Not only will Total War: Pharaoh bring the series to a brand-new period, but it will also introduce a slew of exciting features that should significantly impact the flow of combat. Specifically, Creative Assembly will be introducing the concept of dynamic weather. This new Total War: Pharoah mechanic will force players to pay attention to a constantly changing landscape while they attempt to defeat their enemies. It could be one of the most exciting additions to the formula, and Total War veterans may not be ready for what it entails.

Dynamic weather will give Total War: Pharaoh's battles a whole new level of difficulty. While the combat will share many similarities with classic Total War titles, this addition will force even veteran players to create brand-new strategies. After experiencing this addition first-hand, Game ZXC was able to speak with Total War: Pharaoh's battle designer Hristo Enev about just how much this new mechanic will shake up that core Total War experience.

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The hands-on preview that Game ZXC was able to check out showed off two forms of Total War: Pharaoh's new dynamic weather system. One battle highlighted thick sandstorms while another featured a devastating thunderstorm. Both storms forced us to rethink our strategy, maneuver units to take advantage of the situation, and hope to avoid any major losses. It can make battles unpredictable, not always to the benefit of the player.

Total War Pharaoh

It remains to be seen how players receive the random nature of its dynamic weather, but the goal of the mechanic was simple. Creative Assembly wants to ensure that Total War: Pharaoh is still as fun as ever, while introducing new features. When asked about that possibility, Enev said,

"So I can't say a certain percentage of battles or how often it happens. Like in previous Total War campaigns, if you're the attacking force, you can wait for a more favorable weather if you want to. As you said, that sandstorm or the dynamic weather can ruin your strategy, but it can also create a strategy for you. For example, there are certain units that are good at fighting in a sandstorm and good at fighting in sand. So, if you are fielding a lot of those units, you might want to wait for a sandstorm to hit or might want to start the battle in a sandstorm."

While the dynamic weather can significantly change the flow of combat, it can also help the player win the day. According to Enev, Total War: Pharaoh players will be able to take advantage of any sort of weather change depending upon the units that they bring into battle. They will know of any possible change beforehand and can plan their unit composition around that. If players use this information wisely, then they could have a significant advantage in combat. Enev went on to say,

"So, you might have the strategy "Okay I'll just wait for the enemy to come to me, and I'll shoot him with arrows," but the weather change is something you know beforehand. You might want to advance before the enemy does and use your firepower to your advantage before the weather changes. At the same time, maybe the enemy has a lot of archers. You might want to wait for the enemy to come to you, or to wait for the more favorable weather, because it will penalize his archers. Then, you have better odds of winning the battle."

It sounds like the changes in weather will keep even the most veteran players on their toes. Their tried-and-true strategies may not work anymore as storms loom on the horizon, and they can either face it head-on or wait until more favorable weather arrives. If it does not detract from the fun factor for players, then it could help make Total War: Pharaoh one of the most innovative entries in the Total War franchise.

Total War: Pharaoh will be out for PC in October 2023.

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