus is to keep a far distance, as it can attack Exopilots in all directions. For an effective assault on a dinosaur with the challenges that the Carnotaurus provides, an Exosuit like Vigilant is a great option as it can provide a potent offensive punch to the dinosaur from a safe distance. Alternatively, Skywave is also an ideal choice but would function more as a support for the rest of the team, as it is able to fly above the Carnotaurus and continuously heal fellow squad members who suffer injuries from the battle.

Generally, players who avoid standing in front of the Carnotaurus have more success when it comes to surviving and defeating the dinosaur. All of its attacks involve biting and charging ahead of it, so attacking the dinosaur from the side or back should result in a successful combat engagement.

Tyrannosaurus Rex

In-game footage of an T. rex from Exoprimal

The biggest challenge of the regular dinosaurs in Exoprimal, the T. rex combines power, mobility, and speed to pose as a significant threat to entire squads. It is incredibly fast for its size and agile, with the ability to jump great heights to catch targets between its powerful jaws. The T. rex has the most creative assortment of attacks, which means that it can handle threats at ground level or above.

The key to beating a T. rex is having a balanced team and utilizing each Exosuit's strengths. Tanks should be attracting the dinosaur to attack its heavy armor, Assault should be inflicting damage from mid-range, and Support suits can prioritize keeping the squad alive while maintaining distance. Krieger is a great choice against a T. rex due to its high armor rating, overwhelming firepower, and its Overdrive ability is the perfect way to put a dent in the dinosaur's health. Barrage is also suitable on account of its high-damage offensive weapons and its Overdrive ability, which is one of the most powerful attacks in the game.

It is absolutely essential to ensure victory over a T. rex that every team has at least one Support Exosuit. The dinosaur's attacks are powerful, and those who are unfortunate enough to get caught between its teeth are almost guaranteed to be destroyed. With a Support suit handy, teams will have a better chance of avoiding death by keeping their health at its capacity.

Exoprimal is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S

More: Exoprimal: All Confirmed Dinosaurs In The Game