Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is a battle simulation game paired up with the humorous rag doll physics that will send by the player's and the opponent's units shooting across the map once they have been hit. It heavily parodies the battle simulator genre to make a casual yet funny experience for players to enjoy.

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This experience is only made funnier through the units available to the player to use. From a variety of different factions players can focus on testing an army of simple farmers against Ice Giants to creating an unstoppable force of mammoths. It is completely down to the player what army they create, but these are by far the best units to use.

10 Archer

Three Archers standing around a tower in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Enlisted in the Medieval Faction, Archers are a ranged unit that may seem weak due to their small amount of health but if placed down in large numbers can cause mayhem for the opponent from a distance. Especially if given the right defense then they can down many units in one to three shots.

Due to their ranged attacks with the bow, it is near impossible to defeat an archer unless the opponent also has ranged units or a melee unit that can tank the hits before finally approaching their target.

9 Wizard

A blue Wizard standing with a staff in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Ranged units can also be incredibly useful when attempting to control the battlefield and one way this can be done easily while also committing to a decent amount of damage is by using a Wizard. With its staff a wizard targets one enemy shooting lightning at them which knocks the unit back, they will then begin to glow blue, after a while they will then electrocute the surrounding units.

Unfortunately, unlike other units players must first unlock the Wizard before they are able to purchase them to use in battles. It can be unlocked by going to the Legacy Map and searching the dirt path left of the church. A player will find a wizard hat and pipe which is they continue to look at will glow and then unlock the wizard.

8 Pharaoh

A blue Pharaoh standing in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Pharaoh continues the theme of support but in a different way as it has the special ability due to its royal status. If enemies get close to the Pharaoh it is able to make a gold ring appear which any weak enemies caught inside of it will be forced to bow.

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This makes damaging these enemies a lot easier for allying units as the enemy will not fight back. Players must first unlock this unit by going inside the church on the Legacy map where a Pharaoh inside a casket can be found.

7 Jarl

A blue Jarl holding an axe in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Up close melee units are just as valuable as not only distractions but also to do immense amounts of damage. The Jarl is a boss unit for the Viking faction that not only has a good amount of health to their name but also a brutal axe in their hands.

While the axe in itself will cause a lot of damage to a group of enemies, due to the unit's boss status it also comes with a couple of extra abilities. Ice Arena may only deal a small amount of damage but can still hit a group of enemies while its enrage attack can easily eradicate a single force.

6 Mammoth

A Mammoth trampling blue units in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Boss units can also take the form of humongous animals such as the prehistoric Mammoth. Found in the tribal faction this large fluffy elephant works wonders against simple infantry units, although its man attack is slow, trampling through units still causes damage.

However, the Mammoth remains vulnerable to ranged units due to how big of a target it is and therefore should be avoided during these battles. This doesn't deny the fact that this boss unit does have a large amount of health making it brilliant in any other situation.

5 Tank

A Tank with two red soldiers on it in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Ranged and brutal the Tank is one of the most expensive units for a reason. The Tank has multiple purposes, firstly it can exploit at range due to its missile shots that will demolish enemies or used up close as it rams into enemies doing a hefty amount of damage.

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However, similar to the Mammoth, the Tank is incredibly vulnerable to ranged units and therefore should be positioned in a way to avoid their attacks or not used in these situations especially due to how expensive it is. This will also need to be unlocked by finding the buried tank underground in the Legacy map.

4 Ice Giant

A blue Ice Giant standing between the trees in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

The Ice Giant is the most powerful freezing enemy in the game and before the Legacy update it was also one of the most powerful units available. The Ice Giant may be slow however, like the mammoth once it finally reaches its mark the Ice Giant can do phenomenal damage.

Besides, it also has an Ice Breath ability which gradually freezes enemies hit by it, this can do incredible damage to enemies that can't escape its icy breath. This is another unit that needs to be unlocked and therefore players must access the Viking level to find the buried Ice Giant on the blue side of the map.

3 Hwacha

A Hwacha shooting fireworks in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Many of these boss units can also be used by the opponent, the best way to counteract these enemies is by using the Hwacha. This Dynasty faction unit shoots fireworks at a range towards their opponent which can do an intense amount of damage if they hit successfully.

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It is by far one of the best ways to deal with enemies such as the Ice Giant, as long as the Hwacha is kept in the back lines away from those that can do melee damage. However, it is also very weak to shield units that can block its shots.

2 Zeus

Zeus walking with two lighting bolts in his hands in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

Players may be surprised to see Zeus so high on the list especially due to the little damage he seems to output. However, Zeus is by far one of the best units out of all of them to handle controlling melee enemies.

While armed with lighting bolts in each hand, he shoots these at his foes to electrocute them with a small amount of damage. This becomes more powerful when this enemy is surrounded by others as a chain reaction occurs meaning the lighting will hit several committing more damage.

1 Artemis

Artemis shooting their bow in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator

As the most powerful unit in Totally Accurate Battle Simulator it is of no surprise that it isn't only a secret unit but also one that attacks from a distance. Although her arrows do less damage than the usual archers her increased rate of fire means she actually does more than a couple of archers combined can do in seconds.

As a secret unit, players can unlock Artemis by accessing the Ancient 1 map and looking to the top of the lighthouse, there a bow can be found which when looked at will unlock Artemis for both the campaign and sandbox.

Totally Accurate Battle Simulator is available on iOS, Andriod, Xbox Series X/S, Switch and PC

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