
  • Total War: Pharaoh is bringing the franchise back to its historical roots and exploring a new setting, promising a fantastic treat for fans.
  • Playing as Suppiluliuma in Total War: Pharaoh offers a true challenge, requiring diplomatic plays, constant war, and careful resource management.
  • Suppiluliuma's unique faction units and buildings provide defensive advantages and strategic opportunities to hold territories and withstand enemies.

Creative Assembly seems to be promising a lot with Total War: Pharaoh, and fans are excited to see what it can deliver. Not only is the game bringing the franchise back to its historical roots, but it will also be exploring a brand-new setting for the franchise. On top of that, the studio is introducing numerous game-changing features including weather effects that will surely shake the experience up a bit. While players still have a bit longer to wait, the game looks like it should be a fantastic treat for fans.

Game ZXC was recently able to check out an exclusive preview of Total War: Pharaoh in which we got to play as one of the game's unique factions. Unlike the last preview where we got to check out the game's mascot Ramesses, this preview put us in the shoes of Suppiluliuma. This meant new challenges to conquer and a whole new way to approach the game. While we were able to make it through, he may not be for the faint of heart, and only players looking for a true challenge may want to take him for a spin.

RELATED: Total War: Pharaoh Suppiluliuma Faction Gameplay Preview [EXCLUSIVE]

Who is Suppiluliuma?

Total War: Pharaoh Supiluliuma Upgrades

Suppiluliuma is one of the Hittite factions represented in Total War: Pharaoh. In history, he was the son of Tudhaliya IV. He was known as the last king of the Hittite Empire and would be there when everything fell apart. Not much is known about his reign as there are only a few inscriptions that mention him. However, he was allegedly there during the Bronze Age Collapse and tried to hold things together. As forces began encroaching on all sides, the Hittite Empire was in a state of peril, and he would make the decision to abandon the capital city of Hattusa. This would mark the end of the empire, the end of his reign, and he would vanish without a trace. Some say he died in the city, but no one quite knows what happened to him.

In Total War: Pharaoh, he serves as the Great King of the Hittites. As the Bronze Age collapses, enemies begin to encroach on all sides, and it is up to the player to stop them. While he may lack powerful ranged units, he makes up for it with a strong defensive line that can tear through its enemies. Players who take on the challenge will have to be ready for a tough game of diplomatic plays, constant war, and maybe even a food shortage or two along the way.

Suppiluliuma's Powers

Total War: Pharaoh Supiluliuma Loading

The first thing that will likely stand out to players when they start Total War: Pharaoh's campaign as Suppiluliuma is that he is the Great King. This is the highest position in the Hittite Royal Court, and as such, the only way to go is down. Unlike other factions which are vying for the crown, Suppiluliuma players will have to try everything they can to hold the crown. Luckily, they are able to gain more regard with their Royal Court intrigues, which should help them manipulate the other court members to their liking. Along with that, when new characters take court positions, players will be able to make one free request of them.

The other unique thing players will want to pay attention to in Total War: Pharaoh is Suppiluliuma's special ability. Each faction has their own special command which grants them various bonuses. Suppiluliuma's command greatly improves the replenishment rate of armies when activated, which should help immensely during any sort of war. Players who are actively invading someone else will want to make sure they use the encamp stance on their armies so that they can benefit from this bonus. If the ability is not activated before Shemsu Nor, then it will increase the workforce in every single province until the next Shemsu Nor. This means that even in times of peace the ability has its uses, so hopefully players use it well.

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Suppilulima's Faction Units

Total War: Pharaoh Battle

Since Suppiluliuma is located where he is, Total War: Pharaoh players will have to deal with enemies on all sides. Luckily, his faction units are great at defending due to their heavy armor. Many of them also have the Storm Warrior trait which means they excel at fighting in rain, storms, and thunderstorms. However, he also lacks useful ranged units, and his soldiers can often be slow in battles. Thus, players will want to make sure they can get up close with their enemy while being careful not to bite off more than they can chew. And if they cannot do it with these soldiers, then they also have countless native units to recruit as they take over new regions.

