
  • Utilize the best casters in Total War: Warhammer 3 for more Winds of Magic and faster spell casting rates to gain a strategic edge.
  • With unique abilities and traits, wizards like Balthasar Gelt, Malekith, and Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet bring diverse and powerful spells to the battlefield.
  • Lord Kroak, Astragoth Ironhand, and Kairos Fateweaver offer unique spell abilities that can devastate enemies and give players a massive advantage in battles.

The Winds of Magic in Total War: Warhammer 3 are crucial for getting an edge over enemy armies. Every army has access to casters who can utilize powerful spells to buff friendly troops, apply debuffs to the enemy, or even bring huge explosions or blades to the battlefield to cause huge damage to any unfortunate units.

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Several Legendary Lords of Total War: Warhammer 3 face an uphill battle when it comes to their starting positions.

Despite all spellcasters having access to powerful spells, the best casters in Warhammer 3 have access to technologies or skills that can give them more Winds of Magic and let them cast more spells at a faster rate. These are the best spellcasters on the Immortal Empires map.

8 Balthasar Gelt

Supreme Patriarch Of The Colleges Of Magic

Total War Warhammer 3, Balthasar Gelt Posing to camera holding the staff of volans
  • Metalshifting Passive Increases Army Damage When Casting
  • Lore Of Metal Magic Traits Make Searing Doom Cheap To Cast
  • Has access to powerful buffing spells

Balthasar Gelt, the best Wizard that the Empire of Man has access to, uses the Lore of Metal. His base skills mean Lore of Metal magic is 20% cheaper to cast and, as he levels up, his skill points can be allocated to his magical trait line. This can cause Winds of Magic costs for spells like Searing Doom to drop by 1 point, and the upgraded versions often drop by 2 points for Gelt. He also cuts cooldowns for the spells in half, which means that Gelt can use the incredible buffs in the Metal Lore more often to keep his troops powerful.

He also quickly gains the Metalshifting passive ability, which increases his troops' weapon damage and armor-piercing damage to make them more formidable and hold off enemies while Gelt casts from the backlines. Balthasar also has a unique quest item, the Staff of Volans, that halves his chance to miscast and gives him the ability to recharge his Winds of Magic at 240% of the normal rate.

7 Vlad Von Carstein

First Vampire Count Of Sylvania

Vlad von Carstein in tww
  • Lore Of Vampires and Lore Of Beasts give some very powerful spells
  • Has access to summoning spells and massive damage spells
  • Incredibly strong melee combatant

As a caster who can also hold his own in close-quarters combat, Vlad von Carstein can shred any unit with his brutal spells or his cursed blade, the Blood Drinker. The vampire count has access to some spells from the Lore of Vampires, and some from the Lore of Beasts. One of the mid-game skills that he can acquire through leveling makes him a Loremaster for the Lore of Vampires, which makes Wind of Death and the Invocation of Nehek cheaper to cast. This provides a balance between regeneration skills for his undead hordes and devastating damage spells that can break apart even the strongest enemy formations.

His close-quarters combat abilities mean that he can stack a very strong ward save with melee defense, missile defense, and armor to make Vlad incredibly tanky, and while he is attacking, he can regenerate quickly due to his bloodlust. Winds of Death is one of the best spells in Total War: Warhammer 3 and Vlad can also cast Raise Dead to block off enemy armies and control the battlefield with hordes of hungry zombies.

6 Malekith

The Witch King Of Naggaroth

Total War Warhammer III, Malekith the Witch King in front of his armies - launch trailer image
  • Lore Of Dark Magic spells let players increase Wind Of Magic regeneration rate
  • Spiteful Conjuration passive lowers enemy armor
  • Low-cost spells with huge effects

The true enemy of the High Elves, Malekith, is one of the most accomplished spellcasters across the Warhammer Old World. With access to the Lore of Dark Magic, the Witch King starts a campaign with the ability to cast Chillwind, which damages and slows enemy troops. One of Malekith's unique quest items, the Circlet of Iron, gives him the ability to cast the powerful buff, Power Of Darkness, more times per battle, and for fewer Winds of Magic.

When he casts, Malekith also lowers the armor of any enemies with his passive, Spiteful Conjuration. Malekith can hold his own in combat too, defending himself well enough up until he gets a dragon mount at rank 18 and becomes a powerhouse that can blast huge spells from the sky and drop into combat to turn any tide. The bombardment spell Doombolt can help the Witch King to blast through any defense and his selection of spells makes him a game changer for any Dark Elf army.

5 Ikit Claw

Chief Warlock Engineer Of Clan Skryre

Total War Warhammer III: Ikit Claw, warlock engineer, in front of his skaven army. Promo image for prophet and warlock dlc
  • Powerful Bound Spells
  • Incredible starting spell options
  • Options to decrease cooldown on spells massively

Beginning any campaign with some incredibly powerful spells - Warp Lightning and Howling Warpgale - Ikit Claw is a spellcaster with a big potential for even bigger devastation. One of the first skills he can unlock is Power Overload, which lowers the cooldown on all spells by 10%. His spellcasting passive, Musk of Fear, is incredibly powerful against low leadership armies: it lowers the leadership and melee attack of nearby units, which can force units to break and flee from Ikit's forces.