  • Hittite Tribesmen - This is one of Suppilulima's most basic soldiers, and also one of his cheapest. They utilize a two-handed spear to get close to their enemy to take them out. They are strong against chariots, they can withstand prolonged combat, have the Storm Warrior trait, and are also highly expendable.
  • Hattusan Swordsmen - This unit is a bit weaker than the last, but they have a lot more defense due to their heavy armor. This makes them great for close-ranged combat, plus the Storm Warrior trait helps when the weather gets rough.
  • Hittite Slingers - This is a very light unit that excels at fighting from a distance. They cannot charge well, but they are good in a skirmish and also have the Storm Warrior trait. They are also a lighter unit, which means they lose stamina slower.
  • Hattusan Archers - They are another light ranged unit with less armor than the first, but they do a bit more damage. They are also good in a skirmish, have the Storm Warrior trait, and are resistant to flanking. This should make them a useful tool on the battlefield.
  • Hittite Spearmen- This is a heavy spear unit that is very strong against chariots. They also have the Storm Warrior trait and are resistant to flanking. They are great at holding back the enemy, so players will want to use them accordingly.
  • Hittite Axemen - This is another melee unit, but these are more concerned with fighting than holding off chariots. They are armored and shielded, which should keep them standing for a while. They also have the Storm Warrior trait and are great at taking out other shielded units.
  • Hittite Chariots - This is a heavy chariot unit that cruises across the battlefield. It is good against missiles and can disrupt units, but players will want to be careful since they have poor defense. They also cannot capture points in siege battles.
  • Veteran Hattusan Swordsmen - This is a stronger variation of the Hattusan Swordsmen that players will be able to use later in the game. They are armored and shielded, have good morale, and also have the Storm Warrior trait. This makes them a great unit for close-ranged combat, as long as players survive long enough in their campaign to get them.
  • Armored Hattusan Archers - This unit is a stronger version of the Hattusan Archers. They are not resistant to flanking, but they are still a Storm Warrior and a strong ranged unit. However, they also have poor defensive skills, so players will want to be careful with them.
  • Veteran Hittite Spearmen - This is another variation of an earlier unit, and may be vital for players to achieve their goals. They are a powerful spear unit that can take out chariots, is resistant to flanking, and also has the Storm Warrior trait. Plus, they pack a bit of a punch.
  • Veteran Hattusan Axemen - This is one of the last upgraded units, and they excel at close-ranged combat. They can chew through shields, cannot be flanked, and are also a Storm Warrior. The damage they deal can devastate the enemy, so players will want to train a lot of these.
  • Reinforced Hittite Chariots - The final unit comes in the form of an upgraded chariot. While they cannot capture points, they are great at rolling through enemy lines, especially if they are missile units. Their armor and shields also help them survive on the battlefield, which is a welcome change of pace from the other chariot unit.

Suppilulima's Faction Buildings

Total War Pharaoh Hatussa

As far as settlement building goes, Suppiluliuma is great for those that want to defend their cities and build up their happiness fast. This faction's unique buildings help to increase the strength of garrisons while also making the citizens a bit happier. This should prove very useful as players expand into the rest of the world incorporating new citizens while making new enemies. The best part about these buildings is that the majority of them are relatively cheap, which is great as resources can often be limited.

  • Army Supply Centre - This building will give armies within its province +10 morale, -20% upkeep, and +8 melee defense. It will only set the player back 500 stone, 90 wood, and 3 workforce.
  • Royal Garrison Palace- This grants the province it was built in +3 happiness and +3 influence. Additionally, it gives cities in the region +4 to their siege holdout time and armies in the region +15% ammunition and +10 morale. To build it, players will have to spend 50 gold, 750 stone, 100 wood, and 4 workforce.
  • Safe Haven - This will give the province it is built in +2 happiness and +6 workforce growth. Along with that, it will also give the entire region +45 food income. It will cost the player 450 stone, 85 wood, and 3 workforce.
  • Garrison Quarters - The final unique building will give the province it is built in +2 happiness and +1 influence. It will also give cities in the entire region +3 to their siege holdout time. And all it costs players is 600 stone, 85 wood, and 3 workforce.

Other Things Suppilulima Players Will Want to Note

Total War: Pharaoh Supiluliuma Info

While that seems to cover the most important parts, there are a couple of other features that Suppilulima players will want to be aware of. For starters, the faction starts off by worshiping the deity, Arinna. Shrines dedicated to Arinna grant a discount on recruitment costs, more happiness, and more food to whatever province they are built in. Additionally, praying to the god will increase income from raiding, looting, and sacking cities. Finally, a devoted general will not only get stronger, but also be a bit cheaper to maintain. Each of these abilities will also get stronger as players earn more favor, and just like with actual Egyptian history, there are countless more gods players can discover and worship throughout the game.

Another thing players will want to take note of is the two legacies that they will unlock during the campaign. These legacies are extremely different, cannot be changed, and dictate what the player should focus on. They can select between Muwatalli the Benevolent or Tudhaliya the Overseer. Muwatalii is all about making vassals and earning their gratitude while Tudhaliya has players grant their generals princehood, so they can gain new powers. Both have their uses, so it is really up to the player how they want to approach the game.

Suppiluliuma is only one of many factions that Total War: Pharaoh has in store for players. While he may be one of the hardest to play, he is not impossible, and Total War veterans should be prepared for whatever Egypt throws at them. If they use his buildings right and ensure they have strong defenses, then nothing will stand in their way. At least until the Sea People arrive to burn it all to the ground.

Total War: Pharaoh will be out for PC in October 2023.

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