His unique quest items give him spell defense and a magic-missile bound spell, Storm Daemon, that is entirely armor-piercing damage for taking out any heavier attackers. The end of his magic skill tree gives him the Unlimited Power! ability that lets him recharge his Winds of Magic power rapidly and enables him to cast his lightning spells again. His spells blast through massive units, complementing his special artillery and war machine unit options perfectly.

4 Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet

Savage Orc Shaman

Total War Warhammer III: Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet in battle atop his warboar mount
  • Power of Waaagh! passive buffs Magic Regen
  • Bonewood Staff Ability buffs ally attacks when casting
  • Foot Of Gork can be made cheap and cast often

The most powerful Greenskin caster, Wurrzag Da Great Green Prophet is well known in Warhammer Lore for elevating his tribe to power with his magical prowess. Wurrzag gets a spellcasting passive like any magical lord and his Power of Waaagh! buffs his Winds of Magic recharge to let him cast more spells in every battle and utilize his arcane power much more often. Wurrzag's unique item, the Bonewood Staff, means that when casting spells his allies will have their melee attack and charge bonus buffed.

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The Total War series are notoriously complex 4X strategy games, with each having achievements that will push even experienced players to their limits.

One of the most awesome spells in the game with the best visual flair, Foot Of Gork, gets cheaper to cast and a much-improved cooldown with his unique skill, Titanic Beat. While lots of casters get the Earthing and Arcane Conduit skills, for Wurrzag they make his already improved Winds of Magic regen even better and lower the chance of him miscasting despite him casting a heap of spells to quash any opposition.

3 Lord Kroak

First Slann Mage-Priest

Total War Warhammer III: Lord Kroak floating in the stars in his meditation
  • The Deliverance Of Itza is a massive explosion spell that doesn't hit friendly troops
  • Huge Winds Of Magic Reserve Capability
  • Abilities give extra ward saves and constant defense buffs to models in his army

The only caster on this list who is not a Legendary Lord, Lord Kroak is a Legendary Hero who can be recruited in a quest by any Lizardman faction but is available at the start for Itza. Kroak only has access to three tiers of the same spell, which gives him an unfortunately low number of options. However, the spell that he has - the Deliverance of Itza - is essentially a nuclear explosion on the battlefield that does not damage Kroak's allies. Each tier increases the damage as well as the cost, and Kroak's special skills give the whole army he is embedded into a ward save to potentially avoid any damage.

His barrier before his health can be made huge and impenetrable and his skills will each give him more traits that can make huge differences to how the Lizardmen alongside him will play. A player with a fully upgraded Kroak can have him causing terror, regenerating health, and with a massive 30 Winds of Power reserve to start with. Kroak can be situational, but against a blob of enemies, nothing can compare to his spells.

2 Astragoth Ironhand

High Priest Of Hashut

Total War: Warhammer 3 Astragoth Ironhand on the Battlefield
  • Flame Spells pair with his Debuff to Flame Resist
  • Hell Hammer can be made cheap enough to spam
  • Quick Winds Of Magic recharge and high reserve capacity

The face of the Chaos Dwarf DLC pack in Warhammer 3, Astragoth Ironhand is a wizard with very particular skills. His passive casting ability makes any enemies on the battlefield weaker to fire damage so that he can finish them off with other spells, but a second early passive also damages enemies slightly every time he casts a spell. Spells like Flaming Sword Of Ruin imbue entire units with magical fire damage so that they can follow up on the flame weakness Ironhand opened up.

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One of the best spells in his arsenal, Hell Hammer, can be cast for 6 Winds of Magic with one of Astragoth's skills - Dark Sacrifice - which enables the Dwarf Lord to fire a long-range vortex that will then explode for effective damage in a huge radius. Greater Arcane Conduit and Basalt Body are both skills that increase his power reserves, and Astragoth can also utilize the Piercing Intellect ability to cut off his enemies from their full Winds of Magic potential and to make Burning Wrath into a bound spell that can then be used frequently to throw out flaming attacks to whoever dares get close.

1 Kairos Fateweaver

Keeper Of The Destiny Scrolls

total war warhammer 3 kairos fateweaver raining spells on an enemy alongside his army
  • Every Casting Passive Makes Casting A Spell Hugely Impactful
  • Able to dip into every Lore Of Magic
  • Cooldowns can be negated massively with abilities

The undeniable champion of Total War: Warhammer 3 spellcasters is the Tzeentch lord, Kairos Fateweaver. Infernal Gateway, an unmoving and brutal vortex spell, can be gained by any Tzeentch caster as an early technology. Kairos, however, can gain every single casting passive ability on his skill tree, gaining the skills for every single lore of magic. This can quickly make the act of Kairos triggering a single spell into a huge push against enemies as they lose armor and attack skill and all allies are buffed massively.

Through his campaign, Kairos Fateweaver can also acquire the knowledge to cast spells from every one of these lores of magic, which means that he can have a huge library of tools to use in any situation. Bewitching Potency means that Kairos can cast empowered spells if other casters are in the army. His unique items and access to a range of skills can cut down the cooldown of any Tzeentch spell by 130 seconds after the cooldowns already began 15% shorter. Kairos is a terrifying force on the battlefield.

Total War Warhammer 3
Total War: Warhammer 3

Creative Assembly
Strategy , Tactical
February 17, 2022